Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

I am dying for some good intricate braided styles, and some like really elegant mage type styles personally! There are several styles from draenei, lfd, and dracthyr that could be inspiration I think. I want better jewelry too, what we got was so bulky and weird. I want more intricate designs and I want them to be integrated into hairstyles but with options to turn them off, and to change the metal and gem colors.

I also really want tattoos, freckles, and scars.


It’s literally the worst jewelry in all of WoW on any race, I still can’t believe how awful Blood Elf jewelry is except like some of the earrings, especially when you look at other races and it’s like why didn’t you just do that with us as well?


I’d love to see this particular troll hairstyle make the rounds a bit (this is Sledge) with the two tones and the braids – particularly for my blood elf pally.

Honestly, anything long with a lot of braids and texture is great. The night elf sombra hair comes to mind… And so do SOME of the dwarf hairstyles. Which is part of why dwarves are my favorite.

(We don’t talk about that awful wings one.)

I’d also love to see the human curly hair and the great layered mag’hair get proliferated.


Sledge’s hair is one I’d love to have on the short elf pally, too.

Maybe not the side buns… But on the other hand, if it could work with the ears instead of them just sticking up out of the hair like some sort of antenna gone wrong thing…

Some of the draenei newer styles that actually take the horns into account are delightful.

Some of them clip like a disaster, but it’s not like weird clipping is a novelty for blood elves.


I do think BE (And Nightborne) are the two races that would benefit the most of the dracthyr hairstyles and jewelry aesthetics, it really seems like a good fit for them to have elegant hairstyles with incorporated jewelry like they do.

Farstriders aesthetics are the other thing that BE need IMO; the whole ranger look feels like it was underutilized on their aesthetic kit, when it really was such a big part of the culture.

Maybe it was because they wanted to keep them separate aesthetically from Night Elves because of the Horde/Alliance dichotomy, but with how much they have been sharing with VE’s, I think BE’s are due to dip back into that Farstrider aesthetic, with braids, tattoos and feathers, as we see on Alleria.


I’m a sucker for rangers, so not really being able to have the tattoos/markings/or even good hair for it makes me very sad.


Can’t wait to see what options we can see for Blood elves customizations when Blizzard gets off their butts and actually puts some effort in!


Hoping to see all sorts of new customizations for Blood Elves. Tattoos for our farstriders and magi seems like a good move. Those runes on our box art.

I’d also like to see additional faces, eye colors, face shapes and hairstyles for us and making the jewelry operate like the Nightborne ones do. Where we pick the metal color and gem color separately. (Since some of the newer races on that front also change their underwear color I’d like that too with it.)

Plenty left to add to Blood Elves.


Still seeing some people push the narrative that Blood Elves shouldn’t have blue eyes. Ridiculous.

The Fel taint was said back in TBC that it would fade in time and our blue eyes would return. I’m so glad Blizzard finally allowed us to have that, as well as adding in the Gold and purple eyes.

While I still think there are a lot of eye options and colors that Blizzard could still add to us, nothing about our eyes in non-canon no matter what anyone says.


Still hoping to see new things for Blood Elves sometime soon. (If not during Midnight).

Really hoping we get a new Ashes of Alar along the lines of the upcoming blue phoenix in the Anniversary event.

Or maybe one that looks like the Arcanofire from Sunfury spec for mages…

If Midnight is about Blood Elves so they need to get new and more customizations. If the 11.1 is about Undermines, Goblins should get new and more customizations. That’s how it should work.


It’s already proven now that Blood Elves gotten Arcane looking Blue Eyes anyways. Wouldn’t be surprised if the Heritage Armor was Blue soon. But hey atleast you got Silvermoon Legacy with shades of blue and green back in the old days of quel’thalas.

I will stop hating the belf heritage set if they get a green for the farstriders (even then probably not, it’s a clipping mess that was clearly tested only on the masc human body, like the clipping is horrendous on fem belves)

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What’s wrong with the set itself? Looks really great for them reminded me of the Spellbreakers from Warcraft 3.

It’s nice I guess but spellbreaker armor is like basically guard gear.

I can’t really complain since Legion came with like 6 recolors of the set they used for the canon ranger armor so I guess it’s cool in its own way.

That said the level of clipping even compared to other gear on elves is really bad for a set meant to be exclusively for blood elves.

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My only qualm with the Blood Elf Heritage set is that Blizz skimped out on the boots, which is really noticeable when you use the non-robed chest option. The boots really should have had 3d geometry that match the gloves.

Sorta like this:

The only consolation I have is that a set of cosmetic boots from Shadowlands work as an acceptable alternative.

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They should have had several colors for all the heritage armors.

The standard color we got, a black and red one for Blood knights, a green and gold one for farstriders… a few others for funsies. (Theres a nice mockup up in the main post actually.)


I find the belf heritage so underwhelming.


I want to see blood elf tattoos like the BC box art


Good start for the Heritage Armor for Blood Elves.

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