Blood dk grip healers across the map

They’re trading their squishy tank’s time for you the healer

Who’s wins from that?

They do. Because RBG’s are balanced around three healers.

As you can see in the video. It’s their Blood DK that chooses to trade his time for mine. He has me targeted the moment the gates open and charges at me entire game.


You linked a video of it.

If you’re having to trade out a healer and multiple dps to rescue your priest constantly, you’ve already lost the match.


What in god’s name is your team doing to allow this to happen?

Or are you one of those healers running around solo complaining about everything and refusing to do your job because the DPS aren’t bending a knee to your demands?

So, you don’t have to get a kb on enemy tank for him to just rez in 20 seconds, wasting 5 minutes to do that …

BDK damage is so bad an Arms can out sustain it. You running past allies on a mount is causing you to heal less than a bad BDK supposedlykidnapping you. This is peak silly.

He chastised a DH for no reason so far off the flag instead of bait trinket into fear for cap, can’t fake cast.

And ran past injured allies and points to meet 1v1 on the bridge mounted up. Idk what those strategies are not being with allies as a healer running past all on a mount for half the match.

Panda bdk was silly.

I can’t go into team fight, because if he catches me anywhere except on that bridge, he’ll start gripping me to the corner of the map.

That is the whole pint of the video.

Listen to what everyone says in voice comms before and after the match.

im making a blood dk soon im gonna get in on the trolling.

screw it.


Not decent ones you didn’t

That barely does anything with a spammable 70% slow on you

Please explain how you cleansed chains of ice. Lol what

That’s a 30 second cooldown, 20 if you’re talented into it. Chains of ice is spammable. Cool you got 8 yards away aaaaaaand slowed again

You aren’t going to get far enough away if you chastise even if you fade feather and bubble sprint away if the DK has 40yd range grip. You have to get a lucky fear that sends him in the opposite direction of you and book it to your friends, and that’s only if he already used lichborne, trinket and didn’t predict the fear with AMS - so minimum 1.5 minutes to have a chance? That has to be really fun for the priest, great gameplay design

I’ve seen streams of high rated RBG teams struggle to deal with blood dk non-sense and considering you have no noteworthy ratings and barely have any BG experience, I’m going to say none of your ideas have been worthwhile. The team needs to have a specific plan to stop the blood dk before ever getting to the priest, if not the priest is just a waste of space all game

And yes, your team can kill the blood DK but investing multiple DPS/cooldowns to kill one DK that’s kidnapping your priest is a win for the BDK. That just leaves everywhere else outnumbered


lmfao yeah. if the dk is on that sleepy joe time maybe

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Which is general theme of my threads. Thank you.

Just give priest the Leggo Ring from Shadowlands that gave you two charges of self-grip back to teammates.

So utterly tone deaf

The real issue is obviously that it makes tons of players just skip wow pvp entirely

And that’s incredibly bad game design, because gaining and retaining players is a focus of quality design

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Just out of curiosity why do tank DKs have so many grips and why is their cd not the same as a frost or unholy dk? I’m not seeing why their grip is on such a quick cd compared to the other two specs. grip is a neat feature but why are the allowing it to be practically spammable for tanks? Just put it on a normal cd like others this isn’t hard brain stuff come on blizz at least try to put a little effort in

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If Blizzard didn’t want Priests to be drowned they wouldn’t have created Blood Death Knights.

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because they balance it around pve is my guess

I still don’t see how a tank needs that many grips even in pve. Do blizz staff put anyt thought into anything? I honestly couldn’t answer that

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nope not really tbh

all forsed movemunt shuld share dr

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okay but like, same with rogues.

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