Blood Elf Death Knights - Red Eyes?

literally this my dude, when i saw this i GEEKED #RedEyedDks

ive already mentioned ways to do it where its optional. making it a forced spec thing i dont agree with and havent said that it should be tied to spec but an npc like gargoyle

im with u on this brother forcing it on ppl is how we got in this boat in the first place, i think people here want options, choices, where currently no choices exist

Thats not what I asked you, you said

and I asked

I have also said helms, toys and glyphs about 10 times at least if not more in this thread which doesnt step on the lore aspect, and gives people customization options.

You guys are so stuck on changing eye color based on DK lore yet dont have a single reason that actually makes sense and you guys are just coming up with something that you would be OK with and not trying to include as many people as possible.

What does that even mean? Tied to an NPC like gargoyleā€¦ that makes absolutely 0 sense.

You literally have no lore reason to say that it isnā€™t possible. Weā€™ve debunked it like 5 times and youā€™re making paragraphs upon paragraphs with an invalid point, making a non argument.


Well, I want to say. Iā€™m quite happy this thread has evoked as much passion as it has. There has been a big debate going on. Iā€™m happy that as it stands, thereā€™s only one/two people whoā€™s been the vocal minority about opposing it. Everyone else seems happy to let some reason be found that makes sense.

I would like to encourage everyone to remain cordial and focused on the task at hand. Even if we disagree with one another. We all still exist in this game that we love. It was because I love this game, that I work as hard as I do trying to get this message out to those who would hear it. :smiley:

For everyone whoā€™s been following along. And who has supported this adventure. Thank you very much for your time and consideration, one way or the other.


Opposing what? Like I have said in here multiple times, helms, glyphs and toys is the route to go. You just want Blood Elves to have it, which it seems the many people in this thread dont support your views, they just go against mine.

Sorry, im not inclined to interact with someone that said that the are basically going to harass me in this thread every time I post, but you dont have a lore reason to say its possible. Thats the more important thing because until then, and having a good reason for it, your posts do absolutely nothing but harass another player.

always, ill never rest until me and my fellow dks r finally free of the baby blues, suffer well comrades


Then you dont be a DK anymore. If you dont want to be a DK anymore thats fine.

The first few minutes of creating a DK the Lich King says ā€œAll that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight.ā€ You are created in the Lich Kings image, he doesnt have red green or purple glowing eyes, but blue.

There are also failures there who are Unworthy Initiates that get fed to ghouls and for you to sate your eternal hunger or endless hunger. There are also people that sought the promise of immortality and pledged their souls freely to the Lich Kings service to achieve it, which could be the disciples who are going through training from the trainers like Lady Alistra.

This isnt an injustice. Its the story. If we should have other eye colors then where are all these death knights that are known death knights of the 3rd and 4th generations that have all these different colors?

my only problem is if they restroct it to elves only. i see no real reason why we couldnt go to one of the class trainers, blood, frost and unholy and get an option to change eyecolor


Ooooh! Iā€™d definitely take this as well :astonished:

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Sorry, Iā€™m not going to let you say blatant falsehoods about wowā€™s lore and shame people for wanting more customization. You keep spreading misinformation. I keep correcting you.

But yeah letā€™s go on about how the death knight in Acherus isnā€™t a death knight even though she uses death knight equipment abilities and armor all because she has red eyes! And even if she wasnā€™t it wouldnā€™t matter because death knights -donā€™t have to have blue eyes- They didnā€™t have blue eyes in Warcraft 3, they didnā€™t have them in specific areas of wrath, and the death knight player base SHOULD be able to have more customization on this.

/end rant

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That does not make one a DK. DK skills came from elsewhere when they were making them so what you are saying is exclusive DK skills, or going down that route, is a falsehood. They got Death and Decay from a Lich, other things use ā€œDKā€ gear that arent death knights and some even use ā€œDKā€ abilities even though none of this stuff is exclusive to death knights. What is exclusive and unique to Death knights is this scourgelight blue glow.

