Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

So… Which xpac do you think we will get Blood Elf Druids?

:crossed_fingers: Hopefully the last patch of this one :crossed_fingers:


and we need the blood elf spell breaker weapons from Warcraft 3. The shields is so nice…


In terms of our remaining classes, I envision the following;

Shamans; Elementalists, very much leaning into the fire side of things, almost akin to the Dark Irons, though with more of an Arcane/Phoenix inclined twist.

Druids; Similar to Shamans, they’ll likely be more closely tied with the more Arcane side of things, though moreso it’s relation with the natural world rather than the Elemental planes like Shamans.

A prime example of this being being Thas’alah, which grew as the result of the Sunwells energy bonding with the natural world of Quel’thalas, forming a sort of harmonious bond with it, empowering nature itself within the region.

The Elves also made use of this to great benefit, powering many of their defenses and protecting Quel’thalas at large with it.

It’s somewhat comparable to Gilnean Harvest Witches as well as Valewalker Farodins ancient order of Keepers, who also blended the Arcane and Nature together.

They may also draw from the more Solar inclined aspect of Druidism, in contrast to the Night Elves being more Lunar inclined.

All of this very much lining up with the aesthetics I’ve seen many Blood Elf players requesting.


That will be cool.

I still like the idea of our shaman becoming a part of the Farstriders but I don’t see how this would hurt that. :smiley:

I think I lean more towards them having real druids taught by druids of the Tauren with a greater focus on Belore (the Sun) which the Tauren keep thinking is a weird name for An’she but whatever.

I’d also like to see them join the Farstriders.

Basically I want the Farstriders to expand past just rangers and rogues and incorporate their own shaman and druids. Then work alongside the Blood Knights to clear the plague of the Scar.

Now this. This I would love for them to bring back. This would be awesome!

All this. Just this. This good.


I love the potential of it for things like An’she and Belore and just expanding those concepts.

It’s so good!


Yea where is the Two bladed swords and Shields?


All elves should be able to wield glaives. Not just the Demon Hunters.


For all of you who celebrate this holiday: Happy Holidays!

We didn’t see much occur for Blood Elves this year, but we did see blizzard confirm once again that our blue eyes are simply the Sunwell’s effects removing the Fel radiation effect!

We also got a whopping 4 hair colors, impressing few, which were quite nice.

While little happened for us this year I’m quite excited to see what happens in Midnight with the elven tribes reuniting!

I hope you’ll all continue to join me in supporting blood elf customization next year!

Glory to the Sin’dorei! :sparkles: :elf:


Recently created by @Ramavatarama, a blood elf wearing Shal’dorei armor to celebrate their people’s recent closeness.


Happy Holidays to you too! That armor looks really nice!


I’m all for unlocking every base class across the board, as they’ve at least implied they’ll do eventually. And since san’layn are going to be a death knight hero spec anyway: by all means give the “blood prince” look to blood elves as a DK skin.


I for one would like the Fellblood and as well as Semi-Withered options for them.

San’Layn should be saved for next expansion as an Allied Race (Especially since the 3rd Expansion would still be relevant for them.).


There should definitely be withered and wretched options.


I would very much like to have both the felblood and the wretched as options.

More Dark Ranger options and those options not being locked.

If they’re not going to do San’layn as their own AR I’d like those options on blood elves as well.


Happy new years to my fellow blood elves!

With much hope I look forward to the next year sure that we could expect further customization updates!

Hey, maybe blizzard will realize now that Kotick is gone that customizations seriously done is a good thing for the game.

Glory to the Sin’dorei!

:sparkles: :elf:


I’d definitely go Wretched or San’layn for Halloween. Maybe both. Probably alternate.


*Sips Tea *

Dark Animas Customizations.

*Sips More Tea *


Sounds great. Plus something interesting soon in Midnight and War Within.


No. No thank you. No no no no no.

The Elves have been given EVERYTHING. Let the other races have their chance now.

Thank you.

Sign me up.

Kyuu here supposedly has a bit of it that he experiments with.

I’d love something for Dark Animus representation.


This threads still going to be here regardless of who gets what when… It’s a customization thread.

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Male Belves are still at the bottom of the list for customizations for core races even after the customization pass. Belves entirely weren’t given as much as Nelves. We could take a bit more.