Blood Elf Death Knights - Red Eyes?

Nah, it’s just Kelliste being… Kelliste refusing to see having a 3 digit post count on a single topic with a weird hill to die on as a problem.

He’s known to do something like this post, turning OP’s beautiful and legitimate post into a cesspool.

It’s best to avoid interacting with him at this point. You can’t really reason with someone who won’t see your perspective.


More lies I see.

Funny I said people would blame be for other peoples action. Your post doesnt have anything to do with this topic either and you went on this tirade of staying on topic. You can get bent too.

You’re absolutely right.

Nope, only for your own.

Maybe people should get a better argument.

Using lore in an attempt to get something and getting the lore wrong is exactly what flat earthers do.

Like a “dark ranger death knight” what exactly is that? A dark ranger or a death knight because those 2 are distinctly different. Dark Rangers archers, death knights arent archers. In fact they are 2 different hero units in Warcraft. They do different things.

Its people grasping at straws just like flat earthers grasp at straws and using their lack of understanding to try to explain something ignoring stuff, or making excuses as to why things arent as they say it is.

2+2=5, the earth is round, and Death Knights have what color eyes? Oh thats right BLUE.

Got anything to actually go against any of what I said or are you just going to call me a narcissist more?

The dialogs clearly tells that she is a DK. Just look at the spells that she is casting:

" In the Eastern Plaguelands version of Acherus, Lady Alistra summons random creatures from the shadow realm. While casting the summon, she will say one of the following lines:

  • Lady Alistra says: Moving on…
  • Lady Alistra says: Dearest shadow realm, grace us with the presense[sic] of one of your many denizens.
  • Lady Alistra says: What beast lies in store for us…
  • Lady Alistra says: Let us coldly greet another inhabitant of the shadow realm…
  • Lady Alistra says: There are many lessons left to learn, let us move onto our next subject…
  • Lady Alistra says: Let us see what atrocity we can pull from the shadow realm this time…

The interaction that follows will depend on what she summoned.

Shadow Constructs:

Lady Alistra says: Skeletal mages. A perfect opportunity to display the utility of some of our powers.

Lady Alistra says: Your spells will not be as potent as mine, but you will find anti-magic shells to be entirely invaluable against a large number of magical attacks.

Lady Alistra says: The power you absorb from spells with your shell can be used to counter with your other attacks.

Lady Alistra says: Mages fear our kind… with reason. Play upon this fear, disciples.

Forgotten Servants:

  • Forgotten Servant says: Me… back… master…
  • Forgotten Servant says: Me come back… master. Me… loyal servant.
  • Forgotten Servant says: Sorry… me gone… so long… master.
  • Forgotten Servant says: Finally… home…

Lady Alistra says: Ghouls? We have quite enough of those already.

Lady Alistra says: I often find the trouble with ghouls is that they outlive their usefulness too quickly. Let us let death and decay reclaim these.

Alistra casts Death and Decay on the three ghouls.

  • Forgotten Servant says: Master?
  • Forgotten Servant says: Me… bad?
  • Forgotten Servant says: It hurts…

Lady Alistra says: At times, their corpses can prove more useful than the ghouls were themselves.

Alistra casts [Corpse Explosion], killing several Disciples of the Unholy.

Lady Alistra says: Hmm…

Lady Alistra says: Unfortunate.

A Cenarion Scout:

Cenarion Scout says: Wha… where am I?

Lady Alistra says: A druid! How curious… I wonder how it got in there.

The scout enters Tree Form as Alistra starts attacking it.

Lady Alistra says: Disciples… you will find with time that many healing spells fall victim to the degeneration of our strikes.

Alistra finishes off the druid.

Lady Alistra says: Some healers lack the knowledge to counter the diseases that we master.

Lady Alistra says: This lack of knowledge is just one more weakness among many. There is little hope against the power of death itself."

She raises ghouls, skeletons, casts Death and Decay and Corpse Explosion, this clearly gives you the hint that she is a hunter… :sweat_smile:


I guess Bone Gryphons are Death Knights then eh? How about some of the other scourge, they must be warlocks because they cast incinerate as well. There are spell overlaps.

And why wouldnt a DK’s spells be as powerful as a DK’s spells? Unless one of them isnt actually a DK. Banshees can use AMS. “The uncanny shell makes those creatures impervious to all magics for a short period of time.” This is just in their spectral form before they get their bodies back.

“Our kind” is just as plausible to mean users of unholy magic since that is what she taught. For banshees to get their bodies back, it is heavily implied in the story of sylvanas (the banshee queen) that they have to basically toss aside their natural druidic knowledge and accept necromancy. “Angered, she turned to the arts that were becoming more and more natural to her: necromancy. She altered her elven ranger teachings into a new form. Thus the dark rangers were born.” So banshees are adept, even more so after they regain their bodies at the very least, to necromancy. This was in the Horde Player’s Guide from 2006.

