Blonde/brown hair for Void elves?

I think it’d be different if Horde got the Black Iron Dwarves or Draenei that weren’t with the ones who landed on Azeroth while Alliance got Void Elves. Alliance ended up with one of our races but we didn’t get one of theirs. It’s starting to feel like Blood Elves are becoming the Pandaren 2.0.


I disagree, at least not a perfect copy, maybe have it being blonde but having some of the hair touched by the void, almost like if it was tinted, like that hair from the female pandaren who have some of its strands of hair colored


People who want the hair on void elves, and people who oppose it, are both desiring the game to be developed in the way they’d like.

It’s the same thing, but from opposite sides. Two sides of the same coin as it were. Neither side is wrong. Both are opinions.

People on the side who want the hair tend to have trouble understanding that the people who oppose them have just as valid an opinion as they do.

Keep in mind I say this as someone who does want the hair.


I don’t care if we can’t get normal hair colors. I just want an option for hair without tentacles…I can live with the color…but the tentacles make the hair look so incredibly bad


Hey Pont! Thanks for providing that for them. Let Jay know that we dont know what Blizz has planned for AR customization, but it’s good to remind them and give feedback so hopefully we will all at least get the customization.


You guys literally got Highborne Night Elves - with the bonus of it having an entirely custom model, compared to the other 3 OG Allied Races just being retextures with some custom assets. (Horns / Tentacles)
Ontop of that, you also got one of the biggest Night Elf cities in the lore - where Tyrande, Malfurian, ect ect all came from.


How badly would people complain if I asked for my Shen’dralar mage to be able to have arcane tattoos? Probably less, simply because it’s not the Thalassian model.


No, it really isn’t.

Out of all the people that enjoys anything in this game, the fan of elves have the most options of all.

You have them on both sides.

You have a miryad of skin color choices.

You have the possibility of picking between 4 whooping themes (Blood elf, high elf, light abiding, void affected).

But because, according to you, a friend of yours saw a handful of NPCs that were mildly relevantt during one xpac, all of these are not good enough.

No, it’s you guys who are making a big deal over hair color.


Why is it that Blood Elves stole the blue and purple eye colors from Void Elves yet they still whine and cry about more, more, more? They even got gold eyes for no reason and it’s still not enough. Hell, they even got a blue and purple hair color very reminiscent of Void Elf colors.

But how DARE those Void Elves ask for another hair color!


I disagree on that, as I believe if a group of people wants something in the game, they’ll ask for it publicly. I don’t know how it couldn’t happen.


Imagine trying to gate keep natural hair tones for void elves when I’m already playing a void elf with natural black hair.

Get a grip


Get over it and take the plenty of options you already have.


You get over it. More customization is good, not less.

You already lost the moment the developers decided to implement void elves instead of broken draenei.

You’re still in loser mode denial after over a year. Sad


I don’t play void elves.

gIvE an InCh TaKe A MiLE

It’s a hair color lmao, who actually thinks this is a big deal other than delusional belf players? They also thought the world was ending when Void Elves got normal skin tones, and what do you know, no one actually cares.


To all the people opposing this, at the end of the day the VEs hair colours are pretty drab looking. It isn’t even about wanting to play a high elf, it is just asking for a normal colour that doesn’t look so… bleh. Honestly the colour scale isn’t a nice one, even if they added a normal haircolour that BEs didn’t have would be something.

As it stands now VEs get a green grey, mouldy green, blues and purples. None of those are remotely nice. Alleria the VEs leader has nice (normal) hair, HEs aside, I think this is all that a lot of people just want- non drab hair colours :smiley:

I main a BE and I really have no problem giving VEs even just one option of non ugly/drab hair colour :smiley:


Why do you care so much if people want legit high elves, a core race of the Alliance since the original Warcraft games? Why does it trigger you so much?


Except when it leads to homogenisation and removes what makes a race/faction unique.

Imagine if they gave all the same Night Elf customisations to Nightborne.


Stopped OP reading there.

Stop posting for someone else. They got banned for a reason. Don’t get yourself in trouble.


I don’t even give a crap about the stupid Blonde/Brown hair. Just give EVERY race a pure black and pure white hair color option.

