What’s even more nonsense is there are void elf npcs in Stormwind with black hair and it’s not usable by players
Exactly. They put it on NPCs but couldn’t be bothered to finish it for players? Like what?
Because the Void Elves don’t represent their Void-taint with their skin, you loser (Outside of Alleria with a unique Void Form.)
Take the L.
I just want my goth boi to have black hair. Seems obvious.
I want people to stop making new helf threads when there is already a main one going… One that is an actual continuation of the Blizzard thread that announced the new skin tones.
This is the actual thread we should all be using.
No they won’t. This concept of “class skins” that got pushed by MMO-Champion or wherever it came from is dumb enough on its own, but the belief that it’s genuinely a strong possibility is a whole other level of delusion.
Alliance never had the model.
The High Elves had actually left the Alliance before WC3.
Good luck with that one, my first reply in this thread was about it being yet another spam thread.
“we dont want to play blood elves(high elves)”
“but can we just have their natural hair colors to go with their skin tones for void elves and complete the look”
This is correct we want the model from Alleria Windrunner ^^