Blood Elf Death Knights - Red Eyes?

No she doesnt. Show me a Dk with a different eye color that you know absolutely without a doubt is in fact a Death Knight.

WC3 are not 3rd and 4th generation death knights, 1st generation death knights werent even made by the Lich King. So no we havent seen 3rd and 4th generation Death Knights with different colored eyes or you would have a huge laundry list of them and precedence that DK eye colors can be different colors which seems to only be limited to red or blue at this point.

Yes, im quoting you, and all you want to do is throw insults like a child because you have absolutely nothing to support your argument.

To explain the importance of what? Nothing in this paragraph gives me any context of what you are asking. 2nd generation and 3rd and 4th generation dk’s are different.

There are also many undead things, but raised in different ways and having different eye colors. Dark Rangers have red eyes right? Are there any dark rangers that have other eye colors? Looks like it depends on how something is made in what eye color they have or do you have anything of the contrary?

Slight changes in a process an lead to different outcomes, thanks for agreeing with me.

No you didnt

No you havent.


Like you saying this?

Yes, because people like you think everyone else is just flat out morons and that you actually have some sort of argument when you dont have one. Bringing things up that have already been discussed and shown to be game limitations or things called Disciples and not Death Knights, or Death Knight Trainers. Hell someone said Amal’thuzad was a DK or was one when he was a Frost Mage that was turned into a Lich.

No, I just actually read and observe what is going on.

How do you know its exclusively a DK sword? Do you have lore saying that its exclusively a DK sword?

Are you sure its not people like you insulting me that makes me “snippy” for people to dislike me? Do you also think I give a damn of what people think of me on here? Giving me a teste of my own medicine? What would that be exactly? Because im not seeing it and if you think you are going to accomplish anything that others have tried and failed to do, you should quit now.

Most likely a banshee based on banshee lore, dont lie about what I have said. Should I quote what I said since you have such a hard time reading?

Quit lying. This is why I am like I am, because of disingenuous people like you. Liars that know they are lying.

Prove it. Where are all these Death Knights that can sometimes have different eye colors?

Are these abilities exclusive to Death Knights? Necromancers cant raise the dead and spread disease? Unholy practitioners cant do this? They got these abilities from these other classes. The developers looked though the abilities that existed and used them along with adding some others. They said this in the Building Azeroth: Death Knight video.

Already have.

Already said that as well but you didnt like it so you arent accepting it. Not my problem, and its not Blizzards problem either. Its your problem for not following the evidence.

Congrats, so if you dont have anything then this conversation is over because im not going to listen to some nobody asking stuff from me that isnt willing to present the very thing they are asking of others. Im done with this double standard bs.

Like the people pointing to Lady Alistra that you have absolutely no lore supporting your “she is a death knight” claim. Thassarian which absolutely has blue eyes in official art, Whitemane that has blue eyes (both Thassarian and Whitemane have a certain skin that doesnt allow eye glow, and if it does then why isnt it there in game but in other areas like in game cinematics and the official comic/manga or whatever it is that he is on the over of which he has blue eyes on) pointing to Lord Thorval which also has this face skin and in his Hearthstone card also has blue eyes. Trying to point to people called “disciples of unholy” /frost/blood which dont say “death knight”.

There are also not conspiracy theories. These death knights DO have blue eyes. Just not in game, so if they have blue eyes EVERYWHERE ELSE but in game then its a game limitation because this is an old game engine with limitations. Who would have thought that game engines have limitations especially ones that is basically the one that they made WC3 on.

So does my stalker have anything of importance to provide to show DK’s with different eye colors that are absolutely without a doubt 1000% a bonified Death Knight of the 3rd/4th generation. Otherwise I dont want to hear it. Not because im scared of it, its because its just nonsense that im tired of addressing for the 1000th time.

well said, og dks came out in w2 with the shadow council and terrongorefiend, seems odd that we r limited to only being arthas dks wen more than one type exists in the lore, plus it could make a cool warlock greenfire type quest to unlock red or green eyes

Its not odd at all considering Gul’dan was dead so it makes perfect sense that we are limited to only being LK Death Knights. Gul’dan created those Death Knights for the horde, and they were all basically wiped out or turned into Liches.