You havent corrected me once.

Warcraft 3 death knights were 2nd generation death knights made up of mainly paladins who were basically drove away from civilization and they became jaded and sought out the Lich King for power. They didnt lose their humanity but their souls still belonged to the Lich King. He just granted them power, he didnt raise them from the dead to be what he was. ā€œAll that I am, I bestow upon youā€. Thats the first words the LK speaks to you. Then you have the unworthy initiates, not death knights, using DK abilities, that were failures that the scourge feeds to ghouls alive and lets new successful DKā€™s sate their eternal hunger with by inflicting pain on something. The people around the DK trainers arent called Unholy Death Knight, Frost Death Knight or Blood Death Knight either, but called disciples and there are people that joined the scourge for promise of immortality (no eye glow).

There are skeletons that wear the DK armor because there was this giant pit in Northrend where the scourge mined Yoggs blood to make the armor that the scourge uses.

You have been making these arguments that have been debunked years ago.

You want customization, then ask for glyphs, helms, toys, dont change the lore any further. I suggested then about 340 posts ago but you guys ignore that for the sake of argument like im just totally against any and all ā€œcustomizationā€ when im just against changing the lore for that customization. Limited reading doesnt help your case.

If it looks like a death knight, wears death knight armor, (not banshee clothing.) uses death knight weapons, itā€™s probably a death knight, not a dark ranger.

The 2nd generation death knights turned undead over time, they just werenā€™t raised from undeath. What difference does this even make in the context of eye color? Literally nothing because there is no lore explaining or stating that the difference in how one becomes undead changeā€™s oneā€™s eye color.

The unholy death knight trainer isnā€™t anywhere near a skeleton. Sheā€™s shown using a runeblade even to kill the druid scout in Acherus, implying sheā€™s adept with using such weapons. Everything is pointing to her being a death knight and youā€™re so mad at the fact that people want different customization because I guess change is scary to you. The image of a death knight is a dark brooding figure to you with blue eyes, and I think if they can change their eye color this makes you uncomfortable.

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She doesnt look like one so therefore she doesnt meet your arbitrary criteria. I also didnt say she was a dark ranger so I dont know where you got that from.

You brought them up for one and

So if this didnt happen whats the point of bringing them up saying ā€œWarcraft 3 dkā€™s eyes didnt glowā€ you are making the argument for me that they arent 3rd / 4th generation Death Knights so shouldnt be looked just like we shouldnt look at 1st generation death knights.

If you cant do any investigation I can see how you can make that argument, but its called observation and putting 2 and 2 together that you refuse to do and want to have this argument of ā€œif blizzard doesnt say itā€. Well they said we are modeled after Arthas as the Lich King and everything points to that being the reasoning so you have to look at him and why his eyes are blue. So thats most likely merging with the LK armor fully and unlike Bolvar who was there to just hold the scourge at bay and never made the full connection, Arthas did.

So what, you said she wears the DK armor like it means she must be a DK because she wears the armor, or are you not making that argument? If so why bring it up?

Runeblades arent exclusively a DK thing either, sorry to burst your bubble.

No, thats a completely false statement. You are trying to force things to point to her being a DK.

How do you know? You never asked me what my image of a DK is. You are assuming just like you are assuming with Lady Alistra. You havent actually done what you have claimed to have done. Its just arguing and stalking and harassing like you admitted you were going to do earlier in this thread which I put you on ignore for. I just wanted to see if you were spouting the same nonsense as always and it looks like you are.

Meet Teron Gorefiend, the first DK.

No blue eyes.

In Warcraft 2 where DKā€™s was introduced, they hadā€¦ red eyes.

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Come onā€¦ come on man do you think people are that dumb to not see ā€œThese soldiers of darkness were created by Gulā€™dan.ā€

They were warlock souls put into fallen Knights of Azeroth bodies.

Quit insulting other peoples intelligences with these poor showings of trying to present evidence that doesnt support the argument.

