Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

I know I just complained about a bunch of other things, but if you ever want to really survey the damage, try to make a female gnome on classic and then retail. Ditto for female trolls – though they launched kinda incomplete on classic, so they’re not in a great place to begin with.

Homogenous faces were great for animation bones (which are, to be fair, fun if your race has finished facial animations), but mapping everything onto the same mesh absolutely torpedo’d some great uniqueness.


No one asked for proof that there are plenty of possible, and canonically accurate possibilities for why Blood elf players are getting blue eye customizations. That was not the proof I asked for, I asked for proof that the reason YOU provided was the only reason we got them, because you seemed under the impression that there couldn’t possibly be any other cause for it.

I mean, as always, your character’s backstory is yours.

And Bliz threw in some tools to expand those plausible stories, which is nice.

Except for green skin for forest trolls, for some reason.

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I find totally plausibly a non-negligible number of High elves have become home sick on the past few decades. Politics is what prevents most modern High Elves from returning to their homeland. So if a HE wasn’t really all that dedicated to the alliance, or doesn’t hold a material grudge against the Horde, perhaps returning to Quel’Thalas was the correct choice for them.

As I said before, it’s about politics, and ideology. True reconciliation is not possible while exist members of their people in both Horde and Alliance. I don’t think reconciliation is in the cards as long Quel’thalas remains a Horde nation. At most, there could be a neutrality zone such as Quel’danas where any Thalassian, regardless of political affiliation, is welcomed.

Unless their politics change -which I find highly unlikely- there will remain to exist this divide between Blood Elves and High Elves, and IMO the only viable way for a High Elf to reintegrate into Thalassian society, is to become a Blood Elf and become a part of the Horde, because Thalassian modern society IS partisan to the Horde.

But it’s not “just” a name change. Choosing the name blood elf is an ideological stance to honor their fallen and survive. It’s a mark of pride of unity of a people that needed to stand together to survive the darkest period of their history and be reborn.

So IMO a “high elf” just asking to be part of thalassian society would be completely be at odds with the idea of unity their renaming meant. An elf choosing to refer to themselves as a high elf would be ostracizing themselves from Thalassian society.

Should the player be able to do that? Maybe, it could be very interesting, but I find there’s a huge dissonance in thinking there shouldn’t be a cultural penalty (in universe) for choosing to renege from something that is so deeply entrenched on the thalassian cultural identity.


I’m pretty sure that as of now, Blood elves and High elves are allowed freely into Silvermoon. Lor’themar has already referred to High elves as the Children of Silvermoon, and made efforts to bring those still living in isolation into thalassian society with no talks of name changing. Halduron and his Farstriders have never had any issue working with Vareesa and her Silver Covenant either, with no contention for what name they went by so long as they were fighting for Silvermoon. (Like when they fought together against the Amani)

Alleria was able to freely walk into Silvermoon and marched all the way up to to Lor’themar’s chambers without any conflict or interference from guards. When Lor’themar learned of Alleria’s intentions he did not care for what name she referred to herself with, only her love and loyalty for Silvermoon seemed to mattter.

I think as long as Blood elves saw first hand the High elves equal love, and determination for their people, and the safety of their homeland, they would be welcomed home in Quel’thalas.

Except the renaming was not only done by their now tarnished prince, it also bears the myriads of misdeeds at their hands of their people over the years. Blood elves have been deeply humbled after the restoration of the Sunwell, and if anything still seek redemption for their past.

Lor’themar taking it upon himself to seek out the High elves he had exiled with hopes of their return is a perfect example of this. Especially when you consider that the Quel’lithien High elves either rejected the Blood elf name outright, or later changed back to High elves in spite. Either way Lor’themar was entirely suppliant with them, willing to bend backwards if it would convince them to accept his help. Judging from Lor’themar’s attitude toward high elves I don’t think he, or any other Blood elf would ostracize a High elf for not changing their name.

I think “penalties” in the context you used it should be a way to add dimension to a story, not as an argument to stifle it. For instance Maiev and the Night elve’s distrust for the Highborne was a “cultural penalty” of the Highborne in Night elf society, and unlike blood elves Maiev actively sought out and assassinated Highborne elves even after they rejoined the Night elves. And if even Maiev (Probably the most stubborn elf in history) was able to see reason when she witnessed the Highborne’s dedication and love for their shared homeland, I’m sure a similar gesture of goodwill would be enough.

