Blood Elf Death Knights - Red Eyes?

Ok i’ll reword if that helps. Denying other players the the ‘opportunity’ to use other customisations is being obtuse for the sake of it. Dont like the new eyes? dont use them.

Thats why we come to the forums to put across suggestions for change. Its where blizzard point you in the direction of when you have ideas to improve the game/report bugs etc etc. As you accurately put I pay to play this game which ironically gives me the ‘right’ to endorse for things I like the sound of on the forums.

Will blizzard actually listen? Probably not but not asking is a sure fire way to get nothing done.

Also when it comes to lore blizzard can add and change anything they like and they are not opposed to retconning things too so this argument about lore is fairly null and void. It’s not adding anything.

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That retconning is why people dont like Shadowlands.

Why waste their time with a story at all in this case? Why have the RPG element at all?

There are ways around the lore thing but for some odd reason they dont actually want it. A helm than changes eye color that is specifically unique to death knights? There is absolutely 0 argument to go against it other than the person who suggested it. That avoids the lore aspect and gives people what they want.

Ive said it several times and not a single person has said anything against helms for eye glow. They keep trying to shoehorn something in with lore that doesnt fit. If people just want customization then use the transmog system. Its there for a reason.

There are many elements at play about why people don’t like shadowlands. Increasing character customization with the new hairstyles and eyes they added was not one of them. Infact feedback seemed extremely positive on that front.

Good question, ask blizzard. However I don’t think adding eye colours is going to be the thing that kills wow. I’d say it would have very very little impact on the game overall.

Well it’s certainly not a bad idea and is a step in the right direction, it would mean no other helm mogs. It’s on topic though which helps. I use the transmog system all the time I love it. I like combining armor/mounts/hairstyles and eye colours. I don’t like it when there is no choice whatsoever. Due to DK eyes being bright it can throw off some mogs. Its unfortunate and hopefully something blizzard could add for us.

So out of the many times I have said helm transmog, toys or glyphs all in order to change eye color which these systems are for no one bothered to look at any of them? Its not like I said it once and it wasnt very clear. I said it multiple times and every one of these people ignored it and went straight to lore. People would rather lore be changed than to circumvent the lore issue altogether for some odd reason.

WoW is also already circling the drain Blizzard especially with the Diablo Immortal complete… i cant even say a word powerful enough on these forums to describe the situation because they are all banned. They have to hold onto every little bit that will put them into a good light, flushing the rest of WoW lore down the toilet is not a good angle. Use the outlets that have been created in game for customization and they need to write Shadowlands out completely. It was the worst expansion, at least when it came to lore, to ever come out.

For one thing blizzard haven’t really gone down this path for any other race/class combo. Adding glyphs etc would be a departure from what they normally do concerning race customization.

Diablo Immortal aside I think we can all agree on how awful the aspects of that game are. I think overall you are being hyperbolic here whether you mean to or not. Adding eyes to DKs then saying that after shadowlands bolvar ‘now has the power to make it happen’ or whatever they would make up would not be a WoW killer. Even if the lore reason they gave was terrible people would still be happy with more customization and it would far outweigh a silly lore blip. Things like what they finally did with Arthas were a touch more egregious, being able to change eye colour would barely register.


The DK isnt a race so it wouldnt be out of the ordinary because they do things for classes through glyphs at the very least, which are basically all visual at this point. Like the Druid Glyph of Stars completely transforms their moonkin form. There have also been items that completely transform their model. Then you have the shadow priest with their glyphs where your mount can now be shadowy, your shadow from is less shadowy, warlock pet appearances and so on so it wouldnt be out of the norm of giving a glyph to DK like the glyphs that are already there that changes the color of AMS.

Also Bolvar has lost everything in this expansion, he doesnt have the power to do basically anything anymore for the Death Knights. He isnt the LK anymore, one doesnt exist.

