Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

I agree. Even if I don’t share Naughty’s viewpoint myself they are 100% valid to have that opinion.

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I want to see a silvermoon restoration at some point, maybe the entire blood elf region could get even a slight refresh, probably right up there with my wish for suramar to become an actual major capital like it should have been, i can dream though


Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Video game characters got extra customizable, I must not go on , it’s to much , I can’t ….

Good lord

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Really hoping for unique light customizations and tattoos :dracthyr_heart:


And then there’s you reeee-ing about someone who enjoys video games differently than you :roll_eyes:

It’s perfectly fine to want to keep some things unique to their races. How lame would it be if everyone got iconic night elf markings? Wow, everyone can be a nelf now, even me as an orc! Nah that would suck.


Tbf since void elves are the exact same people as blood elves, them sharing options makes sense.
But night elf options going to orcs does not make sense since there is no link between the two races.

Both view points are valid, and at the end of the day blizzard will do whatever they so choose at that point in time.
Seems to be more about what the staff wants than the fanbase.
So theres no point anyone stressing about who wants what.


Ah ok, well with that you’ll be added to my ever increasing list of “to view this message click here/one hidden reply”


Tbh unless blizzard intends on allowing blood elves to have all the void options (which I dont want I’m just making a point) blood elves should get unique options exclusive to them.

Same with void elves when it’s time for more void options.

Anyways that’s all I’ll say let them discuss things they want in the future in their own thread, I think the person who originally started the convo just wanted to start a little drama bcz they’re probably a bit salty and that’s on them, but reacting to it is on us.


No, they were the same people in the past but they’ve diverged into two different types of elves. There’s no need for sharing. Well, at least there’s room for there to be unique options for both races.

I wouldn’t mind sharing stuff like hairstyles especially if they’re stylized to fit the race feeling a little more.

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They are, they are the same person that was necroing threads from like a year ago saying about they should share this or that, Dark Ranger options, etc. and doing it on different lowbie Death Knight alts.


The past being a few years ago and like 1% of their lifespan :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly my ideal would be void and blood elves sharing hair/ facial hair/ jewellery and stuff.

And then give blood elves their own set of exclusive light themed skins and hair effects to mirror what void elves got.

And then if they get tats down the line, blood elves get red and gold, void elves get blue and purple.

That sort of thing.

So shared, yet different.


Don’t forget it could just be some customizations and that’s all. Night Elves and Forsaken only got some customizations. I hope they will be more hairstyles with the Felblood Elf skin. Some San’layn options could be welcomed too.


I was once a big advocate for Blood Elves and Void Elves both, I still even think it’s sad to think of how cool Void Elves could of been instead of just being bargain bin Blood Elves because Alliance players often say they never get anything cool and then they did and they ruined it.


no. NO. I do not want light elves! NO.


I mean… you kind of are already :stuck_out_tongue:

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This here.

We need to moderate our expectations.

For all we know at this time we could just get jewelry colors or something else equally as minor.

I doubt it’ll really be just that, but it’s important to be excited but not so much so that you get ‘hurt’ in the end.


I would like light options and continued story development of high elves returning to Quel’thalas, but I won’t be unhappy if the options we got were Fel type stuff.

Just as long as it’s unique to blood elves.


Fel is way cooler than the light.
But blizzard left fel blood elves behind in tbc and since then theyve been all holy.

Its a shame imo but it is what it is

This, this is the mood, seriously anything we get new should be unique to us and only for us not given, shared, etc. to anyone else. :100: :100: :100:


If they have another quest if inviting a small group into the fold like the Felblood elves it would work honestly.

But I view light and Sunwell options as cooler personally, especially if they repurposed void elf tentacles to be light themed and paired them w light specific tattoos.

When it comes to void elves getting attention in the future I feel like yeah some stuff is shared now, but I’m sure they’ll get void specific tattoo colorings so I’d hope the light specific tattoos would be a cool way for blood elves to get an exclusive option to offset that.