I feel this way as well because before it was added and shared I was a big supporter of Dark Rangers and San’layn and I still support San’layn potentially being a full race for the Horde but customization wise I don’t want that because I just feel it would be something that got shared again with Void Elves and I am beyond tired of sharing things with them.
I want uniqueness and unique customizations for Blood Elves and Blood Elves only.
I see this as pairing so nicely when it comes time for void elves to get void specific options. A way for both to get their exclusive/unique attention.
I’m excited to see what ends up happening for blood elves but my hopes aren’t too up atm. They couldn’t even unlock the jewelry for guys back when.
I feel like after Dracthyr got the options they did everyone just should be worked on immediately.
But even if void elves don’t get options this pass the precedent of BEs getting light options paired w a Sunwell type blessing quest would be nice for VEs for void options when blizzard gives them void options.
I don’t mind people wanting everyone to be worked on at the same time tbh. But I am actively choosing to ignore the people purposely trying to provoke Blood Elf fans by asking for the -same exact- options we want in a sort of passive aggressive emoji way I feel like they’re just trying to start issues and we don’t have to engage.
There’s a possibility they are working on something like a Felblood/San’layn quest but it could be like the Forsaken Skin Colors and just a small thing they added.
I’d love to remove the Tiara from that one hair… and the headband from the other yknow considering other races can do that with their hair/head jewelry or at least change it’s colour.
Prob not gunna happen tho so wheeheeee
I just feel like even the women didn’t get much on their first pass. Compared to other races what we got was pretty much crap.
It’d be nice to have some actually good updated hairstyles, tattoos, freckles (preferably separate from face) actually good jewelry with multiple gem and metal colors, and for hair accessories to be optional and change colors with the jewelry.
I think zandalari were mentioned when they got hair colors and that felt lackluster too.
Though i hope more is coming. A bunch of people piping up complaining about “blood elves getting more” only for it to be another lackluster pass where blood elf fans are scratching our heads confused.
So we get all the hate from the elf hater crowd but none of what we’d imagine from an actual customization pass lol.