Can we get blue eyes for blood elves?

That’s the closest to blue eyed blood elves that the Alliance is going to get.


Well it’s not JUST close, my void elf is literally a blood elf that has void DNA. Void elves are closer physiologically to regular blood elves than demon hunter belves imo


Just roll a DK Bloodelf. Blue eyes accomplished.


Of course they are. Demon Hunters are abominations!


I am not a pro HE person. But I hope BE get all kind of customizations but not that, if you want a blue eyed elf the alliance is waiting for you, so is the void try to ignore the voices!


its about time they update blood elves to where they should be lore wise. theyve been getting bombarded by the holy/arcane magic of the sunwell 24/7. to still have a green glint at this point is a joke. priests/paladins manifesting golden eyes proved green does not define them and their eye color can change

blue eyes would be reflective of the cleansing effects of the sunwell and the fact a lot of blood elves would be using arcane magic which is where the blue eyes came from in the first place. especially the magister types who have a strong devotion to the arcane

i want blue eyes because it makes sense and because i want to have the option if i so choose. blizzard teased 40 extra customization options are already done for blood elves, and an extra eye color option is a small request. at the very least i expect blue, gold and green in shadowlands

you can already make a blue eyed blood elf. its called a death knight

oh, and blood elves are high elves


Oh and did I say they weren’t, you still can’t make a blue eyed blood elf, dk is a class thing. I hope you never get blue eye customization call it Alliance Favoritism for once call it what you want but I don’t support HE’s as a Alliance race anymore then I support Blue Eyed Blood Elves. Enjoy your DK with blue eyes


The alliance doesnt get claim to the color blue dude.
There are plenty of horde races with blue spectrum eyes.


Blue eyed Thalassian elves it seems they do, and after the whole if you wanna play a HE the horde is waiting for you attitude I think it’s FairPlay and fitting to be returned ten fold


Not realy as there are blood elves with blue eyes. It comes off as being petty that you take the words of a dev, and use them against other players


There is a difference between saying “the devs said this as to why you arent getting something” and
“the devs told me this, so bdcause of that, i dont want you to get it because i dont like what i was told”

If people want a blue eyed elf, there isnt a reason to say they shouldnt get it.
Particularly since you are seemingly trying to protect an npc group, which means they dont get any rights to it.


One can deduce the same words apply in this situation since Alliance have Blue eyed Thalassian elves, and horde do not, the quote is a precedent for situations such as this.


I literally just pointed out to you that the horde does have blue eyed thalassians.
Even if they didnt, you cant claim it for the alliance because they arent playable.



The horde has BE DKs and death knights have blue eyes and if you want a BE with blue eyes you can play a death knight like you currently are have fun and I hope you enjoy

For all others the alliance is waiting for you :call_me_hand:

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the game director literally told you ‘eye color is not the same,’ before telling a joke about the pro ‘high’ elf request where he barely kept a straight face

ion specifically said they want more options with eye colors. we just saw the first steps with eye glow updates, and if they are making the effort to separate eye colors from faces and allow them to be selected independently, it is very promising for those of us hoping to see a blue eyed option for blood elves

this actually proves blue is not a marker for alliance, if that was the case they would have given horde DKs red eyes. blue is a marker for arcane which all high elves, regardless of political adjective they identify as, use in their everyday life in some capacity which is how they got blue eyes in the first place, nothing to do with alliance

every blood elf racial starts with ‘arcane’

the sunwell is bombarding them with arcane/holy energies 24/7

that you think they are going to not update blood elves with blue eyes because of a few npcs is a joke


That you think BE customizations are anything but more gold options and maybe tattoos and hairstyles is a joke. And until the decision is made ill voice my voice towards you never getting blue eyes, enjoy your DKs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


not really if they give blood elves more eye colors it will be when every other race gets access to it


I just don’t see it happening, they can very easily say the green isn’t reverting or goes gold maybe silver like a NE. And regardless I’m entitled to say I don’t think you should get it, as you are to say you should, and since the new BE customizations haven’t been revealed yet we’re both in the dark so I’ll agree to disagree.

golden eyes proved their eye color can change. the senior narrative designer literally said lore wise only priest/paladins with a strong devotion to the light will manifest golden eyes, but in the name of player choice gave the option to every class