Blonde/brown hair for Void elves?

Note: This is a post from a European player friend on the High Elf discord server who can’t post in the American forums and requested me to do publish it for him.

Hello everyone! I have been playing wow since Cata officially. However I played for a few days on my friend’s computer in WOTLK, and I Remember falling in-love with the High elves in Northernd (the Silver covenant). They had a very calm/peaceful voice, and they looked amazing! I loved the blue eyes and the blue aesthetic, which is why I favored them over Belves. Sadly, I reliazed they were not playable. So I joined the High elf fan-club.

I’m very very very grateful that Blizzard added High elven options to Void elves, however with the lack of natural hair colors it looks very off.

Can we please have Blonde hair in our next customizations build? Even a brown would do. But I feel like Blonde would be amazing for us Alleria fans too. It would definitely complete the High elf request, as we are almost there.

— Jay


They stole an entire model, and it just isn’t enough for these people. Give them an inch and they take a mile.


“Can we please turn void elves into blood elves completely in the next customization build?”

Sincerely, I hope the answer is No.


Void hair for blood elves thread inc.


No, void elves should not get one of the last things separating them from blood elves just so people can fully live out their high elf fantasies. I’m so tired of this request, and the requests for lore-defying void elf paladins so the Alliance can finally have high/blood elves verbatim.


Note: This is a reply from a European player friend on the High Elf discord server who can’t post in the American forums and requested me to do publish it for him.

What’s wrong with asking for a blonde hair? Blizzard specifically says these are High elven options, so I believe they will complete it someday.

And it’s the other way around. They gave us the mile, now we want the inch.

You should read the definition of “steal” because blizzard owns both Void elves and Blood elves
— Jay


If you want to be a blonde haired blood elven model.

Play Horde.

Just like if I want to play a dwarf, I will play Alliance.

Sorry you don’t get 2 complete racial options within 1 playable race.


I agree with this though. I believe every race, for sure the majority, has brown/light hair color options, I don’t know why people are mad at Void Elves not being locked down to variations of black and purple.


Some players (myself not included) value the standard elf visual theme remaining distinct to blood elves, or simply the faction divide in general. So this request will naturally be met with resistance. It is also a very long standing debate with much heat on both sides.

Also, there is already a thread for discussing customization options for void elves and blood elves:


I get it but we really should wait for blood elves to get their second theme.
I want blonde, brown, white and black hair as well, but others need a turn at options too.
like the nightborne.

I’ll never get over how absolutely piss-baby people get over freakin’ hair colours.


You dont understand why people don’t want an Alliance race to be able to 100% copy, and be a better version of a Horde race?


Allied races hair is lacking in general on a few races, mostly the first batch from what I’ve seen
the most races that need more hair options and colors off the top of my head are LFD, HMT, and Nightborne.
Void elves should get some new hair options too but they’re hardly the most in need.
(my last post on this thread, there are already two threads up on the topic of elves; lets keep our posts in those shall we?)

Edit: my bad replied to the wrong person.

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I don’t understand why these people are so angry at hair colors of an online video game, which by the way, are already available on most races of the game anyway.


If void elves get blonde and brown hair colours, they’ll be able to look even more like blood elves. Thus people who oppose void elves being able to look like blood elves (a Horde race) oppose these options.


What I find more baffling are people who can’t roll with what they got in a video game and have to keep asking for so many years.


You are right.

I dont understand why the high elf population is so angry about hair colors of an online video game.


This is something very natural, to be sincere. These people are customers of the game, if they desire the game to be further developed in a certain way, they will systematically voice those desires, specially in a company which declares the importance of feedback as Blizzard.


I am also sincere.

I desire the game to be developed in a certain way also.