Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

What upsets me about it and the Paladin one is that they will always be limited and crippled by the outdated and unchanging landscape of Quel’thalas.

I swear if 1 more mention, focus, or quest pops up of “btw Deathholme and the Dead scar? Oh you thought that has been dealt with for the 20th time already? Nah there is movement there again”.


It was suppose to have been near completely dealt with in 2012 according to the Lore. Guess not though. Always there as a recurring plot.

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Far as I know the only ‘dealt with’ part of it was that the main Scourge forces were slain and only stragglers were still wandering about following the blighted scar.

The Paladins of the Argent Crusade and the Cenarion Circle had some luck in the Western Plague Lands cleansing Blight but that was still an ongoing and not entirely complete process that hadn’t gone much further yet. Especially after Andorhal was retaken by the Forsaken to my knowledge.

I would love to see Blood Elf druids, shaman and blood knights working together to heal the Dead Scar though. That would be cool and help to bring in those new classes.


It’s very confusing.

I know the Dead scar and blighted land would always be a disaster zone, but Deathholme? How many times can we attack it, kill the leader, and claim victory? It seems so odd that the bloodelves wouldn’t just raze it to the ground after.

Also the way Lor’themar worded it, with the Scryers and even some Sunfury returning, that they were slowly reclaiming the land and that sections had been healed. Was that about 18 game years ago? We then do quests that puts us right back at square 1.


Well Silvermoon, Eversong, and the Ghostlands are long overdue for a revamp. It would be nice to see it brought up to our current time with DF and we can see the efforts that we’ve been working toward over these 15 years.

You see that the Western Plaguelands have been freed of the blighted areas and the areas in Eastern Plaguelands have also some growth returning. So it would be nice to see that the Blood Knights, Farstriders, and Magisters have worked together to heal the scar and pushed it mostly out of Eversong and reclaimed the razed half of Silvermoon.

I do think the Sin’dorei gaining druidism could also help in this effort to help reclaim their lands. Even giving them / Farstriders an area in the western Silvermoon reclaimed area would be a nice face-lift. Perhaps an Ar’candor Tree that the Nightborne have given us as a gift of unification between the two kingdoms. We could also see Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei working together in druidism.


I was on hotd twt and saw these like a short curly hair style is that so much to ask for from blizzard


sharing the picture power!


Ty, and yeah a few varying lengths of curly hair I feel like would be appreciated, and I feel we don’t have that many short hair styles as is


Agreed. I’d like to have more short (yet stylish options) for my characters.


Lyraseth posted these on Twitter and I thought it prudent to share these here, High res Lynx cat form concepts! :heart: :smiley_cat:


Glory to the Sin’dorei! More customizations and classes soon as possible Blizz (in particular we’re still waiting with baited breath for belf druids).

Also, and I know this will get me some hate but whatever. Since factions are clearly being softened can we just do away with the void elves and instead toss them and high elves as customizations for alliance affiliated high elves perhaps under the banner thalassian exiles (just think of it Blizz, work you do on blood elves could carry over with minor color tunes or no changes to high elves, it’s a good proposition, much better value and sense than continuing to cater to void elves and most players want the high elves anyways, several birds with one stone).

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Its expensive to reduce something to rubble especially with undead still filtering into the site over time due to the Scar.

I just assume they figured it was more cost effective to just kill a couple straggler undead than to raze it to the ground.

Or maybe they did in lore and the Scourge just keep building it back when someone filters in. lol

They’ve always said that the Dead Scar would remain and that they didn’t know how to fix it. The rest of their lands are however healing as well as their people.

But I agree its time, preferably through a revamp of Quel’thalas, that we see the Dead Scar healed at least in part. A wonderful time to introduce Shaman and Druids to the Farstriders.


That would be cool.

I’d love to see the tree that once sat in Deatholme restored and used as a font of Nature magic for the region. Though I also have some aspirations of seeing the San’layn ally with the Horde and set up in Deatholme to keep the Scourge from continuing their assault anyways.

Could see the San’layn (a group of them anyways) ally with the Horde and take over Deatholme. Then they could take control of any Scourge that filter into the region from there and send them back out the EPL to fight the oncoming Scourge…

Have the Farstriders and Blood Knights with new druid and shaman blood elves heal the scar from Quel’Thalas towards Deatholme and not be harried by oncoming Scourge as much. Then see the Farstriders establish a new tree or Aracan’dor or something along the way to stem the entire flow of the Blight. That could be cool.

Blood Elves would do so well to have more short hairstyles and some longer ones for female blood elves. Also maybe a texture upgrade to more standards of today…

Yes! I was going to add this to the main post!

They’re so amazing!!!

Some minor edits to the thread have now been made.


I got art done of Lannislight :dracthyr_heart:
by Odger Eiximenis

I feel like some of the Dracthyr hair styles would give me some of the texture I want in hair options.



A glorious blood elf and a glorious piece of art!

(Imagine getting that exact hairstyle for belves)


Ty I would love various levels of hair texture options but also shorter like that too.

Although I did remember how much I appreciated getting blue eyes on blood elves but thats been a while now.


I liked this post for this because that would be way cool.

However with this I have always felt and still feel like there were better choices than blue for eye colors but that’s just personal preference and not me being hateful.


I’m eternally grateful that the devs saw fit to finally make good on the promise that our eyes would heal in time and that the blue color would return.

But along this route there is plenty of room for us to expand our eye colors and see more.

Many types and styles would be appreciated to expand and better represent more people’s.


Yas, looks great! :hugs:

We’d look amazing with Drachtyr hair assets. I do believe they’re compatible with our models.


I just remembered my quest for pink hair color and burgundy hair color for Blood Elves so I wanted to drop a reply requesting those specifically for Blood Elves because I still want them really bad, add in pink eyes and I’d be very happy with my main character. :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:


Did I add in pink hair and burgundy hair and pink eyes to the main post…


I did. yes. :stuck_out_tongue: