BlizzCon 2019 announced

I mean. Isn’t the entire point of Blizzcon to be a giant advertisement? No different than E3, for example.

That being said, i don’t buy the virtual ticket myself. its not worth it to me. But if its worth it to someone else I am fine if they want to spend there money on it.

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I think it’s silly that people expect free things to be given to them just because they don’t want to give their money to someone to provide stuff like Blizzcon.

Yep. This is gonna be the worst blizzcon to date. In terms of people attending

Huh? You are asking in April, about announcements that will be secret until November? You are implying that, since you don’t know the announcements IN APRIL, they will not exist IN NOVEMBER.

Which is nonsense.

How about this for “justification”: the price is hundreds of dollars, and it will SELL OUT – there are tens of thousands of players who WANT to voluntarily pay hundreds of dollars to attend this event. That is plenty of “justification”.

Money talks, and you are out-voted.

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Announcing their new Game Director?

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Let’s just say, given the last couple of BlizzCons, there’s not much to inspire confidence here. You really I have to admit that.

For you maybe, but the thousands who do go love it.

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Alright kids. If you are playing GD Bingo at home, I will allow this to be used for the “Fire Ion” square.

From a WoW perspective, the last couple of BlizzCons have been fine. Yes, Diablo Immortal was silly. But everything points to this being a good one.

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Okay, I’ll bite. What is the everything to which you refer?


D4 announcement, except D4 will transform into Dark Dreams Don’t Die this time.

They’re not required to justify their price increases. Maybe the extra $30 pays for the Disney-style WC3-inspired statues being given away with each purchase.
I honestly think the Portal Pass is overpriced, or their benefit dinner w/ Blizzard staff and limited-edition signed prints are undervalued, because there’s only a 36% markup between the Portal pass and the Benefit dinner, yet the Portal pass is 139% markup over the standard pass.

…so this means I may actually have a shot at getting a ticket this year. Sweet.

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Final BfA patch, next WoW xpack teaser.

If Diablo 4 or another D3 expansion is in the works, I fully expect them to rush and get something ready to show for that, even if it’s earlier than they normally would. I’m sure they’re aware they pissed off existing fans last year.

I don’t think Overwatch got it’s staff moved to Mobile, not sure what gave you that idea. I fully expect some nonsense about a hero and a map, probably another animated short. A recent update talked about custom game modes and heroes so maybe we’ll get some insight into the map editor they mentioned getting to eventually like 2 years ago.

Only HotS has been officially put on backburner mode, but even HotS isn’t dead, it’s still being developed for. I don’t expect it to get a main stage event though, so kind of a moot point for Blizzcon unless they have something big planned we don’t know about.

Same deal for Starcraft II, I expect nothing notable. Game’s been done for awhile, really. It’s fun for what it is, but there’s not much point in following it for updates.

Hearthstone? Yeah probably. I don’t follow it enough but they put out stuff pretty regularly.

Beyond that? Who knows. They clearly have plans for mobile releases so maybe they’ll put their foot in their collective mouths and announce another one of those at Blizzcon. Hopefully they’ve learned not to do that as a standalone thing though. If they refuse to announce that sort of thing at a non-in-house event, surely they’re aware it’ll just piss the Blizzcon crowd off if it seems like it took priority over something else.

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2019 had zero games released. This obviously effected the 2018 BlizzCon.

Diablo 4, for what its worth, was ready to be revealed. But for whatever stupid reason they cut the reveal out. Per “sources”. Stands to reason a D4 announcement is lined up for 2019 BlizzCon.

The expansion following BFA will be revealed.

Those two things alone will blow the last BlizzCon out of the water.

I believe they have also noted they are working on another game. If it will be ready for a BlizzCon 2019 reveal, I don’t know. I believe OverWatch didn’t have much to its initial reveal. Just the trailer?

So at the minimum, 1 new game that is being heavily looked forward to + 1 major expansion.

Let me guess, that app will need permissions to look at your contacts, GPS location, call history, locations of your children, combination to unlock and steal your soul…

All to improve their service of course. They just don’t tell you it’s their service to “trusted affiliate” data brokers.


Like half the apps on your phone, and the phone itself, don’t already do that? Sure they let you choose what you share, doesn’t mean that’s all they’re reading :slight_smile:

lol we do give them things. WE give them $15 a month for wow, $50 for expansions. We also buy there other products and services. Do you pay to watch commercials, movie trailers, game trailers, that advertise products to you?

Im sure being at Blizzcon could be a fun experience if your into that sort of thing and sure paying to be part of the festivities is fine. But paying to watch video footage is just silly.


When I pay for cable TV I do. When I go to the movies and pay my fee to watch the movie, I do pay for that fee to see those ads though I do not like watching them, I don’t have much of a choice unless I leave the room and wait till the movie starts to watch them, but why do I care?

Nope, they will sell out in minutes. Maybe fewer Virtual Tickets sold though. Last year was a waste and didn’t even have a battle pet…

Don’t know what to expect from them.