Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

Because of how they’ve dealt with the Horde being at peace so far. It isn’t done without us losing identity.

And I’d trust it if they were as nuanced about it as you suggest. They use a mallot, not a surgical knife.

I agree with that. But the same ones that want it are the same ones that kept posting until they got everything else.


I’d say that really is only applicable if it’s the “Horde” conceding to the Alliance, the high elves returning to Silvermoon to be home has nothing to do with that.

I honestly doubt anyone harbors any serious prediction that Silvermoon will become a neutral state. The fact that we’re getting more Silvermoon tabards and armor makes me even more doubtful of that occuring.

I’m thinking in terms of what would actually happen. Since requests have been fulfilled already, it’d be an in. It’s why I don’t support any of it anymore. I use to be more than fine with it. And then the requests never stopped. And it became more about just taking things from the Horde than it was about making a race playable that had always been in the Alliance.

Understand that I’m not saying you are for that, or saying that. But with the world revamp coming and people making requests, that it’s what would happen. Because we are all now holding hands and doing the care bear stare.

I’d like to hope, but I just don’t know anymore now that the Horde doesn’t have a Warchief and the Forsaken have an Alliance plant on it’s council.

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I do agree with this being a problem, taking elements that made Blood elves a unique pick have been entirely eliminated with the only saving grace being Entropic embrace sticking around for now.

I personally don’t see it as an in, I see it as the loose ends of the blood elf story from an expansion that pretty much left them locked in time from tbc. I think improved relations like we got to see with the night elves and the highborne would be a nice way to reflect the forward progress and restoration of Quel’thalas.

You don’t have to hate on every single idea of reconcilation because you’re bothered that the war element from World of Warcraft is being reduced. This would change literally nothing besides offering players a canonized explaination why blue eyes optional customizations for them beyond player speculation.

If they could assure that it wouldn’t end up being as terrible as the BFA-DF stuff has been, I’d be for it. But I just don’t trust it to be anything but changes to make us all friends. But all of the changes on our side. You know?

I do because of how they handled it so far.

We already have the reason for this. It’s the same reason we got the gold eyes. It’s because we only passively had Fel exposure and it’s been wearing off.

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But nothing in game actually explains it, its our speculation that it’s due to the Fel fading, but really we have no idea. Golden eyes were explained by the devs and given a canonical reason as to why players and NPCs have them, blue eyes have not.

My impression is that because the customizations were made with the intention of giving players access to High elf options, that if it were even canonized in-game it would likely involve something similar to what we saw with the night elves and the highborne.

It’s not speculation. Danuser gave that very reason for it on Twitter. Sure it sucks that it’s not in game. But most customizations have not gotten in game story.

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Could you link? I saw him mention that the Sunwell can cleanse them of the Fel taint if they are penitent and faithful in the light, not that it was fading due to time.

I’d have to go back and find it. A simple search has not found it. But I don’t really feel like combing through his profile for it.

Not to give offense but I don’t think Danuser ever specifically said that about the blue eye customization. In fact I think I remember him posting a pic of blue eyed blood elf and calling it a high elf as a joke over the controversy after it was announced that both sides would be getting them.

It would be weird to say that the fel taint can only be removed by the Sunwell purifying you through faith and then immediately give players Blue eyes and say that it’s fading anyway. There’s really nothing in game that implies that is why it is happening, and I have not ever read anything posted by danuser stating as much.

We need more beard options for the Blood Elfs like what the Evokers have.


It wasn’t specifically about blue but just eye colors in general. You can believe what you want about it.

We are High Elves so the blue eye comment would be accurate.

It’s only the gold eyes that are through faith because it’s in lore to be a Paladin thing. But they also gave the option to everyone. So they aren’t giving a lore reason for every customization.

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I could of sworn Blood Elves are not High Elves. Least not anymore.

He was asked on twitter if the fel taint was fading and causing the blood elf eyes to turn gold and he replied with “It’s not that all blood elf eyes have changed from green to gold. It’s that the potential for golden eyes is present, based in part on the individual’s degree of devotion to the Light.” This would seem like a pointless gesture to make if the fel was simply fading anyway, at least it doesn’t seem like it is their intention anyway.

Well they said players only have access to it because if they, for whatever reason have decided that their character was purified by the Sunwell they could have golden eyes, but canonically with NPCs only priests and Paladins will have golden eyes.

It just doesn’t seem likely that their blue eyes are returning because enough time has passed. Or at least I remains skeptical.

I’m speaking of a different post and it may have been just a general interview. But I do not keep copies of everything that was said. So I don’t have the link anymore.

What they had explained at the time was because we were not exposed as much as Orcs that it would fall off at some point. And the eyes would just go back how they were.

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To bad they walked back on that in the very same expansion they took Belfs in a different direction.

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Yeah it’s unfortunate, because they just took away what made them unique and interesting.


I’m skeptical, I follow him on twitter and keep up to date on his posts. Heck I was the one that got him to confirm that Lanesh’s blue eyes were indeed canonical on twitter xD

Well it had been a while ago, and like I said could have been just something he said in an interview and I just remembered it as Twitter. But I remember the statement. There was a big discussion about it at the time about Orcs vs. Belves and a lot of people claiming that it shouldn’t fall off because we had “sucked fel” which was only some Belves and not playable Belves anyway.

Yes, but there’s no saying that is the reason we were given blue eye customization because no one has really come out and said that yet, especially considering that it was devised as a means for players to have access to High elf customizations. Saying that its possible because the fel will eventually fade is fine, but I do not think it was done for that purpose.

I do think you might be mistaken, I would have remembered something like that. But if you say so, maybe I might stumble across whichever it is you’re referring to in the future.