BlizzConline Q&A Submissions

I doubt we’ll get any difficult questions answered, but submit now or hold your QQ

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Already threw in

  • An’she
  • Elune as Tidemother
  • Kul Tiran heritage recolors + other heritage recolors + unused armor assets (eg the 20some pirate hats) + unused weapon assets (GIVE ME MY BLOOD ELF POLEARM BLIZZARD)
  • Question about Amani/Farraki joining the Horde vis-a-vis Talanji or something
  • Warlock stables
  • etc

You’re a good man.
Especially for those:

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I asked what happens on Azeroth while we are away.

I asked if we already know a character who is a First One.

I asked if we get a real revenge for Tyrande.

And I asked if the Stormheim Vyrkuls will still join a faction.


Eh. I just asked about Allied Race customizations. Nightborne, Lightforged, and Highmountain need some love.

Extended to ask if character customization would continue to expand for the main races, such as Forest Troll skin tones and beards for everyone.


I wrote three questions :
-Since Horde is mostly consisting of new characters now, are there any plans to at least release new Leaders short stories to flesh them out?
-When can we expect Darkspear and Draenei heritage armors to be revealed, any ETA?
-Will there be a new wave of customisation options? Are there any things that you wished to add?


I also asked if we would get short leader stories for the new core and allied race leaders.


Will Kael’thas Sunstrider get to seek forgiveness from the Sin’dorei, or will he stay in Revendreth?

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Are we going to see on screen presentation of the Night Elves being a threat to the Horde? 8.1 was extremely underwhelming and a Blizzcon question for the canon victory of the Darkshore Warfront isn’t enough.

Maybe we’ll finally know if Night Elves did “descended from Trolls.” Nine confirmations isn’t enough, we really need a 10th, and we can’t give up until they answer us.


I mean, looking at their record, they will probably answer something pointless like this.


My questions are:

What happens to Garrosh, does he get a redemption story ?

When will Fel Orcs be playable ?

What do you have against the horde ?

Are druid races getting new forms of travel ?

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I’ve been thinking for a while and I honestly can’t come up with any story questions I’d want to ask. I’d probably end up just asking about future race additions, opening up more race/class combos, or cross-faction grouping and guilding. But I’m pretty sure they’re being bombarded by hundreds of people asking about all of those already.


I asked the pointless Question on what each of the Anima/Death Magic Colors represent.

I pointed out the Cyan-White(Bastion), Rainbow-Black(Bastion, Revendreth and the Maw), Green(Maldraxxus), Azure & Pink(Ardenweald), Red(Revendreth), Livid(Phantasma), Blue(Devourer), Cyan(Drust) and White(Brokers) Death Magic colors in my question.


That’s not a pointless question! And therefore they won’t answer it :wink:


They’ve told us a dozen different times that Sylvanas’ master plan would be revealed to us by now, but so far we’ve been given nothing but vague nothings about “remaking things” and “setting us free.” All of Shadowlands is vague and unexplained, even. They’re apparently dead set on playing the story close to the chest for the time being, so it’s best to be pessimistic and expect nothing particularly juicy with respect to lore for the next six months.

In other words, welcome to Destiny?

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I asked a question on behalf of my lore blog. The question was:

Any chance we are going to see Tirion in Shadowlands? and is it ever going to be explained why the Jailer wanted him for the Lich King, why the Light saved his soul in Legion and why the Light stopped the Ebon Blade from turning him into the leader of the four Horseman?

Another thing I wanted to ask was if we are going to see Tyr make a reappearance this expansion and if the Knights of the Silver Hand will have a plot in Shadowlands alongside the Ebon Blade, since Ashbringer is a plot in Maldraxxus.

Also are we gonna see Galakrond? is the Necrotic affliction going to be explained? also what is the connection between The Jailer and Yogg-Saron?

But I highly doubt they would answer any of these questions.


I asked about glyphs…


ooo this is a good question.

did you see the new Sagagamer interview with art directior Ely Cannon where he uses the word “Earthmother” in relation to the Winter Queen?

Thought you’d appreciated it. He could have used any word but he chose that one. I wonder if it was an attempt to bring the Tauren into Adrenweald plot.

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