Blizzcon Champion "DH's are S Q U I S H Y"

ufff any nerf on Bommie hurts us too,
DH/Boomie prolly best comp for us ( I think)

I think it depends on map and matchup, but ya. Dh/war and dh/dk are really good into rogue comps and dh/boomy is awful into those.

From what I’ve seen, Demon Hunters take it rough in damage. But usually a Good Healer can keep up with it.
Maybe this Cdew isn’t good, if he has to complain about not being able to heal fast enough?

At least DHs have natural 20% magic dam reduction, us Monks over here with paper armor and no magic dr

Now I hate to even defend DH on any level but they were absurd but not even touching the boots of how absurd pally was. I honestly can’t think of anything as broken as pally was on their recent release. That being said I think when crit nerfs come in and other classes get toned down DH will probably be upper tier again in the not too distant future.


may the blizzard gods hear your prayers

Noticed you said comp. Every game I saw Dipi was basically dead and running away 90% of the time, not Mvq.


that’s because he can Glide

DH damage and healing vs. Post-rework pre-nerf Ret btw

This isn’t an isolated incident btw.

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lol complete photoshop

amateur work too btw

Stop hitting into darkness, it pads our healing meters lol.

Wasn’t me, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do if target is low or no other options. Tbh I think it’s good that it shows as healing and more things like d-stance, demon tats, divine protection, etc. should as well. Doesn’t matter if it actually healed someone or prevented the damage in the first place. Some specs look weaker on healing despite having equal or higher total damage mitigation.


imma be real… cdew has been on something as of late and i’ve effectively resided to trust nothing of what he says

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Ask yourself this. Did cdew make this thread or a lvl 59 dh?

I agree, not shots at you but like pally bop or magic bop doesn’t show but it’s huge!

Yep there’s a lot of examples, but straight immunities still wouldn’t be tracked properly (despite providing immense value) as players just completely switch off unless braindead. Still would rather have it all tracked though.

Don’t ever take anything Cdew says seriously. Dude is a complete clown the moment whatever he likes isn’t the most godly thing in the game.

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Interesting differences of opinion I suppose

Ah, the duality of man.

I can see Lontar intentions a mile away

he is pumping DH so when they can’t be these high-ranked players they will ask Lontar to boost them

self-preservation my friend