Blood Elf Celebration Thread

It’s almost like nobody is asking for the Quel’lithien but are asking for the Silver Covenant.

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The SIlver Covenant is absolutely not entirely neutral rofl


Did you happen to speak to Vereesa when they were all standing outside of the Suramar? Out of everyone there it is the Night elves she is most shocked at sharing the field with. Likely because Night elves notoriously hate the High elves, and are even occasionally hostile toward them.

Did you know that Vereesa and the Silver Covenant also worked with Halduron and the Farstriders to protect Quel’thalas from the Amani? Did you know they also work together in legion?

The only times the Silver Covenant is involved is when Dalaran is involved, the moment Jaina left Dal they’ve largely remained absent from the Alliance’s story. In an expansion centered heavily in the conflict between the Alliance and Horde the Silver Covenant has been largely absent. Convenient timing considering that Dalaran has also remained absent as well.

One of the earliest quests in the game that you can even find on Classic has the Horde saving a High elf from the Alliance above Ratchet. A High elf mind you that hates the Alliance, and can be seen wearing all red like a Blood elf. Gilthares Firebough and the High elf captain Thalo’thas Brightsun who sends you to kill Alliance soldiers and generals. They even call the Horde their allies. So clearly this has been a possibility for quite some time now.

It’s almost like Azsharion brought it up in the first place.


Did you know she has direct animosity toward Lor’themar? Of course not because that would ruin your bs.

Gilthares Firebough
h ttps:// notice the green eyes? He’s a blood elf try again

I love how you are trying to go back to quests while removing context namely that Thalo’thas is a member of Steamwheedle not the horde and sent people to attack those who attacked him not just random alliance.

STOP LYING and trying to hide context.

How would Vereesa’s personal grudge towards Lor’themar have anything to do with the Silver Covenant’s abilities to work peacefully with Blood elves? Like how does that even make sense.

And no, Gilthares Firebough is not a Blood elf. Did you even bother to read text in your own link? No problem I’ll do it for you.

It is interesting to note that, though apparently a high elf and not a blood elf, he wore an abundance of red, which is a practice usually avoided by high elves. The reason for this may have been because he is not a part of the Alliance, and therefore not afraid of wearing red clothes. He also expressed open hostility to the Alliance due to his enslavement.

You can still find him in game, and he has BLUE eyes. And he refers to the Alliance as a whole as a “Sham” and ridicules it to the player. Please READ your own links.

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He literally is a blood elf look at his model it’s linked for you. They kept high elves distinct. Thalo’thas is a Steamwheedle cartel aligned high elf this is true he is not horde aligned or anti alliance though he is anti people who shoot at his ships much like the goblins of Steamwheedle aren’t anti horde in the quests they give to alliance members they just want to make profit.

Also I love that a fansite is good enough for you to ignore in game model but rpg books that don’t contradict in game lore aren’t good enough to talk about population.

btw above the blurb you linked " This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore."

No, he is not a blood elf, what you’re seeing is the old high elf models that would occasionally have a green mist over their blue eyes, but he is indeed a high elf. You can find him in-game, and see for yourself if you don’t believe me. in fact I went and paid him a visit just for you, and took these screenshots. Heck when you click on him he even uses the High elf voice lines.


Please at least do the most basic, and minimal amount of research before trying to berate me with your inaccurate rambling. When the quest is complete, the High elf Thalo’thas Brightsun congratulates the Horde player by saying

"And to think, we thought Firebough was long dead!

Your heroics have earned you a place of honor with the Thalo’dan Privateers"


Kind wish belf men could have skinnier builds too but it’s not gonna happen.

I’m of the opposite opinion, I rather wish we’d see a few more bulky options or more defined. Not all over but maybe it’s the pose that throws me off a little.

The reason I’d like slim builds is that they were originally planned as the default and got replaced by the current bulky male models.

I do remember seeing the originals and having that as an option wouldn’t be bad. It’d be interesting to do for a number of races, really.

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no. they are a militia. they arent part of an official army as the official army of their people are now a part of the horde

they are dalaran citizens who formed a civilian group in response to the sunreavers IN DALARAN

they always appear as supplementing kirin tor forces. always under a kirin tor leader. as we saw on the isle of thunder and in the assault on suramar. when dalaran joined the alliance in mop, they were able to offer explicit assistance to the alliance which lasted until the legion invasion

did you forget jaina herself had to go to stormwind after her purge to tell wrynn he finally got what he wanted? that the kirin tor had joined the alliance. WHY WOULD SHE HAVE TO DO THAT IF THEY ARE ALREADY A PART OF THE ALLIANCE

SC is really just vereesas story. the sunreavers are really just aethas’ story. you put far too much into them. mostly because you have nothing else to cite :slightly_smiling_face:

no ones ever denied she isnt pro alliance, but neutral. and how does this prove she isnt neutral? dalaran was in play during legion its perfectly fine for her to appear in this capacity as it does not compromise dalarans neutrality :woman_shrugging:


She was trying to show him that he hadn’t seen the pro-helfer’s headcanon and had to be sure. Hard to keep all the fanfiction straight, you know?

He must have been so fed up with it, too, cause boy he died just to get away from it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Although what’s funny is that in the quest to retrieve Alleria’s bow, a blood elf from the Farstriders named Ranger Orestes can be found next to her. Not only does she refer to him as her Ally, she even tries to protect him from harm when he insists he accompany them to the legion planet to find Alleria.

Not only does swear to avenge him, she tells him to “rest in the light” after passing away. Why choose a Blood elf to fulfill his role if not to show the players her capability to get along, and even befriend Blood elves?


The only fanfiction here comes from anit hes lol. Name another “neutral” party that was at a ceremony thanking the player for slaughtering horde by the thousands.

I like you. and I like the way you think.

I’m not an anti at all, but things you’ve stated in this thread aren’t even facts and don’t really apply to this thread. It’s not about Helves of the Alliance. It’s about Belves.

Posting what you believe to be true won’t get you Helves on the Alliance any faster. Hell even the actual canon in game won’t stand in the way of that or Velves wouldn’t exist.

So calm down. If you are meant to get them, you will.


Then just mute the thread.

true, but i would like to add you wont get them. ever. at least how you want it to happen on the alliance identical to a blood elf

you are not going to get to pretend that the SC are the real high elves. you are not going to get to pretend that high elves are a major part of the alliance again. you are not going to get to pretend that the story finally follows YOUR fanfiction rather than the path it has been following for the past 13+ years now

the high elves have LEFT the alliance and the pathetic remnant who remain arent worth speaking lines and will remain dalaran backdrops and OUT of faction conflicts. i thought khadgar made this loud and clear at the end of legion before he set off to karazhan

im actually a progressive


Let me guess voted for Hillary then Biden and claim to be progressive. Meanwhile you gloat over people being denied what they have been asking for since the original beta lol.