Blood dk grip healers across the map

1500 priest definitely the authority on holy priest gameplay btw

you have no idea what you’re talking about


Your an evoker that’s literally immune to anything that immobilizes movement effects, why are you complaining?

The sad thing is this is such an easy thing to fix.

Treat it like regular crowd control with diminishing returns.

After three grips, the target becomes immune.

Ultimately, that will be what happens.


immobilizes are really good against evokers.

I’ve had evokers break out of every single immobilizer I’ve ever used so I don’t think so.

Yeah my prevoker doesn’t really have an issue with dk tanks. Hover dreambreath etc it’s easy to get away. Same with monk. Never played Rsham this season or hpal…but my priest is pretty much useless vs dk tanks.

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Pretty accurate

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how does a cone shaped heal help you get away from blood DKs?

i assume he meant dream flight which is a 2min cc immunity ; cut him some slack hes a priest player complaining about bdk grips, the extent of his knowledge ends at priest.

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holy crud…how can you not have any pvp titles? they literally fall out of the sky.
Do you like just sit in the base and armchair lead? how does that even happen? now i really know you suck and your opinion is garbage

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me when i can’t form rational points against what is being said so i pretend to not notice the acc was made this xpac basically must be a new player ofc

i never said new. i said garbage!

nice guild r u the guy who can’t peel his priest

u know what sleep walk is right, and rescue ?

This is why you do not allow force displacement skills in your PvP game.
I have been saying this since they added the first ones in WOTLK.

Delete knockbacks, delete pulls.

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Constantly remakes acc in an attempt to obfuscate little to no exp.

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Id give up my knockbacks to take away all the non healer grips/rescues and other players knockbacks.

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Just need to hope the DK isn’t currently immune to stun…and immune to fear…and immune to death because DS exists. AS a hunter if I see a DK that actually needs to die for objective gains, gotta stop what Im doing and dismiss my pet so he cant heal on it, removing my pathetic 10% MS and self Freedom option, and hope CC/knock backs and kiting are enough to get the job done. Funniest DK issue I had was Vs a Blood DK. He got knocked of a cliff by someone that wasnt me, but gripped me off the cliff too :skull:.

Dk only a problem if they come team fight. Mongo heals and grips. Otherwise they are useless like every non bear tank. But the spam grip. It’s gotta go! All I see are morons who play tank dk advocating that they don’t need change….just like we saw all the mm hunters prior to their little snipe nerf which I think mm is still in a really good spot right now balance wise. A good mm can pump


you’re completely oblivious to the damage this would do as a whole for bdk;
tunnel-vision’d on a change that literally only matters vs 1 spec, your spec, get a grip

dude there’s people on here who i’ve played with. I’ve seen and i can respect what they have to say because they are good at the game and have a legit insight.
you aren’t one of them.

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