best priest mog to go with them too imo!
I’ve got the t3 set on my warrior and I have half a mind to use it on this toon while we’re in Shadowlands, but I agree that Elrin has an awesome looking priest set! I like the t2 and t5 priest sets as well
t2 priest on a blood elf is top shelf
Well, tier 2 on a lot of things tends to be amazing regardless of race or class. Just a lot of choice looking sets, imo!
They did say they’ll do some more sets again in Shadowlands so it’ll be interesting to see what they came come up with.
i hope youre right. i just made this mage in anticipation of shadowlands
choo choo
What are you doing with them in SLs?
Eye color?
Tell us the deets!
Part of me is like hmmm should i wait for prepatch to make a belf mage or just start one now and change her skintone and eyes during prepatch…
So many excite
ill be using this mog with blue eyes ofc and same fair skin. to reflect the cleansing effect of the sunwell and my devotion to the arcane
It will be nice for blue eyes to match those blue mogs again. Green clashes so badly.
Those new human customizations fill me with great hope about seeing new hair and beard options and I’m so ready!
Oh I’m sure we’ve not even scraped the label off the crate of customization yet.
I can’t wait to see it either.
Hoping Purple eyes are still out there somewhere…
It’s nice to see people with hope, me, I’m a cynic so I don’t know if more will come.
And yet, a small part of me still dreams of a decent beard for my warrior, that’s all I want.
We need undead BE skins, I refuse to believe they aren’t coming! Even the toy from Dark Shore makes me hopeful!
I try to keep my expectations low so I don’t get disappointed, that’s why a beard it’s all I’m expecting… I mean, come on, this guy needs one.
(Yes, this is Midare)
On a side note, I was checking the customization options for female humans and… I hope that lazy eye some of the previews have it’s a temporal thing or something that happens on wowhead and not something that happens to everyone…
I noticed that it does look off, maybe it’s just how it looks right now.
My hopes for the undead dark ranger look are so high since they announced the customizations. I know it’ll make a lot of people happy. But specifically I know it’ll make the loyalists happy! the dark ranger toy turns off if you go into combat I have never used the toys or what ever that system is before because it seemed a silly hassle until that one.
I hope you get your beard, I like the facial hair we have now… but if they wanna throw in the VE stuff for facial hair that would be cool to me too.
your belf needs some sexy farstrider tats on his body too
I don’t like this place…
Send me back…
Perhaps a glitch with the models in Wowhead, who knows. All I know is that I snickered when I saw it.
The thing with that customization is that it’s kind of complicated. Dark rangers are supposed to be part of the Forsaken solely, so I don’t know if it fits as a customization for blood elves… maybe one for Death knights with red eyes? Forsaken shouldn’t get those though, of that I’m sure.
Yes! Badly.
But I’d settle for the beard, I dream small.
What? My shirtless, rugged looking warrior with bunny ears on is a thing of beauty.
does mother know you weareth her drapes
They are not drapes!
Wait how did I get a Thor/Ironman reference thrown my way?