Blood DK hitting for 2mil Death Strikes in 3s?

You see though, it’s not just simply tank damage…it’s literally bursting as hard as other DPS classes. Deathstrike spam for 1+ mil each is almost more burst than a Feral doing Ferocious bite spam…the only thing is the Feral has the bleeds on you as well. It’s crazy how yall aren’t acting like BDK is one of the most ridiculous things going on in PvP right now.

Ah yes so the answer is to basically let him burst my face to death and have a solid 90% chance of death and then IF I survive that burst…to then use my burst because otherwise BDK is unkillable unless they burst you first…not logical at all.

At this point they just need to make tanks take 215% increased damage in PvP and reduce their HP by 50%.

his damage is proportional to how much HP you are missing, so if you are full health, he never gets a damage increase and will just tickle you, blame your healer.

sanguination blood isn’t doing any more damage proportional to HP pools than it was last season or the season before that or the season before that. its a niche build with very situational superiority and a lot of easily exploitable weaknesses. the only reason you are seeing more DKs running with this build currently is that Frost and Unholy are basically dead in the water.

Buff frost and unholy and the PVP BDK pool will go back to its normal 5 players.

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Didn’t say this was overall. Just pointing out they have VERY good burst.

Someone playing prot saying that. :pinched_fingers:

No one was targeting the blood dk when they did that damage.

Mes lost on Blood in the esports and got benched gg buff Blood terrible spec


Wild how BDK right now in Shuffle is higher than 50% of the DPS classes in rating…just really wild. And no the damage should do NOWHERE CLOSE to 1.5mil crits back to back to back REGARDLESS of HP pool if it’s a tank. This is like someone defending level 30 Prot Warrior shield slams in Twink brackets critting for 3k when health pools were 4k. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever come across lol. A Tank should be nowhere CLOSE to 2.4k in Shuffle…yet there are 2.5k rated Blood DKs right now.

its based on the missing HP of the DKs target, not the DK. if you are at 50% HP, he gets a 50% increase in damage. so if you are at 0.1% HP, then he gets a 99.9% increase in damage, thus resulting in the big numbers you see in the combat log.

a normal combat DS is more in the 400-600k range, but DKs are encouraged to pool RP and chip away at someone with vampstrike and then go for the kill using DS like a warrior’s execute.

so, what does an execute hit for?

if trill didn’t press every button in the opener i swear they win

i mean, people shouldn’t be able to win arena matches by hiding behind pillars while their pets do all the work, but to each their own.

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Sure thing, I’ll take the nerf to pet damage if it means Tanks take 215% increased damage in PvP and 50% less HP Pool…I think anyone would trade a single specs viability to make that happen :rofl:

Did you look at the screenshot? just curious.

80% to dead in 2.3s from almost entirely damage from the DK. The initial hit is 2.15 million damage. Just going to laugh at anyone who wants to justify a tank hitting anything that hard.

we already take 50% more damage in PVP to make up for the HP pool difference. and thats even more than necessary, if an average player has 7.5m and a tank has 10.5m, then 50% more damage is too much, it should be like 30%, the DPS has an unfair EHP advantage.

It’s wild how they cope saying “but you need low HP” LOL. Considering you were 80% before a 2.15mil Deathstrike that just throws that little theory out the window.

i mean, the DK was in full burst, why didn’t they turtle?

Why is a Blood tank DK able to burst like that is the real question lol. Considering 90% of the match they can’t be killed until they dump Runic power and most smart Blood DKs will just hold that for defensive healing until they hit a burst window to nuke someone. It’s like playing a match where you have an entire member of the team basically immune to being a kill target while still out-putting stupid amounts of burst damage.

i was thinking about this because its really only hunters complaining, and its because of your pets, the more you have the more it can be used to boost the damage of DS.

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Adroi is a survival Hunter…1 pet at all times.

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still counts.

Ok so it’s not multiple pets…it’s if you have a single pet the BDK can burst you for stupid amounts of damage no matter what? Do you realize how many classes have a single pet?

no i mean more pets is more better for the DK, but if you have you, your pet, your healer, and your other DPS, then that is 4 targets, a second pet caps it at 5.