Blood dk grip healers across the map

ya man we already went over that ur the pres who doesn’t rescue your guildy or sleep walk the dk

think you are confusing your conversations. but at this point it doesnt matter because nothing you say makes sense.

in the last 81 posts neither of u have said anything against the fact it takes minimal effort to stop bdk kidnapping ur priest before it ever gets out of hand, u just refuse to do it. or acknowledge the fact that nerfing grip to prevent this one scenario, would irreparably damage bdk as a whole.

there is no reason for it. you think rdruids like playing into triple purge? mw like playing into pres? rsham playing into assa/enh? all these things are disproportionately overpowered into those specs to the point where it makes them “unplayable” (luckily they have teammates to offset this!!), yet we’re sitting here talking about .000001% of the player base who plays BDK and tries a gimmick strat on bad teams like that NEEDS to be fixed, its insanity.

you have obviously never healed i mean its that evident. so we all know what limited picture you have of the game. but keep posting these giant walls of text. it doesnt mean anything because all the experienced players here know you are limited

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make that 83 posts

my job is boring i got all the time in the world pal

While I also believe DK Grip is fine…

I feel torn, I want to tell them, but I don’t want to at the same time.

Oh the internal discord…

I think priest should have grips that reset CD when gripped by a BDK, be fun watching a huge game of tug o war in BGs

or…or! hear me out…just make blood dk grips on the same cd as frost and unholy.

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Nah I wanna see like DBZ air combat fights

well you’re in luck because instead of doing something smart blizz might just opt for something like that

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Well, DKs have spent years getting told “anti-magic and grips are your thing”, especially in PvE. If that gets reduced by any notable amount, DK is going to have to get compensated in some way, because AMS and AMZ come nowhere close to equal with the utility kits of most other classes. At that point Wraith Walk would also likely go baseline.

Blood has a significantly reduced grip cooldown in PvE because it functions as a taunt for Blood and Blood is intended to have a higher value/more frequently available Grip as a soft stop. It’s compensation for not having Charge, an AoE taunt, sweeping range AoEs, AoE stuns, AoE silences, or any other number of tools. Dunno why it has the same grip CD in PvP, though.

I’m totally down with blood dks getting compensated by removing spam grip! Give them like a mobile boost or something I dunno anything is better than the trash spam grip

They can keep the nearly spammable grip, just have it DR so the 4th use on the same target within 1 min just fails. After the 3rd application of movement displacement a player should be immune to movement displacement from players for 1 min. Let the healer have a chance to get to where they are needed before the abduction can begin again.


In PvP, more than anything, Grip probably needs some sort of DR or cooldown adjustment as Blood. Let’s leave that change in PvP, though. No need for that to pollute BDK in PvE.


it doesn’t they just don’t like that there’s literally one spec in the game that their hpriest doesn’t have answers for 1v1.

they want to flagrantly change a core aspect of bdk to balance the exchange of a 1v1 between a tank and a healer. which should never occur in a team based setting regardless.

grip + chains > into 2nd grip + chains > debuff falls you can feather but it doesn’t really matter cause its not an immunity > third grip > abom > debuff falls you can fade + feather but unfortunately u don’t get far enough way to prevent chains + abom proc grip > grip + chains

i was testing it out in blitz yesterday; against a pres they got away when the debuff fell because i couldn’t chains their hover before my third grip was off cd. obviously i can be annoying to any class following them around the map, but that kind of defeats the purpose if they’re still able to do whatever they want essentially just slightly slower.
it doesn’t work on pres, rdruid, rsham, hpal, or mw monk. 5/6 healers.

he is literally making a complaint thread because hpriest 1/6 can’t deal with this 1v1 gimmick, with at a minimum 7 other players are on allied team and there is never a scenario where a priest should be by themselves ?

not a balance issue, its a player issue.

Easy solution:
Tanks shouldn’t be able to queue any PvP mode not 40 mans.

This is literally a post explaining why the games PvP is a bloated stupid mess in a single sentence.

We should never have gotten to this point where you have 46040070740740 different grips and leaps.

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careful priesty they’re making threads to remove healers from shuffle and 2s u might be next :smirk_cat:

when they nerf the mobility creep on every other spec in the game, we can nerf bdk grips. not grips first :smiley:

That’s what I meant, everyone has a million gap closers, disengages, grips, etc. It’s silly.
What happened to “mage blinked, so I DG and now they’re screwed”?
“Mage did their 4th blink but the 5th one is coming up but wait they have alter…”

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I dont play Blood DK in PVP currently but I also dont play Holy or Disc Priest. The recommendation that maybe 1vs1 a BDK shouldnt be able to keep anyone in a 30yrd radius indefinitely isnt outlandish. Players that could survive it wouldnt want a rogue to restrict their movement indefinitely, players are already not a fan of spammable Poly or Clone and those do have dimminishing returns. I don’t believe one person keeping another trapped away from objectives for most of a BG is intended. The solution is not 4 more players leaving objectives to take minutes to kill a BDK that will Rez and do it again, costing several objectives for those dealing with the BDKs shenanigans. In Blitz an abducted priest might be held away from objectives for 75% or more of a 10-15min match, it cannot be intended. Is it fun gameplay for the Blood DK? Sure, but a liberal interpretation of Blizzards ToS makes it seem like BDKs design enables griefing in competitive play. We are not saying “delete Death Grip”, were not even saying dont use death grip on the enemy healer, were saying nearly spamable DG plus spamable Chains of Ice with no DR is degenerate and bad for PVP.

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