Blood Elf Death Knights - Red Eyes?

Still does not change the fact that it is their game, their rules to change as they see fit. Colored eyes can easily be worked into the story should they choose to do so, a fact that you would do well to concede despite your own opinions and preferences, because they MAKE the rules for it, not us.

You dont see a problem with breaking the very rules that you create for your own universe / story?

Thats something that you all should

And yes, they made the rules, 3rd and 4th generation death knights have blue eyes… Period.

1st generation warlocks were before any LK was in play and were just shadow council warlocks in stormwind knight bodies, 2nd gen (like Arthas before merging with the LK) were paladins that seeked out the LK for power and he granted them power. 3rd and 4th were raised by the LK. Different generations, different circumstances, different eye colors.

They made that rule. Unless there is a new generation of DK created which wouldnt be like the 3rd and 4th generation and as a new class 3rd and 4th generation DK’s should have blue eyes according to Blizzards rules of their universe.

It is not your place, nor anyone else’s for that matter, to decide what what Blizzard will or will not do with their own story, game and rules. You are not the judge, jury, and executioner, the gatekeeper of “the rules.” They made “the rules,” so they have every right to break or change them at will and to live with the resulting consequences, be they good or bad. Hold them to “the rules” all you like, but it accomplishes and changes nothing. Your petulant refusal to accept this simple fact is the cause of all your angst.

You sound like that one kid that is losing at his own game and decides to change the rules because “its my game”. And what happens to that kid? No one wants to play with him anymore because they just willy nilly changes the rules.

Blizzard did make the rules, but no they cant just go changing them and expect people to just be ok with it, and you need to accept that simple fact.

And no, I dont have a feeling of deep anxiety or dread. I dont know where you got that nonsense from just like the rest of your posts, but you have absolutely no other argument than “its blizzards story that can mess it up however they seem fit, even better if they listen to me and give me what I want”.

Quit being entitled spoiled brats always thinking you can get your way, calling everyone trolls and doing armchair psychology because you read some high school book.

I have made no demands for anything on this thread, only mentioned a hypothetical scenario. By posturing as an authoritative figurehead for Blizzard, your descriptions of being spoiled and entitled are aptly suitable adjectives to describe your own petulant behavior. I have not called you or anyone else names, those are in other people’s comments, not mine. I am not arguing, either. I have been stating a single fact that these choices are completely in the hands of Blizzard. I am sorry that you refuse accept this fact, but they are not designing this game based on the approval of your judgements according to “the rules.” They may rely on a certain amount of feedback from us, but their history shows that our influence has been minimal, at best. The fact is, they do with it as they please, because it belongs to them. Incidentally, you really need to read the full definition of the word “angst,” so that you can understand that I was using it to mean “a feeling of persistent worry over something trivial,” as this is part of its definition. It is the attitude of a petulant child to not accept facts that they cannot change.


An authoritative figure for saying dont mess with the lore? Oh the horror! What will the world come to if there is consistency in a story.

Doesnt matter if you dont call someone else names, its your actions and telling me what I should do that pressed the wrong button.

Yes, you are. You are arguing against the continuity of a story because “its blizzards story they can do what they want”. Who cares if they can do whatever they want to a story. Again my point still stands regardless, they shouldnt just go changing things that have already been established. Not only once or twice either, but there has been many occasions where Blizzard, the rule makers, have said Death Knights have blue eyes. Period.

I thought you werent making any demands yet you are lumping yourself with the people making demands?

Worry about what? Them ruining the lore more? They are the only ones that should worry about that because SL was a perfect example of why they shouldnt mess with established lore.

I thought you werent calling people names? Huh, looks like you are a liar as well.

Like everyone in here asking for red eyes? Are you calling all them petulant children as well? You know the ones you accused of calling me names?

Look, your armchair psychology isnt actually going to do anything productive than to get under my skin. So just walk away. All your jabs at insults is a poor showing on your character and I would suggest you just stop now.

Wow, you now say that you are not worried about Blizzard ruining the lore, after all your arguments against the possibility of them ruining it again? Seriously? Quite a self-contradiction. I didn’t call you names, I used those words as descriptions of your behavior; quite a difference. People actually have been calling you names, just as you have been calling them names, a fact that is not merely an accusation built on conjecture, the evidence is clearly present in the comments. Your attempts at twisting my words out of context to mean something that they do not does not work with me, and I will not be sidetracked by them. I have not presented argument in favor of or against lore continuity, only that Blizzard has the undeniable right to change it should they elect to do so. Like it or not, Blizzard is in control, and they are not using your judgements as the self-appointed “gatekeeper of the rules of lore” as a basis for their decisions. I refer to you as a “gatekeeper,” not to be cruel, but because that is exactly what you are so arrogantly trying to be. It doesn’t take a psychiatrist to recognize such blatant narcissism in action, and is the reason why it does not sit well with people on this forum. You have staked claim to a position that does not rightly belong to you, as you do not own the story or the game. The bottom line is that it belongs to Blizzard, they make their rules, and they have the right to change them. Constant bickering with other players has accomplished nothing.