So red eyes just like Sylvanas, adept at necromancy (unholy magics) teaching Death Knights necromancy and unholy magics, hasnt participated in any fights which is unusual for a DK because they want to fight, they have a need to fight and cause pain.

So with all that, how can anyone definitively say shes not just a Banshee that got her body back and is teaching death knights and her will broke free from the LK at the same time Sylvanas broke free?

Boy, did this lesson not age well at all.

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Blood elves don’t practice druidic magic.

By that logic all the DK guards in Acherus aren’t in combat because we never see them fight. She is also wearing death knight armor. No need to wear death knight armor if she isn’t a death knight.

Please give a lore citation otherwise all you’ve said is conjecture, not lore based facts. Therefore you can’t say it breaks lore. Stop saying it breaks lore if you haven’t provided lore.

If you make another 6 paragraph clown post I will respond to each error you’ve made in your argument with a sentence or two until you tire out.


Thank you for your insightful post. I had forgotten all about that conversation. I see it as the proverbial ‘we’. As in, the writers had intended it to be written as she was a Death Knight.

I always saw Death Knight as a Class any undead type with intelligence could take. So long as they were risen for the purpose.

Then there is the lore of the Third Generation and Fourth Generation DK’s. Made by Arthas / Bolvar respectively. So, in theory its possible. I just hope my thread has been seen by the devs. :smiley:



Careful what you wish for. He might lose some brain cells from Kelliste’s 3-digit replies.

Also, I find it both funny and sad that her lessons are outdated.

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I wish that the devs would see this thread and see how people like you treat others and dish out some punishments.

I would 100% make my dk a blood elf if we could have the red eyes. It makes more sense than undead paladins imo. Blizz please update!


How about Eye color by spec
Blood = Red
Unholy = Green
Frost = Blue

If I remember correctly there’s actually lore that High/Blood elf eye colors change based on the source of magic they last fed on.


I’d be okay with this as well. But would still like the new skin color with it.


Except undead arent feeding off of magic, they are undead due to necromancy and depending on the way in which they are raised they have different eyes.

The blue eyes is domination magic according to SL lore.

Also, if we are looking to lore characters, red would equal unholy. The San’layn have blue eyes, yellow eyes, and the Blood Queen has black eyes. The knights you fight however have blue.

Koltiras also has blue eyes while being more focused on Blood but has Blue eyes.

People are just saying what they think would be cool, and using lore to try to justify it. Kind of what people are doing to The Lord of the Rings lore and completely ruining the story.

Thank you for weighing in Crowborne, its posts like yours that make the most impact. I hope people can keep posting more like this to show their support :slight_smile:


It doesn’t seem like all DK even have blue eyes.

Highlord Mograine didn’t get his blue eyes until Shadowlands.

Not one of the DK’s in Naxxramas seems to have blue eyes. Two of them seems to have a yellowish glow instead?


Lady Blaumeux:



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Just wanted to add this before someone says that they are not dk’s…

“The most powerful death knights within Naxxramas are the four horsemen. They represent the pinnacle of Kel’Thuzad’s guard. The first, Thane Korth’azz, holds the power of flame. The next, Lady Blaumeux, calls forth the power of shadows, drawing the souls of the living into the voracious embrace. Sir Zeliek, a paladin in life, so strong in his faith, that even in undeath, the power of the light still heeds his call, smiting his foes in battle. The final death knight, Lord Mograine, was the finest warrior that the death knights had ever seen”

Source : Wowhead

" The Four Horsemen are four powerful death knights in the service of Kel’Thuzad in his dread citadel of Naxxramas. They originally were Highlord Alexandros Mograine <The Ashbringer>, Thane Korth’azz, Lady Blaumeux, and Sir Zeliek.

Generally regarded as one of the most difficult encounters of Pre-Burning Crusade World of Warcraft, the coordination, timing, and relatively unforgiving nature made them one of the hardest bosses in the instance, along with Gothik the Harvester and Kel’Thuzad. Contrary to the other encounters in Naxxramas where more DPS and brute force would certainly help the raid, this encounter focused on taking your time to defeat, moving orderly. It stands to this day as the most amount of time a single encounter laid undefeated while also not requiring any retuning or bug fixing, at approximately 7 weeks, compared to 3–5 days for Sunwell Plateau bosses (time determined from Death and Taxes, who achieved the first world kill of the Horsemen seven weeks after encountering them). The raid setup of the encounter required an excessive number of tanks, meaning that even once guilds had figured out what to do it took a lot of time to prepare the requisite number of tanks for the encounter."

Source: WowWiki


No, it isn’t. The link you provided in citation for that did NOT say that.