Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

These are really good and i don’t ask for much other than to have a character that emulates the types of thing that drew me to Blood Elves as a faction.

Anything that can harken back to the deviststing might of Kael’thas’s raw power. I look at the BC cover art with the blood elf that has the tattoo runes around his eye and think “I want to be like that guy!!”

The high elf stuff is cool too but I want to be a blood elf, you know?

I’d be fine with some updates hairstyles too. I think a lot of work goes into styling shorter hair but I want a long flowing anime mane, something rugged and wild


More customization coming in 10.2 but no previews out yet :eyes:


Here I was on my way to show that off and you beat me to it!

I don’t expect much, but I really hope it revitalizes blood elves.

Maybe we’ll see the red eyes become untethered from the skintone. Perhaps tattoos?

Possibilities abound!

Further context.


This on it’s own would work wonders honestly, I mean yes I also want the pink hair color, pink eye glow and burgundy hair color personally but red eyes with my tanned skin so I can change my hair color to red would make me happy as well. :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:

But yay to Blood Elf customizations finally. :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5: :dancer:t5:


I feel like male blood elves are severely lacking compared to the female. I would like some better, more modern long hair options. Some body jewelry. Tattoos, and finally those damn facial markings!


I’m excited and nervous to see what they have in store for us, and already annoyed at the void elf players who will complain about them


I’m only annoyed at the players who are complaining about belfs having enough already. I feel like belfs don’t even have that much compared to other races.

Like if I see a race I don’t play is getting customization I don’t get upset. I’m happy for them and I hope that a race I do play gets customization in the future :confused:


Because we don’t and most anything we had or get new gets shared to them so it just takes away from the whole it’s new almost instantly because it gets bargain binned.


Not to rain on anyones parade, but i would not expect too much out of this.

I wonder if the blood elves receive new skin and hair colors, will the void elves receive them too ? :thinking:

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I’m really curious to see what will be added.

Hopefully it’s something that you all have been asking for! :heartpulse:


I can’t see it being planned at least since in that case the void elves would have been on the road map as well.


I want earrings and body jewelry for my male blood elf , please!

Wanna be sexy !


And there it is :roll_eyes:


I mean honestly it makes sense, same skeleton if I was gonna add customization to one I would do both.

But the blood elf’s have rioted so much, they prob won’t just to satiate your whining

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I’m in the opposite camp and hope Void Elves never get anything customization wise from Blood Elves again or in general again, mean yes but also true and I’m not ashamed to say that.


Very skeptical about this. I also hope it isn’t tied to the Sunwell for the fear of them not realizing they might be writing themselves into a corner.


Uh huh, you see the issue here is there’s no originality for blood elves anymore. Hairstyles alone do not count. The iconic horde Dark Ranger customizations would have gone far to ease the balance yet void elves AND night elves got access, DOUBLE what the horde got. Makes super sense


Aye, it would be wonderful and I hope this time around its more than just a few eye colors or something. I’m keeping my hopes low though as I don’t want to be disappointed.

This is more where I’m at, though given Fenelon and my Void Elf thread I suppose that would be expected. lol

Its not rain if its just a safe choice.

While its exciting and wonderful and we can dream of so many things Blizzard does have a tendency to be lackluster. Moderate expectations but don’t be afraid to be hopeful!

I suspect not this time around as they’d have probably just said Blood and Void Elves then.

That would be swell!

If Blizzard cared what either side was doing we’d all have a lot more. lol

I am also a bit concerned about this. I hope they remember there are multiple aspects to the Blood Elves.

A friend of mine suggested more San’layn options ala the Man’ari concept. Perhaps those survivors from the BfA San’layn, that you can still find on those boats after the Alliance kills Drevan even today, join the Horde proper? Could be interesting.


There is no shame in wanting the race you play as to maintain its visual identity and have unique customization options.