What do you mean I now say im not worried? You said I was worried, I said I wasnt. Its not a contradiction to say im not worried about something, and argue against changing the lore because some people who pay 15 dollars a month feel like they are entitled to make some demands that the lore should be changed for them because they pay 15 dollars a month.

And you have been calling me names. And I dont have to twist your words around like you do with me.

Really? When what was that entire thing of you saying they could use time travel in order to change the Death Knight eye color? Which shows you dont know the DK past, and the future of DK’s is one of slowly dying out because there is no LK to make them anymore. But even when the Deathlord made the 4 horsemen and raised 3 people, they still had blue eyes.

And that is where your failure to read comes into play. How many times have I said in this thread that Blizzard can change the lore but it doesnt mean that they should. Or that they have changed the lore before but that doesnt mean that they should just do it.

Of what? Of the lore that Blizzard created and people want them to change the lore to get what they want and I say they shouldnt change the lore makes me a narcissist? What are you on exactly? Seriously, what are you taking that makes you think that way. The narcissists are the ones that are trying to get the lore changed because of their own selfish wants. Im saying to keep the story consistent, thats not narcissism in the slightest.

The reason why it doesnt sit well with people is because its a good argument and the fact that they are ignoring the suggestion of helms toys or glyphs again shows their narcissism.

What doesnt rightly belong to me? That its my opinion that the lore should stay consistent? Again what drugs are you taking?

Yes, Blizzard makes the rules, and they made the rule that DK’s have blue eyes and that shouldnt change just because some people feel entitled for it to change because they pay 15 dollars a month.

You have no point, you are just arguing with me to argue with me. You are the perfect definition of a troll.

So have your opinion, but stop trying to assert it as the one to which Blizzard and everyone else must adhere. They know what you want, but it is not necessarily the way it should or will be; Blizzard is the one to determine these things. They all know how you love lore continuity, but this game does not exist for the sole purpose of pleasing those who do, or the singular interest of any one person, for that matter. You continually tell people that their arguments are bad, which is not the real issue. If Blizzard decides to to give colored eyes, then they are quite capable of working it into the lore, we all know this is true, as they have done it before, yet you continue to insanely push lore as the reason why it cannot be done. It is obvious that many, if not most people, do not care that lore is changed in such a minor way as to accommodate something as trivial as eye color. You are obviously not going to make this desire go away, and your arguments are wasted in trying to do so. Just agree to disagree, that your desire is no more or less valid than that of others, and let it be in peace.

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Ok i get it, you dont like good story telling.

Just agree to disagree, that your desire is no more or less valid than that of others, and let it be in peace.

This is what you need to get.

I didnt read your post at all. You dont like continuity and good story telling, no reason to interact with you.

And no, i dont do that agree to disagree nonsense. Thats for people who start something and want a weasle way out.

Your narcissism just will not allow for compromise, the entire point of my comments.

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Whatever you want to tell yourself to feel better.

Blizzard made the rule for DK eyes, get over it.

Oh am I a narcissist exactly? By saying a rule shouldnt be changed because a 4 people who open their wallets every month think something should happen all while trying to use lore which they dont understand as a reason as to why eye color should be able to be changed? That makes me a narcissist? Just because you read a book in highschool, and took a class at a community college, doesnt mean you can put that label on me when everyone else is asking for something to be changed because they think they are more important than people that say “the lore says what it says”.

You’re behavior is narcissistic because you cannot concede that your opinions and desires are no more or less valid than anyone else’s, you value your own above others, which shows great weakness and immaturity of character. Just because you do not agree with the suggested desires of other people does not mean that they hold no merit - therein lies the narcissism. A person of true strength and maturity does not do this and are able to respect the interests of all, not just their own.


Yeah I do value by own opinion above others. That doesnt mean im a narcissist because of it. Its my opinion, of course im going to value it more.

Their desires is to ruin the lore more for their own selfish goals. You can try to twist it and put it on me because I said they wrote the lore, it should stay that way and you are still going on about this nonsensical drivel because you dont actually have an argument.

Death Knight eyes are blue, 3rd gen DK eyes have always been blue, and Blizzard even dug it in more that their eyes are blue. Thats not opinion, its within the lore. Grasping at straws doesnt help peoples case. Sorry but it doesnt. Not only that but it shows how weak their argument really is. So keep the lore as it was written. Sorry if you dont like the lore, but I really dont care. Blizzard rewritting stuff or completely changing the lore should not be encouraged any further either.

So no, I dont care about other peoples “opinions” on this matter because they are just flat out bad takes and grasping at straws. But keep throwing spaghetti.

Kelliste you are a hypocrite lmao the first line literally says " Lady Alistra is a [Darkfallen] [death knight] "


And that doesnt actually have a citation and isnt actually present anywhere in lore. So no, im not a hypocrite. Might be a darkfallen, but not a DK. Even though Death Knights are darkfallen and darkfallen doesnt mean red eyes, but whatever straw you want to grasp at.

yes you are lmao, either wow as a game is cannon or its not

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So where in the lore does it say that she is a Death Knight? That thing with Lady Alistra was just recently changed with absolutely no citation to back it up on the wiki.

If you are an elf Death Knight, blood, void or night elf, congratulations you are a darkfallen elf.