I also never said that changing the eye color would be a WoW killer nor did I even bring that up. You brought up WoW killers basically saying what you are here 'but it wouldnt hurt the game" and my point was Blizzard is hurting their games regardless even if indirectly. Diablo Immortal is a big stain on their reputation. Shadowlands dont make it better. Overwatch 2 look like Overwatch with some new characters though I havent really looked into it but the clips I have seen isnt all that impressive. Diablo 4 and Dragonflight have to put in some work to heal their ever worsening reputation. Them giving eye colors wouldnt hurt it, but it also wouldnt make people flock to the game, its the laziest form of PR and depending on how it is done, could hurt in other ways than making 20 people on the forums happy because they get some customization that the lore doesnt support. That could hurt the game through just another part of the lore that is thrown out of the window making it look like they dont care about their game and just another strike to lore enthusiasts and could possibly drive people away bringing in a loss.

So do you listen to 20 people that are just constantly demanding and when it doesnt happen they kick and scream or do you ignore it and try to make an actual good game and possibly put in helms or even more glyphs to not waste an entire profession. So instead of going to the barber you get a glyph or you just go visit the transmog. The same thing is achieved, the lore stays in tact and really this just sounds like 2h frost all over again where people just wouldnt take a better alternative that solved all the problems because Death Knight players like to create problems where there arent any.

Okay? So call them contact lenses?

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Doesn’t imply WoW is dying or being killed? Maybe I misread but if something is circling the drain its usually not good. The bolvar thing was just an off the top of my head example for the sake of this discussion, I wouldn’t focus on it or read too much into it.

So let there be eye colours then, game is done for anyway. As I said before the playerbase loves more customization so I think it only improves the game and gives it more life. If those 20 loud people as you put it enjoy the game further yet 1 lore aficionado takes a hissy fit its the sort of ratio people could live with. No it wouldn’t make people flock to the game, its hardly that level of a change. It’s something very minor.

Blizzard does what blizzard does, we come here to ask for change, thats it. There is no need to mention overwatch or D4 in this thread, i’m not an overwatch player and I haven’t played D4 yet so commenting on them would be a waste of time and a bit of thread derailment. You mention 2handed frost a lot I’ve noticed (not so much here but certainly in other places), I would argue its a bit irrelevent to this discussion but since you brought it up I can add. 2h frost returning was a great example of the playerbase asking for change on the forums then eventually getting it back. I personally enjoy both so was very happy to see it return and im glad people can now enjoy the playstyle they see fit to use.

Yes, you misread, misread a lot actually.

One, a lot of people, and I mean a lot of people like stories. Go messing with the story, taking out continuity and so on and all those people lose interest and leave. Its not just 1 lore person having a hissy fit as you put it, its a whole lot more. WoW isnt just a game, its a whole universe that comprises books comics, art books maps and so on. Why do you think so many people hated SL from a story telling standpoint. It was just stupid. All the souls being funneled to the maw because the Arbiter went to sleep is against their own lore for Shadowlands. The souls should have randomly went to any of the infinite realms of the shadowlands, it should have been chaos but everyone was basiaclly just sitting around.

Its this mindset that is bad and leads to a wasteful society. Circling the drain doesnt mean its done fore, you just have to plug up the drain and then fix the issues. For instance with a car, you can get a new engine, transmission, replace parts of the engine, you just dont throw it out and buy another car for 40,000 dollars. Its a waste. Throwing red eyes on one race, specifically Blood Elves, is like saying to paint the propellers on the Titanic blue when its sinking, some people might like the paint job on them but its still going to sink because you arent actually fixing the problem and just trying to make the guy that falls and bounces off the propeller happy before splashing into the water. Its a bad argument to just do stuff because “the game is dead anyways”

I also mentioned Overwatch, D4, Diablo Immortal for a reason, not to talk about those games but to show Blizzards overall image and red eyes for Blood Elves isnt going to fix that image. All these elf customizations hasnt done a damn thing to fix it. Its just a waste of time especially through lore because it just drives more people away, people that like the story that expand further from the game, which means they wouldnt be buying the books anymore or anything else. Its not only bad from a lore standpoint, its bad from a business standpoint because its just another notch to many people that Blizzard doesnt care about their products.

I like the story even with all its ups and downs, sometimes it leaves room for improvement granted. You see I don’t actually think WoW is dying, people have been touting this for 10+ years. That’s a HELL of a swansong.

