Blizzstore Mount Weekend Giveaway

I am most excited Chromie time will extend to 60!



This is so sweet of you. I donā€™t want a mount. I love to give too, feels good.

Iā€™m looking forward to the zones. Some Iā€™ve seen - :heart_eyes: I canā€™t wait to spend hours exploring and fishing there.


I think Iā€™m honestly most excited for the UI changes.

I donā€™t use mods so having access to something like barkeeper in game is going to be amazing!

ā€¦ Then again those dracthyrā€¦


I am excited to finally fly. Not no clip through the air. This is something I have wanted since TBC. The advent of the flying mount was cool, but it really limited the amount of variety they could add to mounts in the past.

I am most excited for dragonriding. In fact, the whole prospect of the dragon is something Iā€™ve wanted in a video game for a very long time. Dynamic flying, customizing your dragon, itā€™s so How to Train Your Dragon that I am thrilled by the idea.

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Iā€™m excited for the new race/class. Iā€™ve always been a huge fan of dragons and lobbied for both a race and a class based on them: their solution solves both desires.


I am most excited for a new healer! finally

I have been all over GD when this subject comes up since the announcement, so Iā€™m sure that no one will be surprised when I say Iā€™m unspeakably excited for the new Evoker class!

Flying around beaming magic out of my mouth into the enemy is a dream that I never knew I had finally come true and Iā€™m so incredibly impatient to main this class!


I am excited for everything! It all looks exciting!

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Very excited to play as a drakthyr! Just hope they have a fun rotation.

Also I will be thankful to play on another appealing class with healing again.

I am undecided between green or blue dragon, maybe purple.

dragon race man, dragon race.

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I thought there was a lot to like about the 10.0 reveal. The zones look amazing, the return of talent trees is a welcome change, a new ranged dps spec (finally!), and crafting changes.

The thing that most excites me though is the return of the dragons and a new story associated therewith. Really looking forward to seeing where the story goes in Dragonflight!


There is so much to be excited about Dragonflight. The new talent tree, Dragonriding mechanic, the new race and class. As always the new story line and zones to explore. I am very excited for the new xpac.

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Iā€™m most excited about the talent revamps

It means Blizzard will have to look at each spec individually and decide on a direction for them.

It just seems like itā€™s going to be far more in depth than the general number tweaks or blanket changes weā€™ve seen in the past.

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Thatā€™s a tough one, honestly. Iā€™m excited about the possibilities the talent and profession revamps brings. Dragonriding looks like itā€™d be fun, Iā€™m definitely gonna try out the Evoker. The zones are always fun to explore until I find something to be annoyed about. :rofl: So really, Iā€™m just excited about the expansion in general.

But I grew up playing the original Warcraft on MS-DOS. I will always love the Warcraft universe, even if I donā€™t play WoW as much as I used to because I get into spurts where Iā€™m hyper-focusing Dead by Daylight or Satisfactory or Pokemon. I know WoW is always there if I get the itch to come back. :slight_smile:

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Sweet another Grimoire mount giveaway. I think the biggest thing Iā€™m looking forward to is checking out the new Drakthyr Evokers. Dragon lore can be a lot of fun too.

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A return to Azeroth. No, seriously. Thatā€™s the TLDR

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Iā€™m really excited to play more wow and to have more lore into the game since Iā€™m addicted to lore. Also, more adventures for my rogue and new way to play with talent trees, woo!

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Its now truly the Weekend Part of the Weekend Giveaway!