Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

Rama made an excellent concept on what Blood Elves would look like with Nightborne hairstyles;

At the very least I do wish hairstyles could be pooled together to a similar effect.


Thank you! Honestly I think a Core Race/Allied Race could give us so much more options without having to sink too much developing time on new assets!


I also just saw this come up on Twitter again recently, and I thought I’d post it here as well in regards to furthering Blood Elf player agency and in regard to more impactful options, as I feel this encompasses the potential that Blood Elf customizations ought to tap into :heart::yellow_heart::green_heart:


This is great! But why is “Thalassian” the default option when they are all Thalassian?

Edit: Well i suppose technically you would not be a Thalassian if you were born outside of Quel’Thalas. But it still doesn’t make sense as the default. Should be Sin’Dorei.

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Tbh I didn’t concentrate on the creation screen as much as I did the fact the example simply show cased what the customization side of the screen could be like.

It was a nice example of Farstrider tattoos


I mean if we’re gonna talk about what the groupings could be hypothetically I think Default, Illidari and Darkfallen are different enough to warrant the idea of “subset.”

Cause if how much arcane, light or fel you have only affects your eye color, it isn’t enough of a difference to be a subset, whether it is linked to racial abilities or not, voice set, or name tag.

But then again the whole idea of “premades/subsets” can be seen as a suggestion of combinations, or a limitation of possibilities, right? TBH, there has to be some differentiation with racials, voice sets and name tag to make the concept a necessity on the first place.

Otherwise just unlock most options and just let people make up their own mind. If not, it will lead to actually having to answer some questions definitely like “Do any horde thalassians identify themselves as quel’dorei/high elf?”

And while I do want a more in depth revamp of customization, so far the lore for new options across the board hasn’t been very in depth.

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But yowza!!! :star_struck:

Subrace System for Customization Options would be a Great System within World of Warcraft. That way you can be called different name besides just regular human or dwarf, or blood elf, and etc.


I assume that is what they have done. Whether it’s with being able to see elves like Lanesh among Blood Elf ranks, or the sunwell helping restore non green eye colors, it’s up to the player to decide.

But I would not be opposed to being able to have both a tiny bit of story even if just in a minor quest stating some high elves returned, and letting us have the option for our characters in game officially outside of trp.

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Got to see him at the end of the Forsaken heritage quest.

He’s not forgotten but seems to be hanging with the other dark rangers among the Forsaken.

Wouldn’t that be Lorash


its time for the blood elf druids (aka botanists) to come back as a mass group again its been forever since the sunwell was healed the land taken back. also just so you know blood elves they dont have paladins their blood knights their mages are Magisters if they are men and magistrix if their women their hunters and rogues are far striders and rangers, their botanists are druids which i hope can be playable.

thanks to what he says it outright cannonizes the life span of blood/high elves they can live up to be over 10 thousand years like night elves if not more as his mother was that old.

Ah hell you’re right. Forgot which was which for a second.

Will the Forest Accept them back through? I did remember playing this questline near the borders of Eversong Forest where you slay the corrupted trees and tree creatures pretty much didn’t want anything to do with the blood elves until they grow up without them.

So will the Trees of the South Groves accept Blood Elves back as Botanists after everything that happened to them?

Blood elves have had a vested interest in healing the land even during bc we had quests where we tested the dead scar (now this was paired w a sentiment of “let’s just go to Outland!”) but obviously that didn’t work out, I did find it interesting the more mentor / teacher person in that quest was more pro Outland and the younger generation elf who was called her student iirc was more interested in healing Quel’thalas.

Regardless given how things worked out i doubt the desire to heal Quel’thalas has gone away, the desire to heal the land being the most obvious primary story device for BE Druids.

With all classes going to all races it’s important to note they could also represent outliers of their society and have sought our Druidism from literally any of their allies in the horde as well.


If the Class Quests finally becomes a thing in WoW Retail again I think seeing a Questchain for Blood Elf Druids where they heal the wounds of the Groves and Tree Protecters or Treefolk accepts the Blood Elf People once again like the olden times where be a interesting start atleast in terms of New Quests in the World Revamp.


This legit should be the way Blood Elves get Druids and Shamans, they could add to it that the little splintered High Elves like Lanesh came back as well and it could be a whole story of it, it would be a total win honestly. :heart: :heart: :heart:

Not to mention it would open up adding more customizations to us, so yeah I’m 100% on board for it.


Shaman first. Many years now they are in the Horde. They could learn the shamanism now with Orcs and Tauren. Even Goblins can be shaman. Blood Elves need to have shaman now.


I don’t think Blood Elves could be Shamans can they?