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Void Elves always had blue eyes. We didn’t get the purple eyes until blood elves got purple.


I don’t think this is accurate at all. We have never seen a High Elf “freely” walk into Silvermoon. Not a neutral one, nor an alliance one. Alleria was allowed on Silvermoon evidently because of her social standing as a hero of her people during the second war.

I have to stress that just because Halduron has no issues with Vereesa or that because Lor’themar says they are all Children of Silvermoon does not mean High Elves are freely accepted into thalassian society at large, that’s a huge leap on logic.

Pilgrimage to the Sunwell is allowed for all the children of Silvermoon, but that does certainly not meant they can freely enter, and be part, of Silvermoon itself.

Yet the blood elves themselves have never even brought up any discomfort with their renaming. Regardless of what Kael’thas became, that name was taken, by all of them, to honor their fallen. That hasn’t changed, and nothing in game suggests otherwise. Blood Elves are proud of being blood elves.

I think that the difference is that being a “High Elf” is currently to chose to separate oneself from the blood elf society, and disregard why they renamed themselves as such. The penalty comes from refusing to honor the fallen, and that would be, at best, a major social faux pas.

I do think it’s likely that one day, even soon, “high elves” could live in Silvermoom, but they would HAVE to also be Horde or Neutral, but never Alliance, because Quel’thalas is politically Horde. But I do think that choosing to call oneself a “high elf” would be looked down upon culturally, specially by the generation that went throught the third war.

I do think there’s room for reconciliation, but only on a neutral ground such as Quel’danas. if there’s a place where BE and HE can coexist and live peacefully is in there, and it’s explicitly because of its neutral status.


Just to be clear, I am not referring to Alliance High elf players xD

I don’t know, social standing or no Alleria is an officer in the Alliance army, and known dabbler in the void and was still allowed access to the city all the way to the Sunwell under the basis that she was a daughter of Quel’thalas, not a war hero, or renown figure, her blood as a child of Silvermoon was all that was needed.

Except to infer that they wouldn’t be accepted would require some examples of why, or cases where Blood elves have shown the prejudices you suggested they might show. As of now Blood elves have either had no opinion on High elves, or have voiced an interest in reconciliation.

The fact that Lor’themar actively tries bring the High elves of Quel’lithien lodge back into Thalassian society shows a great willingness to reintegrate High elves back home. And considering that he was willing to bend over backwards and allow them to berate him out of guilt, I highly doubt he would care if they refused to change their names into Blood elves.

At this point I think Blood elves have been humbled, they’re obviously still a proud race but I doubt they still have that " we are superior to everyone " mentality. I don’t think that’s the direction blizzard would want to take it for either, and it doesn’t sound like something Chris or Danuser would write if given the chance, especially if we take how the new highborne quest as an example.

Alleria being able to enter Silvermoon says otherwise, especially considering that at this point in time she is an active officer in the Alliance and was still allowed to walk straight through Silvermoon to Lor’themar’s chambers.

No one has said that blood elves aren’t proud of being blood elves, almost every race is guilty of some catastrophy in history, but that doesn’t mean they lose pride in who they are. But I don’t think that means that would want to enforce that on others, or act shocked that others may have not taken on the name while they were carrying on with these acts.

There is no point in time I feel like where Lor’themar or any other Blood elf leader would approach a High elf and tell them to rename themselves a Blood elf in order to remain home. That sounds like a very arbitrary concept that I don’t believe the characters in world of warcraft would care about, just like Alleria considers herself a High elf and a Void elf and no one questions it for a second. A high elf can still observe thalassian culture without taking on their name, I feel that you’re putting far more importance on something that has never once been mentioned by any Blood elves or within the game at all.

Well this is what I meant originally, I didn’t mean “High elf” players, just “High elf” Npcs that might have returned home. If silvermoon is restored and repurpose that demolished side of Silvermoon to be kinda like a residential area with High elf and blood elf civilians.

I think this would only matter if the intention was to have all the high elves reconcile, or give access to alliance players, but if the returning High elves were made up of neutral High elves, or those who were simply not present during the original splintering there would be no need for the grounds to neutral.

Yeah, but not the High Elf Blue™ eyes. Those were added with Shadowlands. Prior to that Velves only had the iris-less blue eyes.

Because, again, the Sunwell (and Quel’Danas) are neutral areas and pilgrimage is allowed for all the “Children of Silvermoon”; that does not meant they are allowed into Silvermoon proper freely.

