Blood Elf Customization in Shadowlands

this is subjective. all they said was we are considering all options. its not even worth bringing up as no definitive answer was given

blue eyes make sense lorewise. ‘i dont think they will’ isnt a respectable argument and has zero substance. nice try tho

like what? im not aware of any that were asked specifically to a dev

I’m in my early twenties and I’ve never smoked anything ever. I do drink typically only rosé though. But I’m a bit high strung and extremely talkative if anything I’m a caffeine fiend! But I’ve never felt the need to engage with that habit, I’m funny outgoing I tend to like to have attention but I like to be in control of how I’m perceived at all times and that just never fit with how I am, and I’m a bit more into social media and in my own world as opposed to trying to disengage if anything people have tried to recommend things to me to chill out. So for me oddly even given my age I’ve simply never partaken in anything but I agree I also wouldn’t now for the simple reason of what you described, congrats on quitting and staying smoke free! :clinking_glasses:


how exactly does giving them blue eyes make sense lore wise?

You do know that the blue glowing eyes were not a direct cause of the sunwell right? Most high elves had no glowing eyes but instead a variety of natural eye colors.

Instead blue/purple glowing eyes comes from the use of arcane magic and isn’t specific to just elves. As it stands they were once fel corrupted with mana still being so while others have now been corrupted by the light energy of the sunwell.

met too! :relaxed:


People forget the company use to say we will not share models on the other faction. And then the company gives into fake tears and anger and uses the most popular model for Alliance elves I was not happy over that. And the fact we now have the very ugly and broken Night Elf models for the Nightborne is a kick to the face of the players.

It’s been hammered over and over why the High Elves are NOT joining and yet people still refuse to accept it . The company had as very good Opportunity to add Half Elves with Elisande speech and they blew it.
Quel’dorei? You are peasants playing at nobility, all too willing to mingle with lesser races that dilute your bloodline. You are unworthy of the name high elves.


Hopefully this country will make it legal for all states to do that. :herb: :cookie: :peace_symbol:


I totally agree!


Probably my one vice as far as consuming anything goes. I’m not much of a sweets person either.


hope to see other colors too. like brown, purple, auburn

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For the same reason we haven’t seen High elves do anything significant toward the story for some time now. During mists of Pandaria the story was centered heavily on the conflict between the elves, especially the ones in dalaran, BFA is more focused on the war conflict between the Alliance and Horde. Heck, they even went out of their way to remove a High elf NPC from the alliance’s side in the Ashran BG.

And there has been absolutely zero high elf presence in BFA besides two in the ship who don’t even actually participate in the warfront.

He doesn’t need to, he’s made that point crystal clear in previous interviews. Not only did he say that only the core races will be getting these new cosmetic features, he also stressed on wanting to add new eye colors to those races, especially with elves. There’s over 50 new options coming to Blood elves, them not disclosing all of these new features isn’t evidence of anything, and if the examples we saw for the other races are anything to go by, blue eyes for blood elves is certainly not too far-fetched.

You don’t understand, blood elves are already seen as the playable high elves, Ion himself listed blue eyes as something he felt belonged to Blood elves when he listed their themes, and then went a step further and inferred that they could get them in the future at some point. And if you watched that interview, you’d see pretty clearly that he is not concerned with upsetting the Alliance.

I think the Sunwell being restored, Auric Sunchaser preaching for the unification between the two races, and the fel being cleansed from their eyes is more of a sign of blue eyes coming to blood elves than a few wayward elves mingling with the void elves. The reasons why their skin is the way it is was an intended compromise, one already set in stone to appease the community. I don’t see them suddenly giving Void elves fair skin tones out of no where. And if they do, I wouldn’t get my hopes up and expect them to not come with compromises.

In the end there really is no way to tell, but to say that there’s equal chance for void elves to get something Blizzard has been stalwart against, over something they’ve already expressed interest in, is a bit strange. As of now, like you said, we have to simply wait.


I love the pro elfer logic.

Blizzard: Avoid the Blue eye Blood elf.


Blizzard: high elf wont be playable on the alliance cause its a horde race.

