Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

They aren’t that either. They are just Helves that never renamed themselves for different reasons depending on the example.

If Danuser is telling you this stuff, he needs to play through the game he is narrative lead on.


They are though, even the wiki goes as far as to point this out. Modern High elves do not have any culture and are not coordinated as any whole. They are splinter groups, each with their own code of ethics and beliefs.

Maybe you were one of the Thalo’thas Privateer High elves who fought the alliance with the Horde, and returned home, maybe you were one of the High elves trapped on outland and returned home after the dark portals reopened, maybe you were a high elf living in isolation at one of the lodges. As a subrace, these are all potential scenarios, and these options allow players to choose these backstories for their characters.

That is its purpose, not because the fel just “faded”

They are not a subrace of us. They existed along with us. Some of them stayed with the Alliance, some of them left after. Some of them always lived off in camps or were in Dalaran. They were not our subrace. We just renamed ourselves. We are the same race.

What you are referring to is RP mechanics. Not lore. Which I hope they do give you the option because Holy Christ. This insanity needs to stop.

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Modern High elves are not the same as the “High elf” of old. The high elf of old are literally what you’re referring to, that us as Blood elves still uphold the High elven legacy, live in the high elven city, speak high elven etc. But those virtues have evolved into Blood elven themes, where as “High elven” themes now refer to the High elves who live scattered throughout the world.

That is the context and use of the word “High elf” in it’s modern usage. It is the context being used by danuser when he refers to subraces, and has said that it is a High elf customization option so players can play it as a subrace.

There was no race evolution. I’m not sure what you are talking about.

You are talking about being given a race option. To call yourself a High Elf even though you are a Blood or Void Elf. It doesn’t make you a subrace. And if he’s telling you that makes Helves a subrace then maybe he should not be narrative lead.


Yes blood elves have culturally changed quite a bit from when they took on the moniker as Blood elf. Becoming more bent on revenge, and taking on a colder more brutalist nature.

Pretty sure Lor’themar himself said “we are no longer high elves” in that same respect.

That doesn’t change our race.

As in our name being changed. Holy crap!

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A subrace isn’t a different race, it is the same race with a different culture, history or background.

Exactly… so stop referring to them as High elves.

We aren’t even a subrace though. We are literally the same people.

Do you think that Lorethmar and Lady Liadrin are a subrace of themselves then?

This is crazy.

No. Because it’s still the race. The name is just to honor other fallen High Elves.

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We aren’t though. Blood elves didn’t abandon their culture, or assimilate into the alliance like modern High elves have. You can say that physically Blood elves and High elves are identical, but culturally they have separated.

Culture doesn’t even make us a subrace. No matter what Danuser has convinced you of. Because the very story of the game and the RTS games say differently.

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Culture does make subraces, because it divides a race into separate groups that hold different beliefs and creeds that shape them as their own group. I will take danuser’s word over some bias anti.

That does not make someone a subrace. Just like religion, hobbies etc. being different doesn’t make someone a subrace or a different race. You are confusing how the game handles the mechanics of race with lore.

What am I anti of?

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What is even being argued, why can’t blood elf players want more story just like void elf players do. And if a sub race system type thing happened why wouldn’t that additional story also equate a racial tag type addition w sub races.


What is being argued is if we are a subrace of ourselves. Which makes no sense.

If people want mechanics to say they are Helves, that’s one thing, but don’t try to convince me of what it is in lore. It’s just dumb with all the evidence against that.

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Basically he’s saying that the “ONLY” reason blood elves got blue eyes was to reflect the fel fading, and it couldn’t possibly be for any other reason. and I’m simply trying to point out to him that until it is explicitly stated why it was added, there’s no way to say.

She. And yeah I am saying that. Doesn’t matter at all to whether you’ll eventually be able to use the Helf tag.

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I don’t know why you’re so stuck on using a tag when Danuser literally said the tag doesn’t mean anything. That these subrace options were for players to be able to play that race, and if you use those customizations and want to identify as such then it is lore friendly.

Danuser’s words.

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If you don’t want the tag then what is your want here?

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I want the same fleshing out of the story that the golden eyes got, and hopefully something in game that explains it. If that’s merely the “fel faded” that’s cool, as long as its acknowledged within the context of the game.

You’re like “hey remember this Q&A over a decade old, this is clearly the only reason we got this option.” despite the lead dev quite literally coming out and saying differently.

The splitting hairs and twisting the use of the word “high elf customization” by saying “Well technically we’re high elves!” is so transparent, and clearly not the reason that it was called that. Like all the other subrace options, the blue eyes were for players to identify their characters as High elves.