But I do think it’s a leap in logic to say that Lor’themar’s trying to reach out to Quel’lithien because he cares about them is the same that they being allowed to rejoin Thalassian society freely. One doesn’t lead to the other, the reason why they were exiled still paramount. Not that they cared to rejoin BE society at that point.

My point whether BE society would be accepting of individuals who chose to call themselves High Elves instead of Blood Elves is speculative indeed, but I can’t see Blood Elves at large -culturally- being okay with that. I do think it would feel offensive in some manner to Blood Elves, specially those that lived through the Third War. It’s not about superiority, but about these “high elves” not respecting/following the honoring of their fallen. That would be contentious, IMO.

And I do have to stress that any High Elf that would even choose to return to Quel’Thalas would have to be okay with being nominally part of the Horde, that’s not something you can separate.

I really think you’re underplaying how Alleria’s standing as a war hero is what allows her to even enter Silvermoon. Do you really think she just waltzed up through the main door without a high ranking BE letting her through on the first place? That would simply be an unfathomable security risk. Alleria could enter Silvermoon because she is Alleria Windrunner, not a random high elf.

Indeed, but I don’t think that it means they would allow these high elves settle in Silvermoon happily. I seriously think there would be friction, which would be interesting if it were to happen, but I don’t think for a second the general concensus would be “It’s fiiiiine! Just settle in ;D”

I honestly feel otherwise; to me it would feel like a snub to their identity. Blood Elves choose to carry their grief in their name, someone calling themselves a high elf is 100% choosing to stand aside from that unity. And again, Alleria is really not a good example, she’s a war hero that went to Silvermoon as a dignitary, an Alliance one at that, it was proper to receive her, but her exceptional circumstances should in no way be taken as a reflection of how a regular, neutral High Elf would be even treated.

Honestly I can see it happening, but again, I do think there would be some cultural friction. But I also think it’s as likely for the only way for a high elf to be allowed back as a resident would be if they referred themselves as blood elves. I honestly think that unity is very important to Blood Elves, to the point of potentially being enforced. But it’s a matter of opinion.

Pretty much, but to be fair, at this point, I think the number of neutral high elves that would choose to return to Quel’thalas would be pretty negligible, as most that would have wanted to would have already done so.

Basically what I am saying is that any of them would have more likely to start calling themselves Blood Elves when they did so, because, well, why wouldn’t they want to fit in?

I do think it’s possible some didn’t, but I honestly think it would have made it harder for them to otherize themselves in such a way. If you choose to return to Quel’thalas, I think it’s under the implicit agreement that you share BE values and ideology and politics, so why would many still choose to name themselves High Elves?

Regardless, I do think if race name customization happens, it should be allowed, I just don’t think it would be “looked down upon” in thalassian culture, at best.


I agree w Primfeather in that I don’t think it matters if they take the blood elf name if they’re returning and living under the blood elf banner. They’re choosing their homeland regardless.

What I do believe is that most would probably take the name or consider themselves as such.

But also seeing that story delivered would be something I’d like to see, and depending on how it’s delivered I would like player agency for the name choice as well.


I mostly hate the ideas presented in this thread. Ugly non-elf-like additions isn’t good for the game. If we’re going to get more customizations it should be based in normal elf tropes. Most of the suggestions in this thread look amateur and out of place.

What isn’t elf like that was suggested?


I think the key part of what they said was

So they dont want options to look like a blood elf :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh so they want our customization co-opted too. No thanks.

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Yeah just gonna ignore that one. Clearly trying to get a rise outta someone.

I’m surprised we haven’t gotten Half Elf Eyes yet for Void Elves since most people kept on requesting them as a alternate to Alliance High Elves.

I think blizzards way of giving us half elves was to give the ear size selector

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I still think best way to do this would be with the addition of the Druid and Shaman class to Blood Elves and a storyline about all the splintered off High Elves all returning to Silvermoon City, Eversong Woods and Ghostlands to help heal the land it’s an easy storyline and it’s totally justifiable with the nature aspect of Druids and Shamans, then like with anything else just give Blood Elf characters the option to use the High Elf racial tag if they want like in my case High Elf Warlock instead of Blood Elf Warlock and bam good to go. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


The high elf race tag is a good idea ! :eyes:
Void elves and blood elves should have this option to choose the high elf or darkfallen tag as they both have these customizations.

This “tag option” would also be needed for races that have the man’ari, wildhammer and sand troll/dark troll customizations.