She Literally does
 She wears death knight armor. The only difference from the norm is the red eyes, which you have yet to explain why there can only be red eyes on banshees and no other form of undead.

You’re either trying to troll here or you’re purposefully being obtuse because you don’t want to be wrong on something. Either way I’m not your psychologist so I’m just going to omit anything you say on this topic as an emotionally charged fabrication at this point.

On the fact of 1st generation death knights, How is not being made by the lich king a relevant factor outside the fact he also has blue eyes? What is the relevant factor of a generation 2 death knights having different eyes generally outside the typical blue? They’re even made by the lich king.

Well if it isn’t the Pot calling the kettle black! Who would guess shaming people and insulting people and generally just being difficult and incompetent on lore makes people dislike you!

What are you even talking about at this point, are you okay?

Explain the specific differences in how they’re raised and how that would equate to a different eye color.

Death knights aren’t dark rangers and have had different eye colors outside of blue.

No, not necessarily? You need to prove the specific lore reason instead of just taking a grey area in the lore and making your own head canon reason for what it is the way it is.

I did.

What a thrilling and intellectually stimulating conversation.

Use your eyes.

Because you’re being rude and insulting and dismissive of people who want red eyes for their death knight?

Seems like you’re projecting. You haven’t shown any citations for these supposed in game limitations affecting eye color, so I’ll omit these points as attempts to troll because you’re not making any sense what so ever. I can’t believe you’re actually being serious.

It’s literally the the same model the great-sword of the ebon blade uses. A death knight runesword.

Well no, you aren’t going to see anything, given you have blue lich fire eyes, you’re probably color blind.

This is peak angry terminally online player attitude.

Yeah except she’s obviously a death knight and has death knight armor and equipment and spells and trains death knights and is in the death knight necropolis and is said to be a death knight. But no, red eyes means she HAS To be a banshee.

The amount of mental gymnastics you’re going through makes people here think you’re a troll or worse, actually serious.

Let me get you your edgy tragic backstory OST playing in the background before you power up, king.

“YOU PEOPLE HAVE UNLEASHED THE BEAST IN ME, MADE ME WHAT I AMMM, AHHHH.” - Kelliste, tragic hero and forum goer.

Have already shown them, as did others. Stop being obtuse/trolling. It’s disrespectful to everyone here.

Hey, did you know that most dark rangers/banshees don’t use runeblades or raise the dead? Golly, that’s an interesting fact we left out now did we!

Nope! You didn’t. Ciation please.

Where is your evidence oh mighty Kelliste, protector of the sanctity and purity of death knight eye color?

This is the most ironic thing I’ve read in this forum post yet. Do you even remember what I pointed out? Oh right you didn’t so it doesn’t exist now because you can’t be bothered to read the prior posts.

Citation on this in game limitation? Also why do a lot of them look like they’re already undead like the trolls with the green eyes and undead skin, if they didn’t want them to be undead already then they would’ve used a different skin.

Plenty of artwork shows death knights having different color’d eyes, like the one mentioned on the blood DK talent tree that you like to omitt because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

OH I’m your ‘stalker’ now? Am I the one who posting the same argument against red eyes like a weirdo on different alts pretending I’m a different person when it’s obviously the same person, or the one responding to this thread constantly with obtuse, incompetent lore knowledge and a bad attitude?

I’m the stalker? Really. Because all I want is more DK customization and you’re here adamant on it never changing. Also, 3rd and 4th generations DK’s don’t have any significant enough differences that would warrant an eye color change. There is no reason lore wise currently that would warrant it affecting eye color unless a specific reason came up. And blizzard probably won’t do that because it’s such a minor thing.


So do the skeletal archers, I guess they are death knights as well because they wear death knight armor.