These death knights have even more limitations put on them. They were only for the horde, they looked human since thats what the Shadow Councils souls were put into.

Not to mention they are few in number with most of them being wiped out by the Alliance in the second war, or turned into liches by Kilā€™jaeden.

Look at the lore more before bringing in these bad arguments.

Put something in my face that shows Dkā€™s have more than just blue eyes that are of the 3rd and 4th generation of DK that all players are and not something that you are applying the term Death Knight to because you want to use it as an argument.

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Considering the allied races are created after lich king is already defeated, this is untrue.

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What is untrue? There was still a Lich King after Arthas.

While he doesnt initially have blue eyes, he still never made the full connection with the helm and whatever power the helm was connected to. Bolvar later on talked about another voice, he didnt want to go with us into the portal which led us to The Maw in fear of that other voice.

He did however come through the portal to Oribos with some other Death Knight guards or escorts you would call them. Bolvar shouldnt have a single soul scar on him, he was never killed, never lost his soul to Frostmourne or anything like that. He was tortured and experimented on but the nature of Frostmourne is it just takes a touch to devour your soul completely, which is another thing that was retconned into shearing off a part of your soul and sending to the jailer.

But there isnt a single 3rd or 4th death knight generation that has anything but blue eyes that isnt a game limitation with certain face skins usually involving scars. Ive been asking for an example of one where there is no doubt that its a DK, they have participated in battles and all that.

A trainer does not make one the thing they are training. Amalā€™thuzad is a Lich and a death knight trainer. Doesnt make him a DK. So if people are going to talk about lore and how there isnt this lore or that lore, then show the lore that there is that is definitive and there can be no questions asked.

She looks exactly like a death knight. She looks more like one that she does ā€˜notā€™ because your only standard for her not looking like a death knight is red eyes, which is petty, small, and isnā€™t consistent since we see other death knights with different colored eyes throughout the game and wc3.

Because they are still undead? Are you even reading what I write you absolute pepega? The onus is on you now to explain importance of that. How does that affect eye color? Both death knights are undead, just made slightly differently, same magic being used.

I already investigated what you said and YOU STILL deny ANY of the responses Iā€™ve given you debunking what you said about death knights. There are multiple death knights that donā€™t fit your argument, and you toss them aside as in game bugs (with no proof, or any sort of logic being used.) And then saying youā€™re not being given a fair shake. This is rude, weird behavior and you keep responding to people, shaming them, pretending youā€™re a lore expert when you have nothing to stand on in the first place.

Uhm, she LITERALLY uses the DEATH KNIGHT runeblade, you get after completing the DK questline. Itā€™s a death knight sword. Why would she be using a DEATH KNIGHT SWORD if she wasnā€™t a death knight?

These snippy comments you make about saying how your bubble is being burst makes people dislike you when you post here, I hope you know that. Iā€™m just giving you a taste of your own medicine.

Thatā€™s -exactly- what youā€™re doing though. Letā€™s go over the ways youā€™ve scrambled to look for a reason to NOT call her a death knight. That sheā€™s a banshee (nothing proves that sheā€™s a banshee outside red eyes, and that can be explained by death knightā€™s just sometimes having different eye colors compared to the more typical blue.)

That even though sheā€™s using death knight abilities, some of those abilities can be used by other creatures such as liches or bansheeā€™s, which look nothing like her aside from the red eyes of a dark ranger, which again, you need to explain the specific difference in the necromancy in the raising of a banshee compared to a death knight, saying ā€œIn the image of the lich king.ā€ isnā€™t an answer. There needs to be a specific reason to warrant not allowing any deviation from the eye color we already have.

Iā€™m making an educated guess, an assumption, obviously, thanks for pointing it out. Why else would you write paragraphs upon paragraphs showing your incompetence on death knight lore and giving crazy conspiracy theory reasons as to why death knights who donā€™t fit your desired mold of what a death knight is arenā€™t death knights at all and are somehow banshees or bugā€™s or something asinine like that.

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