Blizzconline will be free but

I cant understand a damn thing they typed its a stream of consciousness word salad with ellipses …


Ooze kitty!

Giving something away for free isn’t communism, per se. Communism is taking from hard working individuals in order to give out the freebie.

To old for that sweetheart sorry. Time will tell. btw you do realize people are not able to even log into this game atm. What the heck will SL be like if this is still happening right now. But each to their own enjoy your empty world I say. Have a good day.

I’ve been working about 30 hours a week if I’m lucky at this point.

My bosses would know I was joking anyways. i love my job when I’m there.

Have a good one! :wink:

All have a good day sick to death of white knights defending this game. I understand it’s your jobs you’re trying to save. But heck better watch your back you’re just a number and replaceable.

explain what come in spinner means please lol


Go reset your router. unplug it, plug it back in, and then check. I got in fine. I’m not even kidding on this. the forums would be flooded if we were getting DDOS’d. I’ve been here long enough to know this.

Now, I’m just making convo. How are you today?

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What is “Come in Spinner?”


LOL… She/He is probably 15 and barely making C’s in English. LOL

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Maybe it meant come on spinner. Like some one that spins info?

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The lack of English knowledge means this person doesn’t use commas, so it could be, “Come on, Spinner.” or a phrase, “Come in Spinner.”

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So Spinner may be on the other end of a walkie talkie?

What the hell are you talking about? There are no issues logging in at the moment.

Seems like this has been going around a lot the last couple of days. To them, if they say it is true, it is. Why? Because they said so.

Aussie saying for ‘’ come in sucker "

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So basically they have a crap computer and/or crap ISP and that somehow means Shadowlands sucks and Blizzard is… something?

Well… I guess it’s not the first incredibly bad take I have seen on these forums.


Exactly! :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s a Aussie saying come in spinner means ‘’ come in sucker " other words you’re been had.

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