What has red eyes within the undead? Banshees and dark rangers
 what else? Cant say Lady Alistra because you have absolutely no clue her backstory, or anything that she has done worth anything. Like I said before Banshees are well versed in necromancy so it wouldnt be out of left field that she wouldnt teach people unholy magics. Just like it wouldnt be out of the norm for Liches to teach frost
 oh wait thats exactly what happens.

Nope, neither. You have absolutely NOTHING saying that death knights can have anything but blue eyes. You are reaching and using something as vague as “but the death knight armor though” which isnt evidence or proof.

Because even without the SL lore, they were made in different ways and arent the same. They just shared a name and thats really it.

They werent risen. They sought out the Lich King and he gave them power. He didnt have to force them to be under his will.

Use something that I actually care about. I dont care if people like me, I care about facts and truth. You guys have none and are seriously reaching.

You asked the question. If you dont know what that is in reference to then it shows how much reaching you are doing that you dont even know your own arguments and are just trying to get a “gotcha” pulled over on someone and just throwing darts blindly hoping you hit the target.

Play the game and read the story. If you cant figure things out without things being explicitly stated then that explains why the show writers for The Rings of Power have to explain EVERYTHING. “Look its a hole” yeah
 we can see that.

Not 3rd and 4th generation death knights. Thats what we are talking about here. I like how you skipped the question right before that though.

That would be a no.

 Ill look later for the quote where you said you were basically going to stalk me and here you are doing exactly that. How pathetic.

Tada. Found it where you said If I make another post, you will respond to each error.

So yes, a stalker.

This is all gold! Keep the replies coming, more replies more visibility.

Guys guys! I’ve got it! What if right
 going to and from the shadowlands upset the very magic used in creation of Deathknights. Being a mawwalker wasn’t supposed to happen etc etc and now we can have different eyes. That’s just a spitball too. Blizz can think of something proper :rofl:


If it upset the very magic used in the creation of death knights we wouldnt be death knights anymore since the magic was disrupted.

Being a Maw Walker isnt anything special either. And if that disrupts magic shouldnt it disrupt every single magic there is and shouldnt it have already happened if that was the case?

I dont think a bunch of people posting memes and going into MS paint to troll people is the type of visibility that you want.

To be honest the whole thread devolving into people posting memes and arguing / derailing the point of the thread with toxicity is why I politely asked you to stop. And why instead of arguing with you, I just quietly flagged your posts as trolling for a week. I was hoping to prevent the thread from turning into this. But, the system blizzard has in place didn’t prevent this toxicity.

Which is also why I asked people to stop arguing with you as well. But, they didn’t listen to me either. Which makes me sad. But I have no authority to prevent that and the systems provided to me by blizzard haven’t stopped it either.

I can only hope that those developers who see this thread. Can look past the bickering, the memes and the childishness and see the people who do want this thing. For Blood Elves and Void Elves too.

Either way, I think the arguing is moot at this point. Someone has to have seen the thread by now. So either the change will come in a patch or two, or it wont. Only the future will show if blizzard thought my original request was reasonable.


Wait wait wait
 you are pointing the finger at me because of other peoples crappy actions? Uhhhh

And flagging me for trolling, for talking about Dk eye color in a thread about DK eye color? This is why people say these forums are trash. All that reporting you did was false reporting just because you dont like what was being said.

Thats the problem of these forums, people like you that would rather report someone you dont agree with than to report the people that are actually trolling. Its clear you dont know what trolling is and thats why these forums are an absolute dumpster fire.

Darkfallen DK does not mean red eye elf DK. It just means elf death knight. You dont even know if Lady Alistra, the person you pointed to as an example, is in fact a death knight. While other people are saying she absolutely is, I am the only one that reserved any room for any type of update and said “most likely”.

And im sure people have seen this thread and ignored it based on how people have been acting on the pro-red eye front. Even you have stooped so low to report me instead of the people devolving the thread. In fact

means you knew other people were going to troll based on who posts on these forums. So REPORT THE PEOPLE DOING THE ACTUAL TROLLING. Not someone you disagree with. Then maybe these forums would get cleaned up.

