Blood DK hitting for 2mil Death Strikes in 3s?

Why is that the case?

why do hunters have pets? you are asking about class theme and design decisions.

like i said blood isn’t really doing anything it can’t always do and the damage isn’t out of proportion to norm, its just getting more attention atm because frost and unholy are so bad.

No…why are you saying Blood is hitting people harder because of pets? Blood is anomaly right now. It’s 2.5k in Solo shuffle…next highest tank is Prot pally at 2.1k and then the rest are basically 1800 on the high end…acting like Blood doesn’t need to be brought back to Tank reality is wild.

Don’t get me wrong I think UHDK and FDK need major buffs for sure…but that’s not an excuse to keep a tank spec busted either.

Because they usually don’t realize they’re in danger.


blood has an AoE ability that boosts DS damage based on the number of targets it hits, when you are ST its normally not worth the GCD to press unless you have nothing else, but when there is a lot of targets, enough to get a 4-5 stack with a single press, then it becomes valuable to press again in ST burst.

Hitting Demo Warlocks and Unholy DKs :drooling_face:

Yea. This was on a priest healer. He basically got vaporized. =x

Just… look at the screenshot. lol.

It wasn’t me. I said this multiple times.



I’d sooner welcome Adroi in to the club then you Kennie, at least Adroi isn’t a filthy tank enjoyer.

On a side note, has anyone let Abomb know that a tank is viable in retail?

I am like 50% geared just hit 1650 on my warrior and playing this exclusively.

I like the spear build. Theres something extremely dopamine inducing about the spear warbreaker demolish combo on 2 or 3 people

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Gotta have one decent spec right?

You might like frost dk, i mean when the oponents dont know how to counter you.

Once again the zug brain cannot comprehend damage profiles lmao

It was already confirmed but you confirmed it again

It’s actually hilarious anyone playing prot would refer to ANYONE else, literally anyone… with ‘zug’ brain. You guys are the most bitter players on the forums and I love every minute of it.

how am I bitter? you got a weird fight in your head that only you’re involved in

your zug brain is on overdrive with those claims, let me guess you play BM

You play a tank, that’s a given.

I get it’s incredibly difficult to check, but I play SV and have since the rework. I know that’s the opposite of your zug narrative, but zug tanks only understand zug.

The only bitter ones are the ones that are bad enough to lose to them

I don’t check cause I don’t care, you take the forums too seriously

Keep on zuggin’ bro

Yea, I’m sure being a tank and stuck at those ratings can be frustrating.

Stay salty weirdo

Sure thing tank bro.