and where in the lore it says she isn’t and she’s actually a banshee ? suhsss you hypocrite clown
Thats not how the burden of proof works, you are saying she is a death knight. Where does it say that?
the burden of truth? I didn’t know I committed any felony
maybe lay off the drugs and you will be able to read better.
I said
That means evidence to support your claim that she is in fact a Death Knight. There is plenty to suggest that she isnt a Death Knight. But you are making a claim that she is in fact a Death Knight, where is your evidence to support that claim?
She doesnt have blue eyes, she just a trainer, hasnt been on any battlefield as far as we know. The only things that are absolutely certain is that she was part of the scourge and trains Death Knights which are not part of the requirements to be a Death Knight.
and where is yours that she isn’t when she is clearly a darkfallen death knight and the wiki supports I don’t have to prove anything its your burden to prove she isn’t and all you offered was assumption.
The wiki doesnt actually support it because it doesnt site anything within the lore that says she is a Death Knight.
So you have no proof, no evidence what so ever? Got it, I can move on from talking to you then.
And there is actually nowhere where it mentions she is not a dk
Because its obvious that she isnt and would need something to back up the claim that she is.
You have the burden of proof to show she is a Death Knight.
its obvious that she is a dk what other class was raised by the lich king, is a commander in the scourge before getting its sanity back, using unholy magic while wearing plate armor. There is only one class that does all this and its dk, her story is the same as any other dk in the ebonblade
What did she command? Where are you getting this information from? Dk’s arent the only ones that use unholy magic, not even the only ones that use unholy magic and wear plate armor.
So you are just making stuff up at this point.
just like you <3
What did i make up?
everything, but at least I can bring some quote that she is a dk in wotlk.
Shadow construct: Lady Alistra says: Your spells will not be as potent as mine, but you will find [anti-magic shells]to be entirely invaluable against a large number of magical attacks.
Lady Alistra says: The power you absorb from spells with your shell can be used to counter with your other attacks.
Lady Alistra says: [Mages] fear our kind… with reason. Play upon this fear, disciples.
she teach anti magic shell which is a dk exclusif spell and she clearly says fear our kind meaning dks by referring to the anti magic shell
AMS is not a Dk exclusive spell. banshees can shield themselves from magic as well and it does all the same things. She teaches death knights which does not make on a Death Knight. Amal’thuzad can use abilities you would probably say are “exclusive to death knights” but hes not a Death Knight.
Why am I having to go over this with people yet again?
Seems like this indicates they’re the both kind to me. Both DK.
Also reading through the dialog, she uses all the spells native to the death knight, Corpse explosion, death and decay etc
Narcissism; pure, hard-headed, immature, selfish, uncaring narcissism is why you assume that you must go over it again. It loudly, petulantly demands to have its own way regardless of the interests of others.
Thats not narcissism. And its more like people dont read what is already written and gone over that I have to repeat myself. Dont put other peoples failures on me because you just want to poke and insult more.
I’m not, it is true for everyone.
You are and your ire has been directed towards only me.