Says who? Your logic is bad and you don’t write the story so silence, please and thank you. It was an idea, not be all and end all. Also thought up in 5 seconds, not a bloody blue post. The idea is coming and going from the maw mixed things up a bit. You don’t get to say yay or nay on that. Blizz can tell me to get stuffed sure. The whole point is this is new to dks, coming and going to SL is not something anyones character has endured before in the lore so it entirely possible. Not only DKs but all the classes. Do you get to decide all class lore after SL? Maybe things did happen. Things none of us have control over. Possibilities.


Neither do you. And your suggestion is horrid. If you dont like the criticism of a bad idea then dont put forward any ideas.

Sure I do, I just did.

To the point of them not being DK’s anymore?

Players no, but the Nathrezim sure did. Nothing happened to them, case closed. Going to the maw, the shadowlands, or any other elemental plane does nothing to us as players as a whole.

Oh, and Dk’s do it all the time according to the new lore. Wraith Walk is one of those abilities.

Im just going to entertain the question. Yes. If its bad then there is an issue and it shouldnt be in the lore. Bad constitutes that it isnt consistent with existing lore.

The ‘final’ say, duh. Criticise away, your bias in this scenario kinda obvious though.

How? once again CITATIONS PLEASE. Where in the lore does it say if the deathknights can change eye colour they are no longer deathknights? Honestly i’m very curious, where does it say this?

Just about the most awful argument you have ever come out with on these forums and that’s a very low bar. Try again. Bump bump!


Yes, my bias is very apparent and its again illogical reasons to change the lore to get what you want. So argue away against the lore that you hate so much.

How would death knights not be death knights though your “new lore” by disrupting the magic, the very magic used to create us? You know that thing called domination magic? There is plenty of evidence to support that its domination magic by the way from the matching runes to domination magic to us literally dominating undead forcing them to do what we want unlike a Warlock that makes a pact with demons. We were supposed to follow the LK’s will and command the undead armies which would then follow our will like a chain. You disrupt that then you no longer have the Death Knights we have now. So you clearly dont want to be a death knight if thats the case.

You brought up that people havent came and gone from the shadowlands to know the consequences of doing it. The Nathrezim have. They were created there according to the new lore to where they arent demons anymore so they return to the shadowlands when they die in reality and can return to reality because they have already done it in the first place. Not a single thing happened to them with this new lore. Not to mention that nothing has happened to us or anyone else because thats something that should have been explained right away.

You guys set the bar very low that it doesnt take much to overcome them. Im starting to see why Amazon thinks they have to explain every little thing to the viewers.

death knight eye customization should go to all death knights.

Made a topic of this on GD btw :stuck_out_tongue:


Blizzard gives some NPC’s certain characteristics that seem unusual to make them unique and give them flavor (see Sir Zeliek). Players tend to just see that as evidence for possible customisation.

If Death Knights can change the color of their eyes which is a part of their class identity, then it doesn’t mean anything special anymore. At that point give any race/class combo the ability to have the smokey Death Knight eyes, I’m sure it’ll look great on my Demon Hunter. On that note my Gnome Hunter would look cool with Blood Elf fel green eyes as well.

Nah just make it class wide give us 3 eye colors. Red, green, blue

Unholy has been represented as green. personally I think all dks should get a choice of a few eye colors. Green, Blue, Red shouldn’t matter the spec.

Dont forget her “I guarantee 2h frost is not on anyone’s desk to look at” That was in the massive 2h return thread.

Actually yes we do if we want them to stop being as they are and yea I find it funny watching her get put in her place.

Then you guys do not know how to interact with others because you guys are the reason I act like this on here always pushing my buttons.

And no, 2h wasnt on their desk, they just gave you what you wanted to shut you up,

not to mention this post has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand but I bet you people are going to blame me for you not being on topic.

Ok thanks for clearing that up.
Nathrezim = players.

Because thats what i said
 Quit being disingenuous.