Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

I think the more likely route for Belf Shamans would be to leverage the Primalists. We now have a firm group of elementalists who exist totally divorced from the traditional cultural flags associated with “Shamanism.”

alot of the corruption of the forsts were due to the scourge invasion the lore behind that is they had to burn that area to stop the spread something they wish they didnt have to. remember lore wise since the end of tbc its been over a 20 years since than with the sunwell ( a light infused source of magic which we now know is part of the well of eternity the essence of the world itself which brings growth to the world) has been slowly heal the people and even the regions and they have been working with druids of both factions since at the very classic wow. so if anything its at least time for them to have druids .


Revisiting this with the addition of Druids and Shamans to Blood Elves, as well as having to write the lore Blizzard could easily add about all off shoot High Elves returning to Silvermoon City to help with healing the land and then we could take Veressa since she’s uncorrupted, nature based, etc. and add her as a major Horde NPC like with Calia.


Personally I think that a high elf that returned to Quel’thalas would take the Blood Elf name tbh, generally speaking, but yeah, I can see why some horde aligned High Elves would exist. I just don’t think they would be highly regarded Quel’thalas for refusing to take the name sin’dorei to honor their fallen.

I just feel that choosing to remain a “High Elf” would be heavily frowned upon in Blood Elven society. But yeah, that’s the sort of thing that a “race tag” revamp would make the lore have to address.

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damn the armored springpaw lynx mount looks mint


Nothing specifically stops them.


The only instance we really have of High elves turning into Blood elves was under Kael’thas, which we know was more meant to reflect the blood they had just spilled defending their homeland. I really don’t see High elves changing into blood elves in order to join the Horde since most of them were not even present for the tragedies in their homeland, some were not even on the planet…

I also feel like representing the High elves and Blood elves reconciling their differences is the most forward progression of Azerothian history and progressing away from the status quo. If Silvermoon gets rehauled I would be interested in seeing the presence of High elves returning home in some capacity and reintegrating into thalassian society again; implying that some of the blood elves and high elves are able to see past their outside appearances and put the past behind them in order to work together towards a common goal. Them simply turning into Blood elves just maintains the stagnant situation of the blood elves and high elves current ambiguous relationship.

I’m excited because it was during Christ Metzen’s days that we got to see a lot more interactions and relations improving between the two groups, from working together to fend off the amani, to sharing the Sunwell with one another. Now that he’s returning, I’m wondering if he’ll pick up where he left off

They get pilgrimmage, and that’s really all they should get since they turned their backs on their own people in favor of human potential.

They never turned into Blood Elves. There was no transformation. Just a renaming.

He was instrumental in making the High Elves call themselves Blood Elves and having them join the Horde. He spoke about making them different than simple Tolkien elves.

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its…a name change. the blood elves that just so happen to be there during the scourge are quite literally no different from the ones that went off somewhere else doing things.

the only people that were changed are void elves and even then, they are still blood elves, still high elves at the end of the day but they suck and we do not claim these traitors lol. anyway.

whoever did this lore about “high/blood” elves needs to seriously come back and say something. get tired of the whole “belf aint helf” its a dang name change. all it is. just give everyone an option to put “high elf” and call it even.

High Elves didn’t change into Blood Elves, they were High Elves right from the beginning. They’ve only changed the name to honor their fallen, but they never changed there race.

They have, and will always be, High Elves. “Blood Elf” is just political.


I mean, it would really depend on the individual High elf. High elves do not act as any coordinated whole, but are splintered into multiple groups with their own set of ethics, beliefs and goals. Some despise the Alliance just as much as the Horde does, take Gilthares Firebough and the Thala’thas Privateers comprised of High elves that send Horde adventurers to kill Alliance soldiers and generals. Other High elves were not even on Azeroth when the original splintering occurred, and were only given the option to return home after the Dark portals were ropened and Kael’thas and the Burning legion were dealt with.

Coincidentally it’s those very elves that immediately journey to the Sunwell among the Blood elves after it’s restoration, with their captain Auric Sunchaser acting as the High elven representative.

That’s what I mean, that “renaming” was done by their prince, and it had a very specific meaning and purpose to it beyond “im horde so im blood elf now” It just wouldn’t really make sense for a high elf to take that moniker for themself given they had no hand in its history.

He also improved relations by having Lor’themar and the Blood elves be welcoming, and supportive of their High elven kin, instead of continuing a status quo of hostility.

