Blood dk grip healers across the map

thats great game design. very cool feature indeed. i hope the next xpac we can expand on this playstyle a bit yeah?


Hey man, I got some threads for you:

The Kidnap Meta Exposed


Pretty sure the best way to get this actually looked at is to join up as a blood dk in a “pvp with the blues” event and just daisy chain one of the devs out in the water and drown them

Trust me, it’s possible. I’ve done it (but not to a dev)


death grip chains

death grip chains

death grip chains

epic gaming

sorry team… i would love to heal you but his death grip seemingly has a 5 sec CD and my tigers lust is immediately countered by chains of ice on zero cd. gg


gripped, so what? a blood dk cannot kill you or stop you from healing.


you r so totally right man. i forgot that healers had unlimited range on their heals. silly me. what an oversight


Your Death :skull: Knight was yummy :yum:


if i had a DK, i would totally mess with ppl using

60 yard range

and then use Death Grip as they get away

thats some top tier trolling


don’t forget to add in slappy hands

I’d usually pop a Wild Truffle when I spot a DK lol… they help maybe?

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Watch this video:

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How to say You’ve never healed without saying you’ve never healed


Every time I get gripped to the corner of the map, I’m posting a new video.
https: //

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How long until people just counter DK with aug evoker?

Weyrnstone, rescue, and spatial paradox. There are tools in the game to deal with blood DK. You simply have to adapt instead of clinging desperately to a stale decade old meta.

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Please write your 1000 word thesis on this suggestion. I’m all ears.

Also, you have to justify why not bring a dragon healer that can take care of themselves vs kidnap meta, instead of an Aug to rescue other healers.

Remember, there’s only 10 spots in a rated battleground.

Maybe don’t feel like you need to fill 5 of them with moonkin

Again, that’s a balance issue.

I’m talking about a griefing, since no Blue on the forums would watch those videos and claim that it’s intended gameplay.

Yeah I mean look at the priest grip why is dk grip like every three seconds? What is wrong the devs? Are they cubicle crawling again? Maybe we should setup an intervention


Death grip is the DK version of warrior charge.
Mechanically, it is the exact opposite of warrior charge.
Dk pulling you to them is the opposite of you running from a warrior and the warrior charging themselves at you a bunch of times to keep up.

It is hard to mess with this ability because it is their version of a gap closer not to mention their signature move.

Seems like the water was the biggest obstacle to deal with here.
The priest was doomed, but the monk probably could have escaped this on land.
Queueing with more than one tank shouldn’t be a thing, but they could pull this off with one dk as dps too.

For the priest, the solution is simple.

A PvP talent called “Anchor of Light.”

Does nothing other than keep you self-rooted and REDUCES your healing done by 25% and increases your healing range by 10%. Cannot be “uncast” for a minimum of 10 seconds.

Has zero affect on arena (since it would never be used) or random bgs and blitz.