ok, but…
- no new haircuts
- no new beard styles
- no new skin accesories.
I believe that the eyes, hair color and the skin are not enough yet.
ok, but…
I believe that the eyes, hair color and the skin are not enough yet.
i was hoping for some new hairstyles too. tattoos are also missing from this build. more will come its not over yet
It’s an early alpha build so somethings might not be added yet.
Must be super fun to think you have actual real numbers with anecdotal head canon.
Basically, what Playpen and Soulebreaker said.
The initial customizations are just what they’ve got ready to show and more are on the way for most if not all of the races. Case in point with the fact that worgen and blood elves both got updates to their posts as more was discovered.
We will most likely see a bulk of new stuff for a race then a few tweaks here and there with some new stuff trickle in for a bit, I’s say.
Are you confusing the Blood elves for how the Alliance treat High elves? You realize that High elves aren’t even allowed to enter many Alliance settlements? Did you know that they are distrusted and treated poorly by the general population due to the events of the second war, and the Night elves who purposely spread distrust throughout the faction? Did you know some Night elves will attack High elves on-sight?
The high elven nation’s conduct at the end of the Second War led to bitterness and resentment toward the elves, but humans are also amongst the few races to accept the high elves into their cities
Although the Blood elves have no such qualm with High elves, in fact they have even reached out to bring other groups of High elves back into the fold, like Lor’themar’s trip to the Quel’lithien lodge. Other blood elves have even expressed the desire to unite all Blood elves and High elves.
The blood elves have a somewhat divided opinion on what remains of their high elven brethren. Some, such as Halduron Brightwing and Tae’thelan Bloodwatcher, have expressed no particular grudge or strong feelings towards the quel’dorei remnants; the former has referred to the elven race collectively as the “children of Silvermoon,” while the latter has outright stated his intention to free the elves from their addiction, and unite them as the proud race they once were. Lor’themar Theron and Halduron have allowed them access to the Sunwell, though Lor’themar himself has also displayed some hostility towards some high elves such as Vereesa Windrunner, who had opposed the blood elves’ inclusion into the Kirin Tor.
You do not open your gates, and even refer to another group of your race as all children of Silvermoon if you have a grudge, or ill-will toward them. High elves have been welcome in Silvermoon, and Quel’thalas for quite some time now. Blood elves, if anything, wish above all else to unite as the proud race they are. My High elf would would be welcomed home by her friends and loved ones after being stranded away for such a long time. But if you have any proof of your theory I’d love to see it.
Otherwise this just goes to show how little of the lore you actually know.
lol wtf is your head cannon
Excuse me? Unlike you I can actually cite links, and entries to support my argument, can you say the same?
Following the high elves’ banishment from Quel’Thalas, some of them chose to rejoin the Alliance, and the night elves were among their greatest critics. While the traditional allies of the Alliance treated the high elves to a cold reception and suspicion due to their secession after the Second War, the night elves took it upon themselves to warn the Alliance (which they, too, were now a part of) against the high elves.
It has nothing to do with blood elves feelings the high elves are the ones who despise blood elves. As I said wtf is your head canon no high elf would willing rejoin the blood elves. If you are going to rp at least follow lore.
Was it not you that just suggested that my High elf would be shunned for not taking the Blood elf title despite the fact that I just showed you that wasn’t the truth. That many Blood elves wish only to see their High elven brethren return home?
And not all High elves despise Blood elves either?
Many in fact get along quite well with Blood elves, and can be seen working together, or even preaching unification between the two groups. Auric Sunchaser, the leader of the Allerian High elves in Outland can be seen at the Sunwell as the High elf representative (The word ‘representative’ implies a more stationary position than envoy or spokesman.) referring to all Blood, and High elves collectively as Children of Silvermoon, he even says that should all rally as one to avenge the attack on Silvermoon. He refers to Lor’themar and Rommath as his lords, and counts himself among their objectives. Well, Auric refers to himself and Lor’themar and Rommath as “us”, implying he counts himself as sharing an objective with them. I doubt he’d use that kind of rhetoric if he was reluctant to work together with the blood elves to achieve the vengeance which they all seek.
Many high and blood elves are shown working together as members of the Argent Crusade, not aligning themselves with the partisan groups of the Sunreavers or Silver Covenant. Cellian Daybreak occupies the same tent as Crusader Rhydalla and another blood elf crusader and they manage not to be at each other’s throats. I think that the Argent Crusade offered elves like Captain Auric the forum to work along side the blood elves and enact vengeance on Arthas and his Scourge without needing to associate with the rest of the Horde. A neutral space where dialogue could be opened and relationships worked on.
We also have Thala’thas and his High elven privateers who despise the Alliance, and send horde players to kill Alliance soldiers and rescue a High elven captive from an Alliance keep. You must escort him back to Thalo’thas, to which you and he must kill many Alliance soldiers along the way; toward the end he and his crew refer to you as their allies.
We also have Ravandwyr, a High elf mage in the Kirin Tor who actively accompanies you to save a Blood elf by the name Esara Verrinde, whom he personally asks to join him in Dalaran, and invites into the Hall of the Guardian. In addition to this many High elves have family, and loved ones among the Blood elves, there is even a questline between husband and wife. There are even MORE examples I can show you if you’re interested as well.
There have been many instances of the two groups getting along perfectly fine, so to say arbitrarily say that all High elves hate Blood elves leads me to believe you actually haven’t done any research at all.
