Blood Elf Customization in Shadowlands

That’s true, ultimately we must simply wait. I don’t agree with your particular reasonings, which if you need a reference as to why you can overlook and respond to the reasonings I gave above to other posters as well since you give very similar reasonings as them. In the end, I know neither side will budge on the issue nor agree with the reasonings either side gives; but that’s just opinions. Though I do believe many see their reasonings as fact and are stubborn, myself included, we just simply won’t know what they decide until the option is actually live.

However, I’ll choose to believe in part to what Ion said, that being, anything is possible. This is undeniably a controversial issue since there have been multiple threads, YouTube videos, and forums on other websites with thousands of replies discussing the topic. Blizzard intervention and confirmation could easily stomp the issue in the bud, close all the threads, and simply stop the discussion like they’ve done many times in the past before; but they haven’t, so personally I will believe that means something a bit more unorthodox is in play here. The Q&A’s, Blizzcon, and other interviews where the question is asked repeatedly a simple “Blood Elves shall get the blue eyes.” There, done, dead in the water. No need for the back and forth, but we’ll see what they decide at the end of the day hopefully when the alpha goes through.

Again these are just my guesses. As a worgen main idc really whether belves get it or not, but I do believe it’s still up in the air. Honestly I like Void Elves quite a lot, and since they have blue eyes I just RP as a high elf regardless who took in the void since they’re traveling in pairs in Stormwind.


and we not only dont agree with your position, but have no respect for it. as it is not one based in lore but denial of what blood elves(high elves) are and if they are given this small customization that makes sense it just hurts your chances of getting a carbon copy of a horde race even more. that is the only reason you are against it. everyone knows it, even development

youre just exposing how weak the argument for a playable blue eyed blood elf(which i am playing right now on this dk) on the alliance is that you cling to this small customization that makes sense lorewise for blood elves(high elves) at this point. not that your position ever had an honest one to begin with

I personally think both Void Elves and Blood Elves should share customization options. Just make them void-like for the VElves and make them normal for the Blood Elves.


thanks for proving yet again you guys dont care where the lightskin comes from and that its about aesthetics and not lore. as void elves are still ‘blood elves’ and still a VOID ELF. stick to the script next time

…what. How is asking for a Void version of Blood Elf hairstyles (and asking for them to get normal versions of the Void Elf hairstyles and beards) proving any point? What point am I proving, exactly?


oh, im sorry. i read that wrong. its just youve asked for void elves to get blood elf skin tones in the past

I agree with this. Void versions for Velfs and regular versions for Belfs!

When? I’ve defended the inclusion of playable Alliance high elves, but I don’t recall asking for different skin options for Void Elves.

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here. not even more then a month ago

oh, right. In that context I think it makes sense. I still think it’s a pretty stupid idea though.

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i do as well but youve already admitted its about aesthetics with this statement and not ‘the lore’

No. It’s still about the lore. The context is literally in the comment. If Wildhammer Dwarves can be made customization options, even though they’re entirely different from Bronzebeard Dwarves, I think Blizzard could do that for Void Elves too.


You keep bringing up the whole “I don’t respect your opinion because of lore” thing. But you yourself chose to ignore lore (fact void elves are a handful of exiles) to justify them being a race, so I don’t really get it. Otherwise, I don’t think I ever said anything that actually isn’t in the actual game, which I hope you consider to be lore based. Also, saying “everyone knows it” is just dishonest, as said, multiple videos, threads on multiple websites, and discussion is still being had about it. You claiming that it’s just a few people hopping around on alts, when in some of these threads there’s hundreds of approval hearts on both sides is really ignoring how split players are on the issue.

I also have a blue eyed high elf (if they’re the same) on Alliance as my Void Elf, so I guess both sides have the option, one without requiring me to be a DK. So there’s that. Again, just believing in the possibility of anything is up in the air for this customization. Blizzard have proven before that with vocal issues, they’re willing to utilize unique solutions.

honestly they just gave tattoo options for dwarves. idk if that is true wildhammer customization. but uncorrupted high elves are already playable on the horde. a void corrupted elf will never look identical to a high elf. that is the whole justification for their existence as an AR for the alliance

A Q&A doesn’t mean they’re going to spoil all the features coming in Shadowlands, if that was the intention I imagine they would have provided us with a lot more than a few swatches of the new customizations. It’s pretty common practice in Q&As to avoid questions that might spoil content they might be planning to release at a further date.

Blizzard doesn’t shut down threads, or discussions revolving around content simply because it’s controversial or that they don’t plan to implement it. In fact they encourage players to never give up hope and to keep their discussions alive. But the key difference here is that Blizzard has come forth numerous times and told the players why High elves do not work, why void elves had to look different before being introduced, and the problems of introducing an exact copy of an existing race on another factions presents. No Blizzard employee has ever come forth and said no to blue eyes for blood elves, and even further the idea was even mentioned by Ion himself as well. While anything is possible, based on what I’ve seen and heard, I do not believe Void elves are just as likely to get fair skin tones as Blood elves are to get blue eyes. But that’s simply my perspective.

For me, it just makes sense for Blood elves to have blue eyes. After all their relationship with the arcane is the most prominent theme to their race. When you create a blood elf the narrator is very careful to mention this, that even despite many embracing the light, others refuse to relinquish their dependence on the arcane. And then we learn that the Sunwell is both parts Arcane and Light?