Citations please, you are claiming to speak for ‘a lot’ of people here but I’m going to guess that this is infact just your opinion. If as you claim blizzard made a total mess of the story then the game should be well and truely dead. It’s just not though inspite of blizzards story bungling through SL.

That’s what I actually meant to say, my bad. I dont think its dead, as you read above. I think your titantic metaphor is false equivalence and works backwards from the conclusion that WoW is already dead and or too broken to continue on. Neither of which appear to be true. Giving new customizations to old systems and graphics is just a very small way of keeping things fresh without having to change too much. I don’t think many people complained when they brought in the new models back in WoD ( i think it was WoD anyway) or the new hairstyles etc etc for the allied races, infact from what I saw on reddit, forums and mmo champ it was quite the opposite, the feedback was good. People dont quit over good additions.

Blizzard’s image will not be fixed by red eyes, agreed. It’s not why the people in this thread want them added either, they want new options from what I’ve read.

Your knowledge of other peoples purchasing habits is incredible, care to share how you know this? I’m very intrigued, most companies would kill for this kind of info on their playerbase. I can only comment on myself but I enjoyed the new questlines and the armor and colours for my hunter and BE pala. I’ve also bought the books, thought they were OK.

To stay on topic, you don’t actually mind the idea of new eyes so long as they are implented in a way that doesnt involve the barber shop?

Gripe, could you please stop feeding her. She has been actively trying to derail the thread for quite a while now, and I have been doing what I can within the rules to get her to stop with the hostile attempts to derail the thread-- which I view as trolling-- the way you get her to stop is to not interact with her.


Would love to see some red eyes, might as well while we’re almost fully there.


99% of players would be happy with more customizations, I doubt anyone would mald over the fact that people would have spooky red/green/normal ect glowing eyes they’ll never pay attention to on others anyways. I see no reason why they shouldn’t be added.

Don’t give me Lore Excuses either after what happened with Shadowlands, I don’t want to hear it anymore.


Yea I know but if someone opposes this idea I want to hear some good reasons for it. Thankfully there were none.

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Citations of what exactly or are you asking for the impossible? The fact that these big lore people have left due to the lore just flying off a cliff and Blizzard not even sticking to their own new lore like the arbiter stuff, its a big sticking point for a lot of people. Most people dont raid and most people dont do M+, I would put it at around 70% of players dont actually do these things since the numbers showed only about 10% of the population does any form of raiding, and M+ is actually down as well. Pyromancer basically said all the books and stuff he bought were rendered a waste of money with this new lore and it was, and that goes for all the other people who bought the books and comics and art books. WoW’s peak was around 12m subs per month and there are ways that people have figured out through addons that the number is probably around a million and dropping.

It is a sinking ship that was brought about by Blizzard, no one else. Blizzard is their own game killer. They just try to extract as much money out of people as possible while not providing a quality product like they used to. But not everyone cares about lore and just wants to accomplish killing hard bosses with a group. So its probably never going to die unless they pull a bunch of guild killer bosses.

The Titanic thing was to show the worthless action of painting something when there are other major flaws that need to be fixed. And I have actually seen this in real life, a house was falling apart and there were 2 people painting it… the roof was caving in, the exterior walls were crumbling and here they were painting it like it was going to save the building.

Red eyes… for only Blood Elves according to this topic which many people just see red eyes and think its for all dk’s but its not, just for Blood Elves which lets be honest, is just exclusion and playing favorites and not actually for the Dk class as a whole and it shows how limiting peoples reading is on the DK forums. Sorry but its true, this is about Blood Elves getting red eyes based on Lady Alistra which no one can actually say is a Death Knight. The only definitive thing anyone can point to, is that she was part of the scourge. Being a Dk trainer doesnt make one a DK.

New models doesnt change the lore. You want to talk about bad comparisons that is a prime example. A higher polygon count doesnt mess with lore so its seen as a benefit by all, changing the eye colors of a class that has a certain eye color for a reason is lore breaking. You dont see DH players complain as much as DK players about eye color. They didnt even get the Night Warrior eyes or the red eyes and they just dont care because DH’s have green eyes for a reason. These things are rooted in lore no matter how much people want to kick and scream about it. Death Knights should not have red eyes based on lore alone, there doesnt need to be any other argument. Not to mention that Elven Death Knights are already part of the Darkfallen which doesnt mean you have to have red eyes. So not having red eyes isnt preventing anyone from role playing as a Darkfallen DK since they are already that thing.

