Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

I never said I didn’t feel like they should do that. You asked for proof that they talked about it and I provided it. It wasn’t good enough for you.

Transparent of what? If all you want is more story. I’m not against that. But you lead me on this extensive conversion of nuh uh when all it was is down to that.

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What is wrong w wanting the tag???

It makes sense in the context of -if- they happen to want it. It’s not anyone saying it has to happen just -hey if they do this don’t forget to add it for blood elves too- and I assume that sort of tag would come w story. It’s just people speculating / discussing things they’d be hype to see

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Nothing is and no one said it is wrong.

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I never asked for proof that they said it, I asked for proof that they used it to explain the new addition of blue eyes. Then you quoted a decade old Q&A.

That you won’t acknowledge that the use of the name “High elf customization” referring to the subrace of High elves, but referring to the fact that Blood elves are technically high elves.

Because it was in reference to the eyes. OMG!

Because we aren’t a subrace.

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That does NOT mean that is the reason we got blue eyes. OMG!

Blood elves aren’t, modern high elves are. if they weren’t they wouldn’t have a whole wikipedia dedicated to them, and their cultural divergencies from Blood elves.

It’s definitely a great reference for that. OMG!

There is no such thing.

I feel like the disconnect is that some people who play blood elves are high elf fans and that’s okay.

I don’t care when people want other aspects of blood elves fleshed out, so it’s valid to want that fleshed out too.


Not the official reason though, OMG!

the whole wikipedia dedicated on the differences culturally between modern high elves and blood elves says differently. Danuser referring to High elves as a subrace also says differently.

Because you don’t want to accept it. I’m done arguing with you about it. Go say your fan fiction to someone else.

Because it wasn’t stated to be the reason, just a possibility. That’s all it has ever been.

It is and they got the customizations for that. They may even have story for it eventually. Or the tag. Who knows.

I hope so because we barely got anything in our customization pass. Especially male Belves.

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Well, my original point was that since we don’t have any in-game context that I would like some sort of quest or story that would give us some backstory to them, regardless of whatever reasoning they resort to.

But for some reason this guy is intent on asserting that they cannot be for ANY other reason than the Fel fading.

My god… are you two still arguing about eye colors?!?


Stop misgendering me.




What does that mean?

But that doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be more additions like story or the racial tags, it’s just fun to talk about. People still talk about expanding other options that sort of got added as well.

I feel like this doesn’t conflict w your other quote though. Blood elves are high elves options and high elf specific options are just expanded, like Farstrider tattoos.

I agree I want more customization, and sometimes I discuss what I want to see like more light themes, Farstrider tattoos, our box art, but sometimes I enjoy discussing the story aspects id like to see too like high elves returning to Quel’thalas like Lanesh did.

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It means that it is not relevant to the topic

Let’s go one step further and add sub-races!