I’m most excited for talent trees coming back, and the new zones! They all look really nice, and I can’t wait to run around in them.
Also excited for the PvP changes
I’m most excited for talent trees coming back, and the new zones! They all look really nice, and I can’t wait to run around in them.
Also excited for the PvP changes
Such a selfless idea, thanks you for doing this for the community!
Overall, I’m mostly interested in the new Class and Dragon. They appeal to me and I can’t wait to see what they’ll be like!
But above all, finally focusing back on CLASSES, and specs must be by #1 thing. It’s been since Legion where classes have not changed one bit except a few ones that were left unfinished in Legion because they were busy working on borrowed power systems.
The talent revamp is my favorite thing.
I am most excited to not be playing shadowlands anymore. And to also have a fun expansion that doesn’t seem to focus on the end of all existence.
Getting back to Azeroth and just fighting some mid level bad guys for their loot will be a nice breathe of fresh air.
Thanks very much for giving them a bonus roll. I’m sure capslock will be highly thankful. It was a very generous thing for you to do
New content, raids and dungeons.
I’m stoked for dragon riding, a new class that is ranged/healer, all around more dragon stuff, a dragon themed expansion… and the promising prospect of professions.
You know, a lot of people say that the cinematic was underwhelming and for the most part, I am inclined to agree, it wasn’t as action oriented as most other cinematics from past expansions. But as soon as I saw those dragons flying around, in high definition, I was excited for the expansion. I freaking love Azeroth’s dragons.
I am most excited for the revamped user interface, and with it some good customization capabilities.
I am excited about exploring a whole new area and finding great gear.
I especially like to tell jokes at random moments throughout my venture. My favorite joke is about my human statues in my garden.
I’m excited about it all!! But most definitely has to be the talent trees, I can’t wait to see them back again!!
Not entering the contest.
But I’m excited they are at least listening to the requests of players… even if they don’t understand them and haven’t changed the philosophies that got them into hot water in the first place yet.
Professions getting attention.
(I’m also worried as I have a large stable of alts who all want to be doing a little crafting and gathering for each other in their own little private economy and I’m already splitting my time thinly amon- … oops, sorry, it’s just so much easier for me to get talking about worries than excitements this time of the hype cycle)
I’m looking forward to new cute thingies like ducks and baby tuskarr
Also, I don’t particularly love how they look but I’ma have fun looking through the Drakthyr customization.
The thing I am most excited about with Dragonflight is the new talent trees. I remember the days when I could make hybrid classes. It will be fun to see how I can build my healers for healing and dps. I’m also excited to play the healing Evoker. The spells look incredible and I love new healing specs.
The whole preview is essentially what I’ve wanted since Legion. Returning to personal character progression and world content/professions mattering more is core to a game like this.
If they do it right, WoW’s back. It’s an exciting idea.
I’m most excited for the new music cuz wow music team usually does too notch work
I’m excited for the profession overhauls. Been wanting new ways to have a 50/50 chance of doing something spectacular or get electrocuted to death.
I’m excited for a dragon themed expansion!
I’m excited for no borrowed powers although I don’t have faith they will sneak something in.
Probably the ability to raid cross faction so I can return to the alliance.
A lot of things!
Talent Trees:
I am very excited for the return of Talent Tree’s. It’s funny, it was not something I thought I would miss, when I first started WoW back in Wrath, it took me awhile to figure the system out. I was kind of excited for the newer system, but then the other day I am playing classic, here I am filling out my Talent Tree and my though was, "I really miss this, I miss picking the goals at the end and working towards them, I miss this choice of play style. Then the announcement cam out, and I was thrilled!
We get to play as Dragon Kin! I mean, how cool is that? I love their visage design, they are so pretty! I also love their casting form. Have you seen them dance??? So cute!! I already have a name picked out on each of my three main servers!! I am excited for the class as well!! Mail Armour & Casting!! Yes!! I am looking forward to learning a new class and playing them!
Dragon Riding:
This is too awesome for words!! We get a dragon, and we get to train it and pick how it looks, and learn some magnificent flying moves, and it looks like maybe a possible mini game??? As someone who has gotten the ‘Brood Of Alysrazor’ achievement at the Darkmoon Faire more times the I can count, this is going to be fun!!!
I mean come on… I had to say it!
Lich King:
I didn’t want to forget the return of Wrath.
I just like new things in general, the excitement of logging in on Day #1 on the drop of a new, or renewed expansion!! So much anticipation!