Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

More customization is always welcome. I hope that Midnight really does Silvermoon justice. Maybe Blizzard has finally figured out how to bring the Blood Elf and Draenei starting areas into their respective continents and not be instanced anymore. That would be really nice to see.


I hope to see Blood Elves finally get better HD Buildings soon. Older Models is extremely outdated sepcially with the Hawkstriders too.


The Last Titan expansion could be the perfect expansion to get San’layn options for Blood Elves and Frostborn Dwarf skin for Dwarves.

And of course, give more customizations for Blood Elves in the Midnight expansion.


Between both Midnight and The Last Titan, they could definitely fit them in.
Could build them a cool hub/castle or whatever in the location of Deatholme in Quel’thalas or have them take over something like Naxx or other cool location in the rebuilt Northrend. Lots of possibility.


But she was allowed into Silvermoon “proper” she literally walked through the whole city right up to Lor’themar’s chambers. How is that not allowed into the city proper?

How? Referring to them as the “Children of Silvermoon” but they’re not allowed into Silvermoon? That seems like a larger leap in logic then mine. The reason they were exiled was because Lor’themar couldn’t lead them divided after having already been decimated, how would that still apply now that Silvermoon is a thriving city with the Sunwell restored? He obviously returned to them hoping they would return home, that seemed pretty obvious.

I don’t see why not, considering that blood elves have never really had strong opinions on the matter, with most of their leaders seeming to want to strive for reunification than furthering the gap. I don’t see anyone squabbling about who’s title the other is going by, not with Alleria refusing to choose between Void elf or High elf either.

but it isn’t, and hasn’t been, if it were a point of contention I’m sure that it would have been mentioned by now, or in any capacity. Heaven knows Blizzard has had countless opportunities for the Blood elves to trash talk High elves but we’ve literally never seen it happen even once. If there was this huge spite, I doubt they would have even allowed them access to the Sunwell, nevermind going a step further and referring to them as “children of silvermoon” especially if they were not accepting of the High elves. There’s literally no evidence of this argument beyond speculation.

And? There are countless neutral High elves all over Azeroth, some remained with the Alliance, others could have easily joined the Horde. Thalo’thas privateers are a group of high elves who hate the Alliance and send horde adventurers to murder them, and even assist on killing them during an escort. This does not change anything.

It really doesn’t matter if she’s a war hero if she’s a leader in the alliance, something else that is also readily known. When Lor’themar justified giving alleria access to the Sunwell he didn’t cite her status as a war hero, instead he stated that simply being a high elf and a child of Silvermoon gave her the right. I think you’re underplaying that more than anything.

Friction is fine, in fact it makes for great story telling - Showing us how the High elves are reintergrating back into society, returning to their homes, and families and loved ones. Showing us what sort of societal hurdles they would need to overcome - these are not things that would prevent, or hinder them from remaining as High elves or returning home.

Except it hasn’t been, and never has. It’s not like Lor’themar was going to force Alleria to refer to herself as a Blood elf, I think you’re putting way more emphasis on the importance of a name then the game has ever imparted upon the player. We have yet to see a Blood elf player “snub” a High elf for not becoming a Blood elf - We have plenty of instances of the two even working together in Legion, or working together under non-partisan groups. Literally this whole thing is conjecture with literally zero examples of it ever having been a problem.

Again, her being a war hero wasn’t what allowed her into the city, or the Sunwell. It was being a child of silvermoon.

I don’t think it is, again we have never heard any instance of a Blood elf ever chiding a High elf for not taking the Blood elf name. If anything, given their past and misdeeds I would imagine they would be understanding why some High elves would prefer to remain High elves.

The name was given to them by the fallen prince, in a time where they committed countless atrocities, I doubt any one of them would be too critical.

Well we don’t know how many have returned over the years, we’ve already seen Blue eyed elves popping up in the Blood elf population in the past expansions, the whole point is that Silvermoon can now properly reflect it with an update. NPCs in areas are meant to demonstrate and reflect a larger demographic that can’t be illustrated in game, who knows how many might’ve returned over the years, especially since the Sunwells restoration.

