Blood Elf Death Knights - Red Eyes?

Well, its not. Sorry, but dk’s have blue eyes.

But how cool would it be if we could saunter on down to the barber shop and be like

‘hit me up with those red/green/white/rainbow eyes today! Hell even better, I’ll have 1 green and 1 red, let’s go wild’

If we could pick, would you go for a cool colour combo or go straight for pink eye?


I dont think it would be cool at all, I think it would be lore breaking because you are in fact changing things what are unique to death knights.

Ah shame, I think it would be really cool. What if blizz added a quality water tight lore reason to go along with it? Gotta admit it would be awesome then? That would cover the bases!

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So… change the lore? No that wouldnt be awesome either.

What if it was changed or added to to make it better? A more interesting story if you will. That’s a home run right there, a pure win win for everyone.

No. Just no. I dont know how many times I have to tell you, dont mess with the lore anymore.

Just because they messed with it already doesnt mean they should continue to do that. Thats the way criminals think. Oh I stole 5 dollars, whats another 10. In for a penny in for a pound. Bad mindset completely.

is releasing a new expansion and adding to the story in that way ‘messing with the lore’? You must be malding when blizzard does anything.

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There is a difference between adding to, and changing existing lore. Death Knight eyes are blue, and they are blue for a reason.

I know you and a few others dont care about lore, have this mindset of if its been screwed with already then just keep screwing with it and messing with past events, even change the dk lore so I can have my red eyes for this one particular race.

Adding to a story is building upon it without changing stuff about it. Im sorry that you dont know the difference between “adding to” and “changing existing lore” but quite frankly thats not my problem.

I would argue that adding to stuff it inherently changes it in a very physical sense, thats pretty simple stuff. If I have a block of wood and hammer a nail into it, is it different or the same before the nail? That’s a cheap semantics shot but had to do it.

I said earlier I enjoy the lore for the most part even with its up and downs, don’t put words in my mouth please. That’s arguing in bad faith and strawmanning, you should know better than that.

What if the new building blocks came with new eyes for the DKs. Also you say this but blizz have in the past and will continue to ret con whatever they see fit (it’s their story remember they can do what they like). They’ve built up and changed sylvanas so much over the years I’m a bit lost as to what was her fault or not these days. Keep replying though, great visability for this thread. Brilliant stuff.


No, it doesnt.

Its the same. Its the same block of wood but a nail was introduced. Eye color isnt like adding a nail to a block of wood, nor is it like you putting on a hat. You would have to change the fundamental lore to have this happen.

Then why are you arguing?

So changing the lore? The fundamental building blocks are already there.

And thats why there are many many many complaints about their story telling. It shouldnt be encouraged and its just a bad argument.

Nothing was if the jailer was in control of part of her soul with this new retcon where Frostmourne didnt just entirely devour ones soul, it split its soul breaking off a fragment for this one aspect of the story where Uther would throw Arthas to the wolves.

Thats not necessarily a good thing when it shows people trying to silence others and just throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping something will stick.

It’s not changing the lore, it’s the same lore but with new eyes introduced. See what I did there?


And why would we have new eyes introduced? I mean when the Ebon Blade enters Oribos for the first time Overseer Kah-Delen says “The touch of the Maw is upon their souls as well.” That is what is giving us our blue eyes.

And yes, I see what you did there, you made a bad argument.

Honestly. Kelliste is a troll. And I think we know the appropriate steps to take now.


ok im done now, I just thought it was hilarious to use the very same logic used against me then to be told its a bad argument. The cognitive dissonance is insane, it has to be a joke.


You arent just trying to put a nail in a piece of wood, you are trying to change it from a piece of wood to a piece of metal and trying to pass it off as wood.

Death Knights have blue eyes for a reason.

And no, you didnt use the same argument used against you.

Go ahead and answer my question, why would we have new eyes introduced when our eye color comes from Domination magic linked to the maw?

Oooh! Swing and a miss!


It wouldnt be a DK, so what would it be? DKs have blue eyes by the way.

They do presently, but the story is still being written. It may have been different in the past, and things may be different in the future of the lore. Time could even get muddled, so that the past melds with the present, or the future, as it seems to be for Chromie. Time manipulation is a part of the lore, by the way, so it stands to reason that they could use it to justify any change imaginable. It is most important to remember that this is a story and game based on fantasy, not reality. Anything is possible within the realm of fantasy. No one can speak with any true authority to what is or is not appropriate for any part of the story and game aside from Blizzard and its writers and developers. We can express opinions all day long regarding our preferences, but they will ultimately do whatever they please.

It wasnt different in the past, and there is no one to make anymore DK’s in the future. Fantasy worlds still have rules that have to be followed to have a good story.

And yes, people can speak from a point of authority… people have done that at Blizzcon and in front of the writers themselves. They knew the lore better because the devs forgot parts of the lore. What they were looking to do would have been fundamentally impossible even in this fantasy world. There are still rules to go by even with magic involved.