I didn’t say they transformed, I just said they “became” Blood elves from that day forward. But that renaming had a purpose and meaning to it that was meant to honor the blood of their kin that had fallen that day defending Quel’thalas

Yes, I’m only pointing out that the rename had nothing to do with being horde, that the rename had a purpose and meaning behind it. A High elf becoming a Blood elf would be doing it for a far different reason than simply deciding to join the Horde.

There still is an underpin of hostility. A lot of what is left of Elves that still call themselves Helves felt like we were barbaric for still acting how we always did and for why we were exiled in the first place. So it’s likely more comfortable for them to stay where they are at.


Yes, but again Chris was clearly making strides to close the gap between them, especially when Lor’themar and Auric Sunchaser both refer to both groups collectively as the “Children of Silvermoon” and making the choice to have the Blood elves welcome the High elves to the Sunwell. I feel that much of the High elf/blood elf story was sort of abandoned after Metzen left, only to be touched at lightly here and there.

The last significant thing to really happen to them was the restoration of the Sunwell, and that was in the expansion they were released in.

I’m hopeful that maybe we’ll see more of that sort of stuff moving forward now that he’s back.

I think it was mainly to just give a reason for them to survive without the sunwell. It was still all at arms length. And it should stay that way. They either left or stayed away. They chose where they want to be.


Well, Auric refers to himself and Lor’themar and Rommath as “us”, implying he counts himself as sharing an objective with them. Just before that line, as I mentioned earlier, he also refers to blood elves and high elves collectively as the “children of Silvermoon”. I doubt he’d use that kind of rhetoric if he was reluctant to work together with the blood elves to achieve the vengeance which they all seek.

it’s worth remembering that the final assault on the Lich King was mostly conducted through neutral organisations. The Argent Crusade and the Knights of the Ebon Blade.
Many high and blood elves are shown working together as members of the Argent Crusade, not aligning themselves with the partisan groups of the Sunreavers or Silver Covenant. Cellian Daybreak occupies the same tent as Crusader Rhydalla and another blood elf crusader and they manage not to be at each other’s throats. I think that the Argent Crusade offered elves like Captain Auric the forum to work along side the blood elves and enact vengeance on Arthas and his Scourge without needing to associate with the rest of the Horde. A neutral space where dialogue could be opened and relationships worked on.

As for some high elves potentially repatriating to Quel’Thalas, I believe that many of the elves stationed at the Allerian Stronghold have likely returned home upon learning that the blood elves in Silvermoon are not the same as the ones they came into conflict with at Firewing Point. I say this because Auric Sunchaser can be found acting as “High Elf Representative” at the Sunwell during the Quel’Delar chain. The word ‘representative’ implies a more stationary position than envoy or spokesman.
Plus, I get the impression that, after years of being trapped in Outland, many of the Allerian high elves just wanted to return home after the Dark Portal reopened, but initially hesitated because they assumed everyone back in Quel’Thalas was the same as the Firewing blood elves.

I don’t think the tattoos really match the Bloodelf aesthetic (unless you’re playing like a hunter) but in general I like the ideas.

Sure because it was their city. It isn’t anymore though.

And as soon as it fit them they turned on the entirety of the Sunreavers over the bell. Even though it was only one Sunreaver responsible for that.

I’m gonna tell you simply why I’m against this. Because every time this let’s just be friends and make up stuff happens, the Horde loses more of it’s identity. Because the Alliance is never made to make any concessions. No compromises. And Blood Elves have already been sanitized enough.

There’s also an element of the player base that keeps wanting what we Belf players have. Our skin tones, hair colors. Now hairstyles and our city. Again the Helves that still call themselves that made their choice. They chose not to live with their people. It should stay that way.


A Belf wearing a runic tattoo is the very cover for Burning Crusade.


I feel it’s always been hinted at that we have always had splintered off High Elves returning to Silvermoon City, Sunwell, Eversong Woods, Ghostlands, etc. so who’s to say how many of them wouldn’t stay like stay and just reintegrate back into normal society under the Blood Elven banner.

Add to it as the High Elven race we should have the option to choose to use the High Elf name as our race as well as get stuff more focused that way kind of like how Void Elves are void corrupted so they should get more stuff focused that way.

Legit if they’d just put in a bit of lore that all the splintered off High Elves returned to Horde and rejoined the Blood Elves like when say they add Druids and Shamans to help heal the land it would completely end the whole High Elves thing as well as reinforce the differences and focus on furthering that for both sides benefit.