Blizzcon Champion "DH's are S Q U I S H Y"

Last night one of the greatest healers of all time Cdew, after playing with one of the if not the TOP DH in NA. Was quick to end playing with him due to DH being way to Squishy

His Words, " Comp is to Squishy this is my LG"

this was DH/Boomie ( who will be getting massive buffs but not DH)

DH needs love Devs or are you going to let a large segment of the gaming population be ignored?


Yep, ignore DHs. Carry on and have a blessed day.


Hunters and Rogues clearly don’t want to fight on even ground

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I don’t. I don’t trust any classes with wings as I was attacked by a flock of seagulls at the Jersey shore years ago.


We all face the bat. It’s wows cycle.

Early expansion release bursty glass cannon classes normally excel (guardian Druids the exception) rogues DH were popping off. But as gear scales and nerfs come in you fall off.

Wows cycle

Fair enough, Night Elves were originally chickens who evolved.

chickens fighting back till the evil Vegans Devs killed this class not just spec

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This is why the devs torched the Home Tree in Shadowlands.

Rogues still have a place now and seeing lots of assassination again since the pink god fell a bit

so time to race change =D Dark Iron Dwarf DH =-D

Please no! My forsaken arthritis
is having a hard time leaning down fighting all you knee cappers!

I agree, nerf rogues

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Okay. I know this is bait and this guy is trolling, but what the heck is this about boomy getting buffed? What makes you think that? Show your work.

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I guess the whole DH community is trolling but to answer your Boomie question

Balance getting a lot of changes in 10.1 - Classes / Druid - World of Warcraft Forums (

looks to be very substantial upgrades

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Nothing cdew says should ever be taken seriously. Everygame regardless of ladder, shuffle, or tournament if he loses he resorts to immediate temper tantrum followed by man child tears blaming everything except himself. At this point he’s miestro level toxic his team can’t even talk strats or improving after an L because cdews rolling on the floor in tears.


where on the ladder did cdew touch you?

Why did all the ret players go back to their DHs after being barely touched?

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Did you run? Far away? All night and day? Did you get away?

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DH, they were ridiculously dominating before 10.0.7, alongside warr arms, it was almost as absurd as the now dead ret pala, less than 1 month without being overperforming every day someone comes here to complain.

I’m on the same boat OP.

Ret hasnt had a time in the sun for a very long time and needs to be buffed.

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ret has more key binds

Blizzard promised DH was going to be the best pvp class for easy use max 2-3 buttons

now they seem to just make us bad and try to force us to BM

Ya on ptr its still a nerf over losing the current 4set. Its like 16% overall st increase and the current 4set is 18.6%. :confused:

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