Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

I’d really prefer customization over a new AR, mostly because I want both systems to be merged eventually, but yea; Felblood Elves could already use a lot of the DH assets introduced, or new ones implemented on a very similar manner, is more than doable.

Darkfallen Customization introduced a skin tone and linked eyes, Man’ari Eredar skintones, hair colors and several independent eyes; they can keep pushing the customization to give us functionally AR’s, the only we’d truly need is a racials revamp.


I hope they unlink those eyes and skin tone eventually… Players should have ultimate say on their characters and not be limited. Gives us a greater range of story. Keep the “standards” in the lore though so we know what we’re playing off of.

Honestly Blizzard needs to learn to do worldbuilding again and less focus on specific events and people. We need a wider breadth of lore than they’ve been giving.

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I’m for to get them as customizations like we got for the Man’ari Eredar. Red skin (Fel Orc) for the regular Orcs (with the Dragonmaw Orc skin please) and Red skin (Felblood Elf) for the Blood Elves. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


I’d like to see more facial options for Male Blood Elves. It’s weird they can’t adjust their ear size or eyebrow style. Also add more softer “twink” faces. Make the jaws softer and all around more youthful face options


They can adjust the ear size actually, but yes they need more face options and eyebrow options!

And lets not limit it to just the males. The female model (body 2) could use some more faces and eyebrow options as well!


I hear there are some new Lynx models. Might be really nice to see the lynx in Quel’thalas updated.

One of the Lynx mounts also has some good colors to match a blood elf heritage set I think.

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For sure they could easily do that and it’s quite possible they developed those models for both this expac and the Silvermoon revamp.


Actually I think they are Arathi Reputation mounts.

But we could see some Reskins for Midnight. I would almost guarantee it.


Gratz Fellow Blood Elves. You guys got HD Stuff closer and closer.


Yeah absolutely they are so close to our cats. Hopefully they are all tamable too.


I was hoping the female Blood Elf could have customizable fingernail polish options. Personally, a natural unpolished look, but other polish colors would also be good. It’s a bit constrictive to see every elf girl sporting red nails.


yeah right now the main reason I use Dark ranger skin is for the dark nails.

Nail polish for all!


Once again asking for Void hair styles to be light themed for the tentacle glowy bits and to share hair styles


Really can’t wait to get the blood mage set from Pandamonium.

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On that Sunstrider Drip.


Damn you’re looking good in that mog!

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This is the way.


I so wish that the blood mage set could have been our heritage set. Would have been neat to have a high quality complete blood mage set.


Speaking of that set I finally got the nice mage class mog. >.>

Still really hoping we’ll see a lot of new things for Blood Elves soon. If not during Midnight.

Kinda expecting we’ll get something round them.

If nothing else the armor sets from that expansion will probably be amazing!


Seen a lot of talk about hairstyles for blood elves (though mostly through extension of high elf requests.) and am curious what styles and concepts folk are looking for for their blood elves.

Some of the ones I’m directly interested in are more military short styles (for blood knights mostly and the somewhat militant aspects therein.), Horde styled hair to show a growing interest and enjoyment of their allies styles, braided styles with or without jewelry (preferably a toggle) and with some of the feathery additions often seen for high elves (mostly for farstrider types but also for supposed returning high elves) and of course additional hairstyles similar to what we do already have just expanded.

I also feel along with this old hairstyles should be retextured a bit to fit the modern standard, jewelry should become a toggle option with color for the metal and jewels separated.

Also somewhat curious to see some of that two toned concept we see on the Dracthyr.

Though honestly I feel like all hairstyles (and color) should just be available to all races (where applicable)… But that’s likely a pipe dream the way blizzard is currently operating. So I’ll continue to hope blizzard treats customization seriously instead.

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