Pro high elf: They werent specific enough…

really want something. dark ranger blef would be great.

When does this happen? Just curious.

Bring the Quel’delar to the Sunwell as a Blood elf, and Auric Sunchaser will approach and begin to preach about them coming together as all children of Silvermoon, that the blade returning to them (Auric refers to himself, and the blood elves collectively as “we” counting himself as sharing their goals.) is a sign that they should all rally behind the wielder of the Quel’delar (A blood elf) and avenge the loss of the Sunwell and destruction of Silvermoon.

At the same time we see Blood Elves and High elves alike sitting around the well, other blood elves and high elves can be found mingling with one another around some of the ornamented rugs laying around the well.


“Quel’delar is not held in high esteem by the Sin’dorei alone. It holds a place in the heart of all children of Silvermoon. This blade has been returned to us for a reason, my lords. Now is the time to rally behind the bearer of Quel’delar and avenge the destruction of the Sunwell.” Is Auric’s dialogue for the Blood Elf version of the quest. He points out that they’re different people, but he also refers to them as Lords, which probably could suggest something.

I also don’t see any High Elves or Blood Elves mingling with each other; it actually looks like they’ve made it a point to separate the two groups.

As soon as Lor’themar touches the Quel’deler for any other race, all of the Sin’dorei and Magisters immediately blame Auric for what happened to Lor’themar, calling him a traitor. “And you, Auric, have a care what you say in this sacred place.” is the last exchange we see between Auric and the Sin’dorei.

I don’t really see where Auric is preaching for their unification. He wants them to work together to bring down Lich King, and it seems like that’s about as far as it goes. The High Elves and Blood Elves don’t really seem to have much respect for each other (At least from that interaction).

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Well the Sin’dorei is the title these elves go by, he follows this up by referring to both groups, collectively as all “Children of Silvermoon” which signifies that beyond titles, he sees the two groups as the same. The fact that he also counts himself among them by referring to himself, Lor’themar, and Rommath as “Us” is also pretty compelling.

It’s worth noting that Auric, and the other Allerian High elves did not go through the same sort of fallout that other High and Blood elves did. These High elves were trapped in Outland when the Sunwell was destroyed, and Silvermoon sacked. They were not given a chance to properly choose a side, and instead were fed false information from the alliance that they had all sided with Kael’thas. Which was obviously proven to be false when the Blood elves joined the Shattered Sun offensive and played a crucial role in defeating Kael’thas themselves.

Only directly around the Well are the two groups strictly separated, but there are groups scattered along the edges of the map sitting, or standing on laid out rugs. These can be either blood, or high elves, although I suspect they are randomly generated as be in different spots each time you load up the sequence.

They don’t blame only Auric, they blame the player and Auric, and it’s worth noting that this happens regardless of faction, showing that Lor’themar’s suspicions have nothing to do with him being a High elf, and more to do with the sword itself.

He did though.

Firstly he refers to all High and Blood elves collectively as Children of Silvermoon, not as two separate groups of elves, and then preaches that the Quel’delar returning to one of their people is a sign that they should rally behind the bearer and take vengeance for Silvermoon and the Sunwell.

Calling for both High, and Blood Elves to come together, and rally behind a singular cause, or person (in this case a blood elf) is most certainly an example of preaching unification. I doubt he would count himself among them, and call for them to rally behind a blood elf if he felt any ill-will toward them.

This is also supported by the fact that Lor’themar has shown great compassion for high elves, allowing Alleria and any “child of Silvermoon” to visit the well regardless of their affiliation, and his actions in his novel “Shadow of the Sun” support this as well.

If the idea was that the two groups were to remain enemies, and continue the status quo, I doubt they would have allowed any High elves to return at all. Nevermind visit their most sacred site.


I hope they add better hair styles.
I too want a high pony wild like Arianne Grande.

I don’t know. Those are good points, don’t get me wrong. But I think their interaction can be seen in many different ways. Who knows. Maybe we’ll have some of conclusion to their story soon.


Valeera’s armour set (I guess also for male belfs as well :smile: ).


I just really want this one Void Elf hairstyle to be available for Blood Elves as well.

That’s my only wish.