Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

I never said there shouldn’t. They asked me to provide proof of Blizz talking about the reason and I did.

It doesn’t. I’m not against more options. We need them.

It is when you call me a he when I’m not.


I’m very much after high impact customization options such as Light/Sunwell inclined options as well as Felblood inclined options. These would definitely help exemplify the different chapter of the Sin’dorei’s story and would give each player the opportunity to embrace which era they personally identify with.

Tattoos would also be a wonderful option that would definitely help. That and racial tags.


No, I asked for an example where it was exlicitly stated to be the reason, and not just you pulling up a decade old Q&A and calling it a fact.

People refer to women and men as “guys” all the time in conversation. I’m not saying you’re a man, but I’m not gonna stop referring to people casually as “guys” even my girlfriends.

No one has ever called me a guy until now. But you like to be contrarian so I’m not surprised. So I’ll do what I should have done hours ago and put you on ignore.

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If you’ve literally never been in a group or had someone walk to you and “Hey guys” then I don’t know what to tell you. You want get bent out of shape over it thats fine, but I’m not changing how I speak over it.

You didn’t say hey guys. You said he. So goodbye!

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Again, it’s the default way to refer to a stranger, not an actual declaration of what gender they are. You’re literally looking for a way to be offended.

He jumped on me for being excited for Chris returning because he had a hand in all the High elf/blood elf interactions, and basically said that any kind of reconciliation between them would take away from the horde’s identity and all this other nonsense.

Like somehow members of the same race looking passed their differences takes away from the horde’s identity

Exactly, and I’m eager for more stuff like what the night elves got with the Highborne questline, interesting and flavorful lore that give us context on customizations that allow us to identify how we wish. I’ll never understand people who try to go out of their way to stifle that creativity.


That would be amazing!

Like Lann said, I do think there was a bit of a disconnect that sorta snowballed here.

Especially when we’re all passionate about our favorite races, our priorities may diverge on occasion.

It helps to keep things in perspective and that just because someone may disagree with certain viewpoints, it doesn’t make them any less valid and you both made good points on Sin’dorei culture.

But anyways, I really would love to see Felbloods with the Sunfury/Illidari and the Blood Knights and Magisters growing closer with the Sunwell and the ramifications that it’s newer composition has on those who use it more heavily.

Both great threads that haven’t really gone anywhere past BC.


The thing is, I never said they were wrong, I simply said that there are many different possibilities and ways they could go about explaining it in-game, but they were so deadset on claiming that their theory was the only possibility.

See, this is the same reason why I think it would be more interesting and gratifying to see some High elves integrating into Blood elf society again, and a story that gives us an in-game rational to the high elf customization.

Maybe seeing more of them popping up in Silvermoon should it get rehauled, but they were telling me that any reunification would take away from the Horde identity. I imagine they would say the same thing about Felbloods and other offshoots as well.

I said this as well, that since Chris left, the elf story has been largely untouched since TBC, and only occasionally hinted at here and there. Chris returning offers some new potential updates to their story.

For me the problem is someone trying to undermine my opinions by calling me a “helfer” and then going as far as to link my characters like that has any bearing on the relevance of what I was trying to convey.

Just felt like a very immature conversation.

But yeah, my point was just that there ARE blue eyed blood elves in the lore, and there are multiple canon explanations as to how a blood elf can have blue eyes.

So official word from blizzard about what the eyes mean isnt needed. As they make perfect sense already from multiple angles.

Plus i think having the freedom to decide for yourself is more fun than blizzard saying “if your character has blue eyes it means this one specific thing” since there are like 4 different reasons why.

So for me racial tags are a seperate thing from the customisation.

Personally im against racial tags as it opens the door for way too many requests for every race in the game.


I agree, that’s why I felt it was strange for someone to assert so confidently that there could only be one possibility.

And there’s honestly hardly ever a necessity for flavor quests because they’re often times just fan service, but either way they’re always appreciated because they flesh the world out for us, 'specially when it’s something that ties in a new player customization for a race.

Like we all don’t know where that would lead immediately.

I guess. But it’s just something that devolved because they wanted proof and then were like that’s not it because it’s ten years old.

But I guess it doesn’t matter if someone wants a fantasy reason. But just don’t ask for proof if that’s what you really don’t want then.

And I don’t care about racial tags either. I thought they did because they care so much about Helves and used the word “anti.” Which Helfers do. So I mean, I’m not gonna know someone with 15 posts or whatever. Despite their claimed legendary Twitter status.


So much this!! I’d like to know that more elves like Lanesh exist and are returning home and siding w their homeland again.

Does that mean they take the blood elf name? Does it mean they don’t care and just consider themselves children of Quel’thalas? If they don’t care and just consider themselves children of Quel’thalas can blood elf players get a racial tag to reflect that if we wanted as well.

It’s just fun to discuss, and we’re all blood elf fans at the end of the day but some people like different aspects of them which is fine and valid!


I just want runic scarification.

And more hairstyles. And female blood elves to have some faces that aren’t “mink that just suffered a serious blow to the head”.

And jewelry. And tattoos. And scars. And actually quite a lot of things.


We lost so much face variation in the visual updates during WoD.


I love the detail of the new faces. But my beloved dwarves lost a lot of face shapes, undead still don’t have their skull face back, and blood elves and draenei (who already had a surfeit of bland faces) had their faces EXTRA blandified.

Also 90% of night elves turned into Bambi and got shorter for some reason.

It was a very mixed blessing.


Hopefully they get the motivation at some point to undo some of the damage. Updated textures but more variation. Return of some lost stuff.