I felt gold eyes was a wonderful way to reflect the progression of the blood elven narrative, that with the Sunwell restored the Blood elves no longer relied on alternative sources of magic like the fel. And blue eyes would be a wonderful alternative for blood elf players who don’t play light-wielding classes to reflect that progression too. Heck, we already see blue eyed blood elf frost mages in Dalaran.

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“If you want that WIldhammer look, go for it.” Was what Ion said when they were presented. If they can be added as customization options for Bronzebeard Dwarves despite their huge cultural and mild physical difference, I don’t see why Blizzard can’t do the same with High Elves and Void Elves. I still think it’s a stupid idea though.


All true, and these are reasonings I agree with. I do believe you bring up good points, and honestly, I wouldn’t really be surprised to see belves get the blue eyes with Shadowlands. Ultimately I just wish they were clearcut with it, as in “Will you add high elves to Alliance?” Then Ion was straight up like, “No. Belves will get this option come Shadowlands. It makes the most sense.” It’s so easy, yet here we are months later still dealing with the whole issue.

Only reason I’m split down the middle is cause of their lack of transparency. Ultimately regardless I’ll still main my worgen, I’ll still have no issue with void elves cause I personally enjoy them, especially on warlock. And if they do add fair skin tone to Alliance, I’ll still play my void elf, unless they had a darker skin tone option (like caramel brown) because I’ve always wanted to play a dark elf but more so with the brown skin white hair and blue eyes option with tattoos. I’d even go Horde if they add those options in Shadowlands.

I don’t really see the issue with just RP’ing your void elf as a high elf. Still, at the end of the day, I’m not personally sold on what they’ll decide, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see the belves get the option instead of muddying the waters between both factions. Just really wish they’d just use basic yes and no format instead of being so delicate all the time. Even if it were to not disappoint the Alliance who want them, I’d still just give them the cold hard here’s how it is, not these weird answers they always seem to give.

i dont really get the obsession with fair skin. high elves are playable on both factions. im not ignoring the fact void elves have low numbers like alliance high elves, but they are distinct and have their own unique flavor. thats why they are playable. its grossly unfair to the horde and blood elf players who have invested over 13 years in their race to make it neutral because of a couple npcs and the obsession of a small minority with skin tone

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In regards to the obsession; Id say it’s just theme and options. I don’t have an issue with this cause I just RP my void elf as not an exile, but a member of the Silver Covenant who also learned from Alleria to take in the void. But there are those who simply desire to be like Alleria or Vareesa. Members of the faction of elves whom chose not to follow Kael’thas and have supported the Alliance for many years now. Fair skinned blue eyed elves who were never corrupted by the fel and exiled.

It’s pretty awkward that the two biggest Quel’dorei characters or… blue eyed elves, are staunch supporters of the Alliance. Whereas any on Horde are barely covered NPC’s for the most part. So I don’t feel it’s too difficult to see where this obsession comes from for wanting to be like these particular elves. Again, I have no issue with just doing this on my void elf, cause I like void elves. But at the same time, I can understand why some people may have desired more options.

And in regards to Void Elves being playable; if being distinct is their reasoning for turning them into a race, that also pretty much justifies that a race doesn’t have to be absolutely “lore” abiding to exist. Which is what I was trying to point out pretty much. If being distinct is the criteria, there are plenty of ways to do this that’d satisfy both factions desires; and still allow both to be happy. I don’t really see the issue with a win win situation, but I know others may disagree. Ultimately my view is if they haven’t laid out a concrete answer to anything, then I’m guessing they’re planning to surprise players with something a little unorthodox, or not at all.

Grossly unfair is definitely a perspective. A lot of Alliance players find it unfair that their AR’s were primarily not requested. Void Elves, I love them, but let’s admit nobody asked for them and they came out of nowhere. Nightborne were highly requested race due to their key role within Legion. Kul’tiran… nobody really asked for them? But Zandalari have been requested for years. Mechagnomes? Nobody asked for them. But there were threads upon threads of Vulpera requests. The only one I think Alliance really asked for were Dark Irons and the Lightforged Draenei pretty much.

I’m very satisfied with Alliance cause I main a worgen, but from the general perspective of many Alliance, they have felt very disrespected when it comes to AR’s. Point being, if it were made neutral, I don’t think it’d be too disrespectful to Horde whereas Alliance players have felt disrespected with majority of their AR’s. I mean it’s just an option, and as mentioned above I do feel if Blizzard did this, they’d ensure to add in some distinct differences between the two.

I do feel small minorities are significant. Not many players wanted or even play the Kul’tiran or Mechagnomes races, as mentioned above, no large majority really wanted them. But there were a small few that did, and I’m happy for those players who really do like them. That’s why I’m more so leaning towards Blizzard’s lack of transparency possibly meaning something unorthodox. But I wouldn’t be surprised in any form to see Blood Elves just get blue eyes naturally without needing to be a DK. What do “I” as an individual actually want? I wouldn’t really choose blue eyed elves. I want some damn Sethrak lol.

There’s actually some fan art done that makes High Elves using the Night Elven body and animations but more of a blood elf look for the head. I was pretty impressed with it. I’d play one.

I’d think the undead customization options like the dark rangers would be a good option if it’s not one for the forsaken.

I’d really prefer seeing San’layn made into a full allied race as there’s so much that can be/needs to be done.

YEAH! That’d be great.

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