Additionally if there were ever a void vs light conflict where the Void elves somehow endangered the sanctity of the Sunwell, I doubt any light-abiding High elf would stand by idly while the very center of their culture and people were destroyed without so much as lifting a finger. It could easily be a call for reunification.

I mean, why doesn’t Alleria simply refer to herself as a Void elf? Doesn’t she want to integrate with her people as well? Maybe like her many High elves answer to both, maybe some wish to retain their name out of tradition. From what we’ve seen it’s not a huge sentiment to elves, as long as you share the same goals and views as them that’s all they really care about.

Well, as of now it has never even been mentioned, so I doubt it will ever be. I doubt Blizzard would ever go the route of adding racism among the elves in regards to which name they go by in this day and age anyway. It’s the same reason why they didn’t care to call Alleria a Void elf or a High elf.

What are your thoughts and hopes for the midnight expansion

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Beards for Blood Elf males.


Heres hoping for good useful customization in Midnight.


So one thing I notice with the Emerald Dream patch so far are all the Blood Elves working alongside the Druids of the Flame…

I’m sure some of them are primalists but I think some are now part of the Druids.

So my thought is this.

Primalists = Shaman.
Druids of the Flame = Druid.

Which means since Blood Elves are involved in both groups that some blood elves MUST be able to use those powers. Its not a hard leap to add them in.



I actually had some fun with it in my own headcanon stories. Kyuu is the head of a large noble house called the Brightsun.

Got his own island off Quel’thalas’ coast that was mostly farming. Anyways.

During the Emerald dream bits this patch I came up with some of his house rebeling against him and joining the Flame and Primalists.

Really excited to see those classes added.


With Midnight coming in the not too distant future I expect we’ll see a lot of Elf related lore. While some might be a bit unsure or hesitant about what that will exactly bring one thing we can be sure of is that Blood Elves will be at the forefront.

I think there is a strong chance to see us getting additional customizations during Midnight if we haven’t gotten them sooner than that.

I also think with the recent DF expansion that since we see a whole heap of Blood Elves among the Primalists we can expect that shaman is already an in for Blood Elves. I also wouldn’t be surprised to see Druid easily enough as we see some members of the Druid of the Flame that appear to be Blood Elves. This all proves that Blood Elves can in fact be both Shaman and Druid.


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I’ve been hoping that Q’onzu becomes the Wild God for Belf Druids. Maybe all new druids? Since they are described as the Loa of change.

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And I would say Q would have an aneurysm over that, or they might go all in on it. Who knows. They are a mysterious Loa.

A mysterious infuriating passive aggressive awesome Loa.

Though we’d probably be more likely to get BE Druids/Shamans from studying what’s left of Zul’aman.

Oh they are a they? Thank you for letting me know.

They have the nerve to handle us. They are quite snarky.


Np ^w^

And hehe yeah, they’d probably make the BE Boomkin form a penguin or Hawkstrider thingy just to screw with people.

Hmm, I hope they come up with something more elegant.

Since blood elves really didn’t get much customization, i do hope we get some prior to midnight. If we have to wait until then, the options better be epic and worth the wait.


I wonder if they would though simply by how aloof they are.

I’ve seen thoughts about An’she taking a more prominent role and the Tauren/Trolls/Blood Elves reaching out to him which is an idea I really like. In thoery he’d still be a nature based “god” and since the Blood Elves have a lot of interest in Sun motiffs I think it would be neat to see that angle.

But there is always the easy “the Tauren just taught them” routes.

My picks for our forms would be…

Bear: Just a bear… Reddish colors and long ears not really super different than night elves. Elves and Bear mix with a Blood Elf twist of the jewelry and markings and color.
Cat: Lynx form obviously.
Boomkin: Phoenix based on the Zandalari boomkin model. (Arakkoa skelly)
Travel Land: Hawkstrider.
Travel Flight: Dragonhawk.
Travel Sea: One of them new fishies with some Blood Elf motiffs.
Tree: Looks like the treants of Quel’Thalas and the bigger tree form has that same colorations.

Ideally we’ll all find that everyone is brought up to the Dracthyr standard before TWW drops. Regardless though I would hope we’ll see something with the expansion that apparently has a focus on Quel’Thalas.


What about Sun Bears?