Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

Yes they should since we are the High Elven race which was the point of my original post that you just quoted, the other one not so much so not gonna agree with you there.


A race tag for sub-race customizations ! :raised_hands:

Katherine Bankson: “Blood Elves can have blue eyes now, it’s not just a customization available to players! Time has passed since the game’s debut, some Blood Elves have golden eyes now while others have returned to their original blue color. The fact that such guards exist is not only related to the customizations available to players, but also and above all to the fact that time has passed since Blood Elves found themselves infused with Fel, giving them this greenish eye tint.”

Thought this might be interesting given the earlier conversation in the thread.


Good to see it confirmed once again.


Wonderful to see that reinforced.

Now if they can reinforce the skin tones being expanded like that. (in that they’re 100% just a thing that’s always been.)

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It will be nice to give Blood Elves some love. They kind of fell to the wayside after Void Elves came into being. They got new hair and new colours, but they’re so boring, and the hairstyles are so ugly. I would like more full and long hair for them.

Despite the more limited options, I must say Void Elves are actually more interesting as I can switch between being a baby Night Elf by going blue and purple or just a regular elf with normal skin colours.


Considering Dalaran has returned to its neutral status since Legion, and with the time skip, it really feels like Dalarani Half Elves could make for a good neutral race. I mean instead of making them an AR they could just add some options to BE and VE, but it would be cool if the narrative addressed Half Elves as a population finally.

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It’s interesting to see that confirmed for sure.

Gives us a timeline and an origin for some of the blue eyed NPCs.

I wonder why it’s just some of them, but it’s not the first time Bliz has left me slightly baffled about blood elves.

I would imagine it’s just a case of exposure length. Any Blood Elf living outside of Silvermoon would have been less in contact with the giant fel crystals scattered about the city. I would imagine most elves living inside the walls of Silvermoon will likely not recover for decades, if at all.

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Blizzard has already described them as “high elf options” or something along those lines, so I suspect this quote just opens up the blue eyed belf avenue without eliminating the returned helf one.

I hope they elaborate more w story text in game in the future.


Have they talked about the Quel’dorei Heritage to both Void and Blood Elves atleast with Blood Elves given their track record of Silvermoon.

Like HD Updated Thalassian Buildings, Hawkstriders, Dragonhawks, and Blood Elf Heritage having more colors than red like Orange, Green, Blue, Black, and Teal?

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Official reveal of the new hair colors.

Would have nice to get Felblood or San’layn but there’s still the .5 & .7 patches.


So that’s really it.

Well, that’s… painfully underwhelming. At least it’s something.


I think we should start pushing Felblood options as they are already made and would go well as a counterpoint to the Man’ari Eredar options.

San’layn would be cool as well, but they would need some more work as they are NPC only wrath models currently. Not as simple as enabling the textures already there.


Yeah, pretty much every San’layn that isn’t a blood prince just uses DK skins, so I don’t even know what “San’layn” customization options would even be. Skin tones that were similar to the princes? different eyes? The weird thing is those models are based of NE ones, rather than BE, so there’s not an easily translatable San’layn aesthetic.

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Batlike ears and posible fangs/claws with more undead skins/eyes.

Basically a Grab Bag of undead features.


I’d roll a Blood Elf Druid in a heartbeat


For San’layn I would go with various undead customization.

Fangs, different undead/vampiric eyes, undead skin choices, various levels of decay, hair inspired from undead/vampire pop culture.

Oh I would also throw in banshee hair.


Just thought I’d share this here since I thought it was neat and I know many here would appreciate it. DISCLAIMER: This is fanmade. It’s not something Blizzard is working on (as far as I know). I don’t know exactly who did it, but someone took the time and effort to “finish” Silvermoon and make it look fine from the air. So if a fan can do it, surely Blizzard themselves could do it. So again, this is a fan made thing, but here’s a few pics:

They even opened the door from the main part of the city’s bazaar to the dead scar portion that’s currently sealed off.

Come on Blizz! If some fans can do this… surely you can do equal or better and bring Silvermoon City back into real relevance in Midnight! (and make it flyable!)

EDIT: Just for comparison, this is what Silvermoon looks like from a lot of those aerial angles in live WoW:


I love seeing what the community does with updating old assets and areas like this with something new.

I look forward to seeing Quel’thalas updated, ideally with flying and full amenities. Tastefully done in an empowering and enriching manner for the Sin’dorei people and players, as I for one have been waiting for this since Cataclysm.

I really do hope to see runic tattoos as per the BC box art in War Within, especially with the new tattoos we’re seeing on some of the Elven NPCs, it would be great to match those for the players and would provide us with more meaningful customizations.