Many are neutral for a reason, and it’s not because they hated the Blood elves, but it’s because they didn’t want to return to a ruined kingdom overrun by undead, and preferred their cushy life-style in the few alliance settlements they were allowed in. But since Silvermoon has been restored as a thriving city once again, and the Sunwell and Quel’danas as been reclaimed, many have no reason to remain away, especially those who might have been stranded in Outland with no means of returning until the Dark portal reopened.
Yeah working together so well that there was literally a brawl aka the faction champions fight. High elves despise blood elves and are absolutely not neutral rofl. As I said wtf is your head canon.
Also interesting you brought up the husband and wife seeing as that’s a huge example of it in outlands.
They are entirely neutral, as that was the entire purpose. The Argent Crusade is not part of any partisan group, it is entirely neutral organization. Even Paletress explains this during the tournament when questioned on it’s purpose.
Also I love how you’ve failed to address the many examples of High elves getting along, or being friendly with the Blood elves. If you’re going to try to make it sound argument, at least have some counter-points ready.
There are so many reasons why the High elves wouldn’t join the Horde at first place…
How about Quel‘lithien lodge. …
„ The lodge fell on hard times following the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas. It was here that the banished rangers under Renthar Hawkspear took up residence after Grand Magister Rommath’s return from Outland; Renthar and his group had dissented against Rommath’s teachings on moral grounds. To avoid the nation becoming divided on the issue, as the teachings had been an essential boon to the elves, Lor’themar, now Quel’Thalas’ regent, exiled the group south. The priestess Aurora Skycaller was among the exiles. From then on, the lodge served as their home.
Quel’Lithien eventually came under attack from Horde agents on behalf of Nathanos Blightcaller, who killed a number of rangers at the lodge and took the Quel’Thalas Registry.
Much happened in Quel’Thalas in the years that followed, of which the lodge remained unaware. Lor’themar - now the sole leader of the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas - made a final journey to the lodge. He informed the exiles of the recent events that had transpired, telling the tale of Kael’thas Sunstrider’s downfall and the restoration of the Sunwell. With the Ghostlands in a safer state, the regent offered Renthar and his company regular aid and supplies. However, Renthar was outraged, outright refused to accept any aid, and threatened to kill anyone Lor’themar might send bearing it. The regent mourned for the losses the lodge had incurred, but in his heart could not fault the exiles for their anger. He left the lodge feeling only sorrow.“
they literally live side by side in dalaran. return to the homeland for periodic pilgrimages. the SC themselves preferred to ride out the legion apocalypse with the farstriders. what supports your fancition view?
why do you think they live in dalaran or live on the fringes of their homeland as hermits and not actual alliance territory
only a few individuals are actual alliance and they have assimilated into the cultures that host them. to use a real world analogy, its like saying the UK never left the EU because they have some people living abroad who will overtime assimilate into those cultures so they never left
you guys have nothing but fanfictions to peddle
Did you know that the Quel’lithien Lodge was the only group of High elves that were actually exiled, which is why Lore’themar travels to visit, and check up on them. The High elves of Quel’lithien did not associate with other High elves either, and lived in isolation from everyone (Even the Alliance.) Despite their exile they did no want to join the Alliance either mind you. The Quel’lithien were exiled, so of course they were pissed, most High elves just didn’t return because they didn’t want to return to a crumbling kingdom overrun by the scourge. These are two entirely different groups of High elves, with entirely different reasons for leaving Quel’thalas.
And also we learned that the Blood elves had nothing to do with Nathanos’ attack in Lore’themar’s short story “Shadow of the Sun” where he’s completely shocked by the news. If your big argument is Quel’lithien lodge, you’re going to have to try harder than that.
Ok ^^
„ However, careful cross-referencing of data given by the RPG books, according to Brann Bronzebeard’s official figures in Lands of Mystery and Lands of Conflict, high elves have a population of about 25,720, with most living in Stormwind: much higher than his total of 9,958 Darkspear trolls (a playable race) left on Azeroth. Also Wrath of the Lich King clearly shows that the high elf society has been regrouping, rangers from Outland has returned and the Silver Covenant has been formed by Vereesa Windrunner.“
/10 characters
God… it’s really sad that I got to say this but the RPG BOOKS ARE NOT CANON.
Ask Creative Development – Round II Answers | 2011-06-23 00:00 | Blizzard Entertainment Bashiok
Q: Are the Warcraft and World of Warcraft RPG books considered canon?
A: No. The RPG books were created to provide an engaging table-top role-playing experience, which sometimes required diverging from the established video game canon. Blizzard helped generate a great deal of the content within the RPG books, so there will be times when ideas from the RPG will make their way into the game and official lore, but you are much better off considering the RPG books non-canonical unless otherwise stated.
Honestly I have no problem having a discussion with someone over this, as I quite love the lore regarding the relations between High and Blood elves, but I really can’t stand it when people pick and choose which points they want to respond to, and then largely ignore everything else because it hurts their argument.
It shows from the very start that their arguments are bias, and contrived, and that they’re willing to ignore any sum of lore that proves them wrong in order to maintain their perspective.
SC is absolutely considered alliance military and represented the alliance in nighthold. In fact the Night Elves were between the blood elves and the silver covenant. The Silver Covenant were the ones who kicked the sunstriders out of Dal for helping the horde and then fought as the alliance force on Isle of Thunder.
Vereesa is literally present at the ceremony of alliance leaders rewarding players for reaching rank 2 in prestige.
Literally the only “justification” for high elves not despising blood elves has come in the past two expansions aka the ones that have driven alliance players off in droves due to horde bias in storytelling. Even with that Vereesa directly states she has difficulty trusting any blood elf as she believes the leadership has turned it’s back on the sacrifices her family and other have made. Aka joining the horde.