How I know peoples purchasing habits? Pyromancers rant, and just common sense. If anyone is going to continuously change lore then people will be less likely to buy your lore books and so on because they will just be rendered useless by new lore. Its a waste of money and you dont have to know someones spending habits to see that, its just a financially smart move to not buy lore focused media when the lore as everyone points out here, is a mess anyways so just give people red eyes because the damage is already done.

Which that is again the worse type of mindset.

No, thats not what I said at all, as long as it doesnt mess with lore. Helms dont mess with lore, glyphs dont mess with lore, toys dont mess with lore. But since its me who suggested these thing its people like Mystearica that doesnt to go this route and would rather call me a troll and attempting to derail the thread that you agreed with me doing while im staying on topic and they are saying something that isnt at all on topic.

That isnt on topic and just trying to control other people. No one is going to stop me from talking about this subject, even if you dont interact with me, im still going to talk about the topic, and im going to point out bad arguments. Some people dont even want to acknowledge that there are game limitations and people are using some of these people that are in game to say they dont have blue eyes so DK’s that are raised dont actually have to have blue eyes which is just completely false. Whitemane for example… no blue eyes in game, but blue eyes in the cinematic where the Mawsworn are attempting to snatch people up and take them to the Maw. Remember that cinematic? Whitemane is carrying Bolvar and she does have blue eyes. Its a game limitation and peoples lack of research shows when they talk about this.

I dont believe that just do it because lore is borked anyways, is a good reason to do it.

No one has a good reason to actually give death knights other eye colors, and where do you stop? If its just for customization should every color under the sun be available? If something is going to be limited to Red, Green and Blue then there would have to be a lore reason for that right? Why not pink? Why not White? Lightforged Yellow? Void Elf colors? Fel Green like DH eyes… its all customization right?

Uh, nothing’s actually going to stop me from talking about this thread because I’m right and the reason I’m right is because I have lore reasons on my side. I don’t need to explain those lore reasons. Uh, what are you talking about derailing the thread?

This is an effort by the DK community to shut me up about anything I say. Figures, whenever you have any push back EVER you shirk your responsibility to debate me. Disgusting. Pathetic.

What lore? What are you talking about the Death Knight Trainer isn’t a death knight even though she wear’s DK armor. No that’s a bug. Uh, no actually because I know the lore.

Actually no blizzard said that Death Knights can only have blue eyes because of this part in this video. What do you mean he never says that? I’m going to ignore that. Uh. Actually sweety, no you can’t have red eyes because that’s a cosmetic option that goes against lore.

Do you think people who care about lore want your lore destroying customization in the game? Uh. Honestly if you get mad and say that it’s derailing you’re kind of controlling the narrative.

What lore? I just said it. I’m going to ignore you now. What? I don’t have any lore backing to defend my position? Okay liar troll. Goes to show how bad the DK community is. Where exactly are these pictures of the death knight’s with red and green eyes?

Uh, okay. That’s an ingame graphic limitation, of which I have no citation or source to back up. And uh, actually that death knight with red eyes isn’t a death knight, she’s a banshee. Because she has red eyes. The lore, of which I have not given to the thread or given links to, states that she is a banshee because she has red eyes. So you actually just lost that argument. Hah, how can people be so rude and controlling.


As i have said its the I don’t want it you cant have it. Just like with 2h frost dk

I’d like to see this because it looks cool, and dk’s should enjoy cool red eyes too :slight_smile:


To any new people on the dk forums, please ignore Kelliste.


This would be really cool. I haven’t got the red eyes yet but it really seems like a DK thing for sure.

As a side note: I’m going to support those saying that asking for customization options literally isn’t asking for the class to be changed, it’ll function just like it always has, ppl will just look different, so that argument doesn’t even compute. And before I’m yeeted for “not posting on a dk”, I represent the character I’m actively leveling, which is currently my rogue so… idk why that’s even an argument that’s being made to invalidate people’s opinions. Childish.