BlizzConline Q&A Submissions

It’s the fastest way to build characters without focusing game time on them. And almost the entire Horde leadership is in dire need of that. And half of Alliance too.


and Humans, Night Elves, Orcs, and Forsaken? …meh, we all know that 90% they’ll just say that was the Warfront armors because that’s the laziest way out.

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Don’t forgot the Pandaren.

On the subject of heritage armors… they did an interview and it was mentioned that heritage armors would be included in .5 patches.

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Well I just believe trolls and draeni are the ones that will be shipped next because as you said Warfronts provided great racial armor flavors that put those races at the end of waiting list.


That’s how I feel about it. Most topics I would consider, some one else will ask a similar question, and probably do it in a more “generous” way.

Any topic I might consider outside of what others asked would be ignored, either for substance or delivery.

I trust that others will ask, and Blizz will Cherry Pick the answers they wish to give.

They probably can’t answer it, but I asked about the future of the Warcraft film universe and if that future even exists at this point.


Is it bad that I’m more concerned with what interesting lore is gonna end up in the burning dumpster than what neat factoid will be shared?

I don’t trust CDev anymore.

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I threw one in. I doubt it will get answered, but I threw one in.

I didn’t ask for anything exciting. I just asked if they had any intention of making HD versions of the models from classic to WOTLK, and if they were considering making grey/white quality items transmoggable.

That’s actually a really interesting one that I hope they will answer (with yes)

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That would be terrible, most of the warfront armors don’t even fit night elves…

So that would mean that 9.0.5 will include one? Wouldn’t we know that by now?

Not necessarily. They could have saved a heritage armor announcement for Blizzcon over including it in the gear update post. Though there is always the possibility that Blizzard could pass on including heritage armor in the first .5 patch and then include them in the later .5 patches.

They also could have changed their minds about it and decided to include them in the main patches. Time will tell on that front.

I asked about the status of Ashenvale.


Got a link? Can’t find this. Would be pretty weird to me honestly

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Wow that is really weird because I do not see Faerie Queen thematically connected to the Earth Mother the same way i do not see her thematically connected to Elune.
Overlapping spheres of influence, but lacking in a lot of themes.

I would be disappointed if she is the Earth Mother because she should atleast be on the material plane.

More likely, she ´s the sister of the earth mother, and we will see who the earthmother will be

If the Winter Queen is the Earth Mother then her Eyes Elune and Anshe aren’t literal Eyes but her chief agents!

Her Soulbind is Lady Moonberry. If Elune turns out to be Lady Moonberry then Elune’s ties to the Arcane make sense since she is an Arcane using Fairy Soulbind of the Winter Queen.

Of course it is also possible the Winter Queen and her sister are the Earth Mother collectively with their individual Soulbinds being Elune and Anshe respectively.

The fact that the Pantheon of Death(below the Titans) and their Soulbinds could be considered the True Gods is an interesting thought.

If the Earth mother is just another nature entity then that would be disappointing too. Nature overlaps with earth and can be a subset of it, but there is more to earth than just life.


Stop stop stop, elune isn´t earthmothers soulbind XD and isn´t lady moonberry. thats…wow, that would be real disgusting.