Blood dk grip healers across the map

this is disingenuous because it literally only applies to priest, just type priest.

this is disingenuous because there should never be a need to do any of that if you stop the problem before it begins. a priest should never be by themselves and by virtue never be able to be trapped away requiring a “the solution”.

as for intention i think they design things in a way to not homogonize specs, and priest happens to be the healer spec that doesn’t get mobility; bkd is the spec that controls positioning. any other scenario of a spec being oppressive to another spec 1v1 we don’t protest because the game isn’t designed around 1v1, this is no different.

which then makes the rest of the reasoning for what you wrote ill-advised.

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who TF plays Hpriest?

Personally, I have no real stake in whether or not Blood has the same grip value in PvP that it does in PvE.

I will say that people simply asking for a reduction in Grip value in PvP don’t understand that there’ll be something else Blood (or DK in general) gets as compensation. They may find themselves wishing they hadn’t asked for nerfs to PvP Grip. They’re kinda being their own worst enemies in asking for a very niche problem to get resolved with a blanket nerf.

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Ret Vs BloodDK would still provide a similar situation. The Ret is DPS but without a Mortal Strike and the least effective CC that remains while doing damage, the Blood DK won’t die in that 1vs1. Ret cant reliably cap a node Vs a tank with a stun immunity, may find it difficult to flee the tank for a better objective while it’s Freedom is short and stolen by Mages, dispelled by nearly everyone else. Steed is not instant mobility and does nothing to provide movement during a Chains of Ice or Stun.

Preventing a Ret from doing what it needs to for team win contributions may be less effective than keeping an enemy healer immobilized, but it can happen.
Rets go to team fights to maximize their cleave, but are feared or otherwise taken out of the fight if they can do decent damage because everyone knows if they can do decent damage because they are a massive yellow beacon of a CC magnet.

Blood DKs do not shy away from removing the usefulness of specs that are not healing priests. Even if priests suffer BDK design the most often, they are not alone, and one Ret can’t stop a Blood DK from abductions against its priest teammates.

The Blood DK issue isn’t the only PvP issue nor is it the greatest issue, but it should be considered by spec design and combat design teams.

i am of the opinion that tanks should be able to hold nodes 1v1. the versatility of a dps should not overextend unto roles of tanks/healers imo.

grip + chains → into second grip → ret uses repentance → dk lich → paladin freedom priest, debuff falls → dk realizes he has to abom before third grip → gets hoj’d → IBF abom but priest is already out of range of abom grip → third grip also out of range but lets just for the sake of argument say they’re not, they get third grip’d (mind you this is all taking place with the priest basically still being at the first grip location, next to the fight still healing the team) → repentance no lich → trinket → priest fear → 2nd freedom

before anyone quotes that and says “that’s way too much” reminder that chain ended half way through for a total of like less than a 5s exchange and less than that downtime of the priest in the teamfight.
this also isn’t taking into consideration the fact this would actually be impossible for the bdk to do due to being global starved as there is a ret paladin with wings that i imagine is doing pretty fun amounts of damage; requiring the bdk to build runic power, spend death strikes, and globals on keeping themselves alive.

the scenario is also skewed because why would it not be a boomy, lock, evoker, or a mage, or any caster with an easily spammable cc peeling the priest; that’s literally their job. but i guess this help prove how easy it is to prevent even with something like a ret lol

Hi, I’m Doors.


I’m not a Priest or a Blood DK but I’ve see an issue with some tanks and even healers. It is not an issue that a Blood DK might win a 1vs1 killing the lone dps at a cycling activity node, its that they absolutely will win every time Vs some specs, 1vs1 killing a dps…as a tank seems dirty, an exploit I also enjoyed very much in MoP.
Yes, Healing Priests dislike being abducted, but the actual problem is much more than that. Blood DK and some other non-dps specs rival overall damage output of DPS specs AND have great survivability…why play a dps spec? Why not have a mix of just healers and tanks if tanks kill most dps 1vs1? People are complaining TWW looks like a dampen meta for arena. Could be even worse in BGs with no dampening for DPS that feel like they are wasting GCDs targeting the enemy Blood DK, but also cant leave them alone while they spin nodes for ages, actually kill players, or abduct friendly priests.

Don’t say dampening….call it what it is….hidden math aka scaling!

And scaling is a bandaid issue of a much bigger problem

The slap on the wrist that gets harder over time concerning healing done, by all specs to varying degrees, is just to avoid having Arena matches last too long.
My gf and I were doing 2s as Ret. The enemies (Rsham +UDK) didnt advance to our side for over 2 min, and we also waited. Discussed both poping Divine Shields when combat starts to nuke the DK, it worked as he died in maybe 3seconds. Dampening would have had the healing done meaningless had their been time to cast heals.

In an alternate universe where there is no Dampening, the most durable specs with a bit of cc and damage played well would likely win Vs burst meta specs that are fragile played well.

Self healing very large amounts, while being disruptive with character displacement and CC, and doing decent damage is fun. I don’t blame BDKs for having fun, but a design or tuning pass might be worth doing.

I really wish they’d turn dampening in increased mana usage and prevent drinking in arena. The result would be the same, just feel less sucky for the healers.

By the time a single heal costs 20% of your mana bar, you have the equivalent of 75% damps (and you would never make it there anyway).

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/blows kiss


Difficult to punish non mana users from being great off or self healers without dampening as is, looking at you Blood DK.

Well, other than tanks, I think allowing dps specs to self heal with no dampening would be perfectly in order.

The specs I like are such poor self healers it wouldn’t really help or hurt me. Mana being a more finite resource especially when used for healing is an interesting Arena concept.

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they’re not just a menace to Priests, but to EFCs, and everyone in Silvershard Mines where they can constantly yank and snare more than one player at a time from a cart


I disagree with the sentiment concerning Silvershard so long as they doing their intended role of slowing people going between carts.

However, when they just grip you to their spawn and hold you there forever, then there’s a problem.

I think allowing priests to self grip themselves with two charges, like you could with the Shadowlands leggo priest ring, would solve this problem.


Cant stop you from healing…yeah, yourself maybe but your team is SOL cause you will be on grip vacation on a beach in stranglethorn with a forced BDK honeymoon that you cant escape.


There’s a Blood DK that named his toon “kissing spot” and literally grips you to the beach on some rock in the middle of ocean in rated battlegrounds.

Other names are Healrstealr, etc

it’s become a meme now.


I believe it…