Imagine being uppidy about something more than 15 years ago. I had stacked armor pen. The trinket. The leather bracers. All that good stuff. It was a meme.
Anyways, I get it. You tanks are feeling a bit slighted and want to lash out. I understand. I’d love for tanks to be balanced in PVP. Instead, it’s just farming melee and acting like you’re doing some special. It’s like those blood dks from MoP that thought they were amazing at the game hitting 2.4 in 2s.
Let’s really break it down though.
Tanks = Rocks
Melee = Scissors
Ranged = Paper
Rock is praying all the time that there are more scissors when they queue because they know those paper games are going to be a loss. But no worries, those scissors games are free wins! So much skill! Tanks get to farm those lower brackets where most of the scissors live and then… surprise, surprise, they cap out because they run out of scissors to farm. WEIRD.
This is hilarious. I literally link you a screenshot of the healer dying and you want me to do something about it? lol
That’s fine. I’m being honest when I say I want tanks to be legitimately good in PvP without the busted mechanics. It’s the lack of honesty from the people playing them that’s annoying.
I play video games for fun not sure about you, and currently Arms and Fury are not fun.
You’re just making excuses for not knowing what to do, Tanks overall are still bad unless its holding a node until the end of the game. The terror.
Why would that screenshot mean anything? Do you honestly think they couldn’t have prevented that? Blood DKs could RP walk the entire arena and you wouldn’t know the difference they’re so immobile.
Funniest thing players do is speak as though balancing is extremely easy, and in the same sentence will list 5 specs that they personally think should always be unplayable because they can’t be balanced.
i have a full glad BDK …i cant kill anyone and i get lit up by every class in the game …not sure where your coming from with this line of reasoning…i would call BDK the WORST pvp class to have …thats my opinion
Eh, no. Kind of. It like all tanks benefits from clumped targets for resource funnel. It’s more like an anti-magic protection for teammates and…forward teammate enabler? Shorter grip cd, good finishing power and pairs well with hunter, warrior, etc.
Yeah, Blood overall into non-stacked/pet teams when you’re chasing around a little guy with freedom is…pretty underwhelming. It can make up for it by enabling a teammate to better hit something, and then of course it can more easily chains, has access to grip, team shell, etc.
I think Blood would be really cool if it had more damage in non-ds abilities, less in ds execute.
It was a 3s match, my team playing Cupid and the enemy team playing BDK/Disc/Assass Rogue. We ended up killing the Rogue and then the Blood DK out of nowhere nuked my Pally down instantly after he didn’t have bubble up from the match. Then it turned into a 2v2 match…and obviously you can’t kill a tank since the dude had 10.5m HP and his health just wasn’t moving so I focused the Disc priest and we went to 70% damp where the Disc priest and my own MW Monk was OOM. The BDK did as much damage as me in the match and on average was hitting 1.5mil Deathstrikes through a close to 15min match. Being unkillable is one thing…but outputting as much DPS as other DKs and other melee classes while also being unkillable is another…BDK needs a gutting on Deathstrike damage.
see when unholy and frost complain about only being able to output tank damage, they aren’t lying.
the main thing is that when blood dumps all that runic power, they are vulnerable to burst. the DS nerf means that the DK can only heal burst once, so if you save a CD for their RP dump and burst when they finish, they won’t have enough RP to heal it back.