Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

My first thought on seeing the new hair colors was “Can’t wait to see void elves demand these, too.” You could argue that the blue and purple colors fit the void elf look, but that green color is long overdue for belf DKs.


Blood elves can keep them XD


I have asked for pink hair for Blood Elves for the longest time and well I thought I’d never get it so I started asking for it when I had a Void Elf but honestly after them getting so much of our customization shared with them I’m glad we are getting it and they aren’t because well pink hair on my number one favorite race and my main character will totally rock. :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart: :dracthyr_heart:


Y’alllllll I am so excited to be getting the pinkish/lavender hair. :purple_heart:


I suspect since they’re virtually the same colors everyone has been getting there is a fair chance that void elves (and most other races) may end up with them eventually.

I suspect this cannot be the only thing we’re getting though. Its too simple to have been included as a main thing on the list.

Very briefly I saw on Twitter someone claiming the red eyes were no longer going to be locked to the skintone and I got so happy but it appears that was just WoWhead and not the game itself.


New silvermoon transmog inc!


I hope that means we’re getting proper impactful customization too beyond 4 hair colors they announced

Imo they should tell us bcz they don’t have that trust w any aspect of the community be it belf fans or others


I hope so too. 4 hair colors is far too inconsequential to merit a bullet point on the road map. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they have other Blood Elf customizations planned for 10.2 that just aren’t ready to be talked about yet.


I’m not feeling to optimistic about it. All the customization updates have been of the same nature in DF (hair colors and skin tones), it really has been really concise, with no new 3D assets and the like being added.

DID, Zandalari, Human, Orc and Draenei have gotten new hair colors, while DID, Forsaken and Draenei Skin tones. Night Elves have been the only ones that have gotten something more unique with their markings, but still is just texture work.

The problem here is that, for some reason starting with 10.1.7 (NE, Forsaken and Draenei), they started to put these small updates on the roadmap. It felt somewhat more justified then as they were coming with their heritage and Eredar questlines and they were 3 races, but still it was just texture work.

Regardless, it still feels so weird they used a space on the roadmap for something that wasn’t even announced for other races before 10.1.7. I wanna believe there’s a possibility for more, but yeah, not optimistic about it.


The Forsaken update was a bullet point on road map, and that turned out to be nothing more than 5 skin colors.


Night elves got tattoos or rather the tattoos that body type 1 had got shared to night elf body type 2. And then body type 1 got face markings they didn’t previously have access to(?). Blood elves don’t even have tattoos bcz we didn’t get that in our first customization pass so the same can’t be applied I guess.

Even just opening up the jewelry for guys would be something in blood elves case.


Thanks for the crosspost.

Actually those colors seem to be going to every race. Humans/Orcs already got them.

Why they don’t roll them all out at once is beyond me. This is not the first time those colors have excited me only to get my hopes crushed.

We demand glorious elven beards!

They did it for Humans/Orcs I believe. (May be wrong) And Forsaken got a similar mention for their new skin colors.

Though I hope we are getting some Felblood and/or San’layn skins.

The first half of this got my hopes up…


There are some Blood Mage shoulders/belts around too I believe.


Found the Blood Mage gear.

“Vengeance cries out for my peoples blood… Which can only be repaid with at least twice as much blood! Or maybe three times as much blood! Like if you went to hell! And it was full of blood! And the blood was on fire! And… well that might be too much…” -WC3:TFT Blood Mage.


Oooo I love those

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As I said:

I am pessimist we will be seeing anything but texture work. I did think tattoos/warpaint were a possibility, but I think they would have shown somewhere on the files by now.

So far the added customizations on DF have not lived up to the revamps we saw in Shadowlands, and I’m genuinely not optimistic we will be seeing anything like those, so 3D assets seem unlikely (jewelry, hairstyles, etc)

I wanna believe warpaint/tattoos are still a possibility, so really fingers crossed on that at least.

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Shame the blood mage gear wasn’t our heritage armor.


congrats! i thought of you right away when they said pink hair!


Lets see blood elves get some actual new impactful options blizzard, 4 hair colors that are making the rounds (humans / orcs just got them) so I assume they’re making the rounds are nice but we’ve been asking for our box art, or farstrider tattoos, or to play up light or fel themes!


Aren’t we all :weary: Blood Elves barely got any new hairstyles in their customization pass, the tiara one is limiting, and the physics on all the old hairstyles is…questionable. And Void Elves are one of the few races to get no new hairstyles since they launched :sob: We legit need a dedicated hair style team lolll

I wish they would just share hairstyles among races at least. The Draenei new hairstyles especially would look amazing on other races, and Kul Tiran and Nelf hairstyles too, etc.

Hairstyles are, IMO, one of the most distinguishing customization options for characters and adding a buttload more and sharing options across the game would go a long long way for increasing how different players look


Thinking about it, while VE are the ONLY AR out of the 4 OG ones that didn’t get new hairstyles, neither have any of the later ones (Kul Tiran, Zandalari, DID, Maghar, Mechagnome, Vulpera) and they all really need that deep pass that LFD, NB and HMT got,