Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

We know that’s not what will happen though. The Alliance would get to use our city and we’d have to be really nice and well behaved. No more sucking magic. Because it might offend one of them. Or we’d get another council.


I don’t see Alliance getting anything that way because it would make the splintered off High Elves Horde under the Blood Elven banner kind of like how they did with Calia and Undead where she fights on Horde side now, all it would change is add a bit of new lore to reinforce the differences between the two groups to further both getting the stuff they should focused under the type it should be Blood Elves with tattoos, arcane stuff, light stuff, etc. and Void Elves with void stuff, void tattoos, etc.


Already against it then. I hate that character and want to throw her into lava.


Sorry, I love her and I love that it showed that you can completely change the lore of a character and bring them to the opposite side, with lore and healing the land for say adding Druids and Shamans to Blood Elves we could take Veressa from Alliance as well as the splintered High Elves and it would totally fit with just a few lines.


Gross. I think it’s like Barbie hanging out with the goths. She just doesn’t fit in, and it’s another example of us having to be sanitized for Alliance acceptance.


Haha, I want her customizations for my Undead Warlock. :yum: :yum: :yum:


That’s clearly the direction they’re going. For Lor’themar’s short story Shadow of the Sun, we can see that the blood elves want to reach out and reconcile with the remaining scattered High elves. That good will could offer some interesting story development in the future.

The ones in Argent crusade did not take part in the Sunreaver controversy, that was only the Silver covenent High elves. The majority of existing High elves are either neutral, or living in isolation in the many of their lodges scattered about.

The High elves and the Blood elves reconciling isn’t the “alliance making concessions” because High elves are not intrinsically alliance, the blood elf and High elf story is the Blood elf players. We’ve inherited the High elf story, so the idea that the two different groups has nothing to do with the alliance and everything to do with two groups who’s opinions once divided them now seeing a common cause and coming together to restore their people.

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There isn’t anything to indicate we are gonna do anything further than let them visit for pilgrimmage.

I never said it was the Alliance reconciling. It is the opposite of that. It’s an in for Alliance players. If people can negotiate these offshoot Helves that also chose to live elsewhere being home again, then that’s the in for Alliance getting our city turned neutral. Or us having to be neutered further for this peace deal with the Alliance. I’m over it. I’ve seen what it entails and it makes me want to go back to BFA. Even though I didn’t even like that story.

At least the Horde didn’t have it’s identity stripped for peace.


Hmmm, I actually highly doubt the second. We’ve got a pretty void rock, we don’t need no carboard cutouts :rofl:

only jokes, but I do want to really see Silvermoon… eh… actually, all of Quel’thalas updated, and attached. But I don’t think the Alliance would use the city if it got updated. While I’m all for removing factions, I think somethings such as city restrictions should remain.

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I mean my theory is that the remaining high elves are going to splinter once again, those still penitent and faithful in the Sunwell returning home, and those with interests aligning in the void would join the Void elves and learn to control the shadows as they do.

I can’t imagine the remaining High elves, especially priests or paladins would stand idly by while the Sunwell was endangered.

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They need their own city. Like a voidy looking castle or something.


They got Stormwind. It is all good.

That is a choice but it already has a bunch of homeless living in it. They need to start fixing up everyone’s homes so they have a place to live.


That’s why I said that I’m excited that Chris is returning because he was the one who wrote those narratives, and if he’s returning he we might see more of it. I don’t see why you have a problem with me being excited for the possibility.

This is absurd fear and sounds like an excuse., they are not going to ever make Silvermoon neutral just because High elf customizations are being canonized storywise.

Ugh, I hate there so much, I hated having to go there yesterday a bunch of times for certain quests and then the heritage questline on my Night Elf Warlock I was like really Blizzard but yes really Blizzard, lol.


I still don’t know why the Night Elves went to Stormwind? Don’t we still have a world tree on mount hyjal? Surely that wasn’t burnt.


I don’t have a problem with your excitement. I just see where it’d go because I’ve seen where all this peace with the other side has gone. And I don’t think Chris is here to deal with Helves/Belves anyway. What is teased for Blizzcon is about Thrall.

You haven’t been around here long if you think that’s absurd. It’s been more than just joked about. People are serious with wanting Silvermoon neutral. And since they got everything else they asked for, it’s not out of the realm of reality anymore.


Yes! It’s so weird that they didn’t have them go there. It seemed like the story was even gonna have them be there.


I’m confused about this as well especially with the upcoming patch and how they are moving to it but I guess it’s a good example of Blizzard storylines being Blizzard storylines.


It quite literally just happened with the Night elves and the highborne, who share a similar conflict due to their different ideas and ethics on magic, so why would it be such a far fetched idea that something similar might happen for the Blood elves?

And I wouldn’t conflate peace between the Horde and the alliance with peace between blood elves and some High elves, because there will always be High elves hostile to Blood elves and the Horde, fleshing the story out and giving us more closure is something desperately needed.

I’ve been here for quite a bit, and no I don’t think any rational people actually think that Silvermoon will be made a neutral capital. That idea was pretty much thrown out the window with the whole alleria debacle. It would make absolutely no sense for Void elf players to be able to walk through Silvermoon openly when the whole reason they were created in the first place was Silvermoon rejecting them for dabbling in the void.